Prisma Facia A.B

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Request: gay0weirdo - (Before banabas) Y/n(21) is the daughter from Elizabeth and one day she doesn't feel well (she has fever, she's really weak yk yk) then the door bell rang and angelique stand there and asked for her mom and said her how pale she was , then y/n went up to her room again and elizabeth & angelique sat in the living room and Angelique told elizabeth how pale y/n is then they hear a weird sound from y/ns room and y/n lays on the ground passed out, Angelique puts her on the bed and takes care of her, and then they know she has fever and they're like: „oh my baby you need to rest" Then elizabeth, julia, davids dad, david & caroline need to go to a business trip and Angelique says she taked care of y/n while the others are gone and then they come together and cuddle cause gay.


It was one of those day, those kind of days where you don't want to get out of bed but eventually have to because you have chores to do.
I had already rolled back into bed with a blanket on top of me when I heard the door bell ring.
"Who in gods name wakes me up on a Saturday?" Nobody heard the doorbell ring so i put on my cardigan feeling a headache building up and walked down the stairs to open the door with my feet almost giving in.
'How did no one hear the door bell ring?' When I finally reached the door and twisted the doorknob a tall blonde women stood on the other side of the door.
"Hello, I'm here for Elizabeth do you think you could get her for me?"I nodded and let her inside.
"You *cough* can sit there, Eli- Mom will be right with you!" She takes a seat and I go upstairs to wake her only to see she was already awake and dressed.
"Mom a blonde women is waiting for you in the living room." Her head turns and she looks at me, getting up from the edge of the bed and walked down the stairs with me.
"My manners I forgot to introduce myself earlier I'm Angelique Bouchard." She says stretching out her hand for me to shake but i decline not feeling the best right now.
So i just head upstairs going back to resting only hearing faint talking from downstairs.
This headache is going to kill me.

Angelique's POV:

"I came here to talk business but I'm worried."
"Why are you worried everything is going fine." Elizabeth explains not getting my point obviously .
"Your daughter, have you not realized she looks paler than a vampire (pun intended)." I was brought back from my thoughts when I heard a weird loud noise from upstairs.
Liz shoots me a concerned look and we both go upstairs looking what caused the noise.
She opens the door to a room and lets out a shriek running into the room to which I immediately follow her into only to see the young women I saw before laying on the floor unconscious.
"Shit I have to get ready,me and the family have to go to this business trip thing I can't take her with me in such a state." Elizabeth mumbles to herself funny how she doesn't really care about her daughter lying unconscious on the fucking floor.
"Don't worry your head about it I can take care of her." I say picking up the young women laying her down onto her bed pulling the covers over her body. I know her from somewhere I just  don't know from where.
"She's really hot!" I say touching her forehead hissing at her temperature .
"ANGELIQUE this is my daughter you're talking about!"
"Elizabeth I was just saying she has a fever and keep your voice down otherwise you'll wake her." I give her a disapproving look and then turn my attention back to the young women.

"Angelique are you sure you can take care of her, I don't want to burden you?"
"She is not a burden and I'm glad to help, now go or you'll miss the ferry!" I fake smile just wanting her to stop bombarding me with questions.
She finally leaves and not even five minutes later everyone had left the big mansion.
I seat myself next to the young woman's bed waiting for her to wake up.
And a few minutes later a loud gasp is heard from the bed. She finally woke up.
"Hey." The women said with a raspy voice sitting up on the bed looking into my eyes, I immediately rush over to her.
"What happened and why are you here?" She asks completely confused.
"Well you are clearly sick and your parents had this business trip and because of that I am here now. Any other questions?"
She tries to sit up but I hold her back.
"oh my baby you need to rest, your sick If you need anything I am your women." I really enjoy this because she blushes a little at the nickname.
"Well I wouldn't have to use baby If you would tell me your name." I explain to her.
"Oh I forgot to mention it didn't I, I'm y/n."
"What a beautiful name so familiar I do prefer calling you baby it fits more to your current state." I maybe shouldn't have said that because now she's giving me the death glare and I just couldn't hold in my laughter she looks so cute when she's mad.
"You look so cute when you're mad you know that?" Now she blushes again but buries her head in her hands.

"Let me get you something for your fever I will be right back!" I say leaving her in her room to look for some fever medicine good thing I find it immediately and go back up to her room.
"I kind of lied before..." she says I don't even recall her talking more than two sentences so how could she heave lied in those two sentences but whatever it is she was clearly nervous about it because she was fiddling with her fingers.
"Ok its not really a lie I just knew who you were before,we met a year ago already..."
"Sorry I don't think I understand?" I look at her not understanding what she meant by 'we met a year ago' I never forget a face.
"I was 'twenty' an we were on a date, I'm quite disappointed that you don't remember... oh right you didn't call me again." Oh shit I remember.
"I don't really do relationships and you were a little young for me." She laughs at me saying she was too young for me but its the truth.
"Now I'm not or what are you saying?" She asks in a cocky voice.
"I'm only saying that now I'm ready for a relationship..." i admit to her probably not the smartest move.
"Well who would've thought that the second time we meet you'd be the one taking care of while I'm dying."
"Oh come on your not dying." She takes my hand and puts it on her forehead I immediately pull away hissing.
"Witches react to colds different..." 'WHAT?'
"Excuse me what?" She immediately shuts up by putting her hands over her mouth.
"So Liz isn't your birth mom?" She just laughs at my comment.
"You wanna know how old I am?" She asks me looking into my eyes not breaking eye contact I just nod.
y/n leans closer whispering '121' into my ear
"And don't act all shocked I knew you were a witch from the moment we had our date, how do i say soulmates always find their way to one another." She giggles.
"So you're a witch and you know I'm one too but what do you mean by us being soulmates?"
"It's way to long of a story to explain but I can tell you that our souls were made for each other and all that cheesy stuff."
"You know that gives me the chance to do what I wanted to do since last year!" I say leaning closer to her giving her a quick peck on the lips and then pulling away again.
"Why- uhm *cough* why did you kiss me?" She looks at me blushing from ear to ear.
"Because I wanted to see you blush but also because I want to kiss you!" I say settling myself on the bed.
"You could get sick now!" She looks at me with a worried expression I just wave it off.
"Don't even worry about it right now the only thing that matters is you getting healthy again, we can talk about us later. Now rest!" I say in a dominant voice.
"Uhm- can we cuddle?" She doesn't make eye contact.
"Of course my love." I say laying down next to her, her head laying on my chest.

A/N: To be honest I don't know what went through my mind while writing this.
It's really a step out of my comfort zone.
And it sucks but hey atleast I can entertain you all.

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