Pulling Strings C.T

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Disclaimer: PLEASE DO NOT DATE YOUR FUCKING TEACHERS. This is just a story, and they don't have a big age gap, but just don't. There are countless reasons why you shouldn't.

This will contain SMUT so If you aren't comfy with any of that. DO NOt read this. Love y'all.

First day of the second semester, and well the last semester has been really tough due to a lot of different things. My old teacher almost had me fail her class because she hated me with her whole heart, but she has left the school due to a lawsuit (which did not come from me).

I despise change with my whole heart, just like Ms. Rydell despised me I assume.

New person in my life = new personality

That's just how it works in life. Not everyone feels this way because they have not been in therapy since they were 5. That's what happens when your parents decide to divorce on another, and you have to grow up with basically four different families. Mrs. Constance always says that the best way to know your self-worth is by not giving a damn about what others say. But this is complete and utter bullshit, she might be a bright woman, but obviously she's never been a five-year-old with parents who only cared about their new partners.

No time for a deep grudge, at least my parents didn't leave me on the edge of a road.

Ms. Constance also read me a story on our latest appointment last week, thinking it would cure my different personality's bla, bla.

It was something about a good person, and that only cared for other people neglecting their own needs.

"If you want to help others, you're this tea pot, who fills the cups on this desk. The tea pot can only fill a certain amount of cups. If you do not take care of the tea pit, it will crack and eventually break, ergo it won't keep filling cups." "Go home, start a family, live, love and take care of yourself only then you can help others." The old man said to the good person, who had given away all of his stuff to people who might need it more than him.

(I had my last group therapy session yesterday and my therapist actually read that to me. #peoplepleaser.)

I braced myself for the worst. I mean the worst that could happen would be that Ms. Rydell had informed our new drama teacher of the events from last year. Or, maybe the new teacher was some disgusting old pedo man who wants to get into his 'female' students pants.

All my expectations would be blown away in a second because once I opened the door to the rehearsal hall I spotted an attractive young woman with short blonde hair watching the stage.

She turns around when the door made a sound, because the rehearsal hall is in the old building.

"Oh you're the first one, marvelous." She smiled and looked me up and down. Thank god, she doesn't know who I am.

She seems around the same age as Ms. Rydell. In her late twenties.

"Hello I'm Y/n, all my friends call me y/n/n." I hold out my hand for her to take and she gladly accepts my offer.

"Charlize, Charlize Theron. No nicknames sadly." She laughed.

"So Ms. Rydell had informed me that you were doing a play, which role were you playing?" Ok, I know I have said that Ms. Rydell despised me, but the thing is. For some reason she always gave me the lead for every play, or at least a person with a lot of lines. My theory is, that she always waited for me to fail.

"Well we were rehearsing 'Mamma Mia', I was playing Donna. And hopefully still am." I laugh a bit, because this whole conversation seems so absurd. I was so afraid of change and being a different person that I am myself for the first time. My stupid humor, and my stupid smile showing.

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