Vigilante shit. L.B

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Request: LXSSO3NAT : Y/N meets Lorraine at the mission in Berlin and Lorraine takes Y/N to her hotel room, she knows Y/N is the enemy but Y/N doesn't know that Lorraine is the enemy so they fight and fuck after it. (So basically porn with plot) also I got of script a little hope you don't mind.
TW: alcohol and smut (i never wrote smut so bear with me) and maybe a gun but yk I'm cool.

Your POV:My only job was it to kill her and now I'm here god- what the hell have I gotten myself into lets go back a few moments

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Your POV:
My only job was it to kill her and now I'm here god- what the hell have I gotten myself into lets go back a few moments.
"Ich bin Y/N." (I am Y/N just german. It's my first language so I'm super cool)
"I'm not in the mood for German tonight love." The blonde woman answered
"Such a shame I was really looking forward to showing off my German skills einen Vodka bitte do you want anything?" (It's basic German but its just one Vodka please hahah)
"You want me? That's a shame I'm not on the menu." The barkeeper brings me my vodka and I finish it immediately because I slay.
"How about you come back to mine and we get to know each other a little better." She starts whispering into my air which sends a shiver down my spine.
"What are we waiting on then?" She takes my writs and we go back to her apartment.
"Wow you really have a nice roo-"
"Sorry that your visit of yours has to be shut down." She walks closer now with a gun in her hand.
"You must be Lorraine then?"
"Die einzig wahre." Oh shit I know she's about to kill me but her German accent I'm way to gay for this, (the one and only 👍🏻)
"Awww such a good girl not even complaining that she's about to die through the hands of her enemy-"
"I knew what I would get myself into I mean you don't think I'm thats stupid do you." I laugh at her which she clearly doesn't like.
I walk closer to her and take the gun out of her hand and spin her around so she's facing the wall and I'm behind her pointing the gun at her head.
(We love badass Y/N)
"I'm surprised that you dare to point a gun to my head after I clearly turned you on darling." She turns around and locks eyes with me.
"Well maybe seeing you like this turned me on more."
"Ha you could've just said you wanted to fuck I would've said yes immediately."
"I wanted to but you were to busy trying to kill me." She nods then takes my wrist to lead me to her bedroom.

(Also this is your last warning before you witness the worst smut ever written also we all know Lorraine is horny all the time)

When we get there she immediately throws me on the bed and gets on top of me.
"I heard you were hot but that hot I couldn't have even imagined that." She whispers into my ear putting her leg between my thighs.
"Ahhh fuck Lorraine who knew fucking the enemy would feel so good." This women.
"Ride."i don't know what this women has on her that makes me want to follow all her orders but I do as she says.
She remains on top of me and begins kissing my neck which makes me moan louder.
She puts her free hand over my mouth.
"We don't want my neighbours to complain now do we?" I shake my head and try to remain as quiet as possible.
"Good girl now we just need to get rid of all these clothes they are really a thorn in my eye." And with a quick movement of her hands she has pulled my T-shirt up leaving me in my bra and pants.
"Now am I allowed to go further?" I nod.
"Use your Words!" She starts adding pressure to my fully dressed clit.
"Y-Yes you can."
She starts removing her knee from my core to which I let out a small whimper but I don't have time to be sad because she has already pulled down my pants leaving me in my underwear only.
"Now dear be a good girl and don't make to much noise." I nod.
<how did I get here and how am I this lucky?>
She had now fully undressed me
"How pretty such a shame you're the enemy."
She gave me a final glance before she starts rubbing my clit and kissing her way from my neck to my vagina.
She removes her fingers and replaces them with her tongues.
And If I say sh knew what she was doing she KNEW.
She always hit the right spots.
<That's why I sleep with women at least they find the clitoris.> i think it myself.
"Keep your eyes on me pretty girl!" Oh shit.
I look at her and in that moment she sends me over the edge.
"Oh god momm-" i cut myself off and cum all over face.
"What was that darling?"
"N-N nothing forget it."
"I do prefer daddy." I give her a 'are you fucking serious look' and she smirks.
"Now its my turn hope you aren't too tired." She laughs.
"Of course I'm Not tired what do you have in mind?"
"I love seeing you under me so I will keep that." She undresses and I know exactly what she wants and I'm gladly gonna give her everything.
She gets on top of me and sits down on my stomach.
"Such a shame to ruin such a pretty face." I couldn't even respond and she was already sat on my face.
<fuck this women will be the death of me.>
I copy Lorraines movements from earlier and I receive the most beautiful moans.
<fucking your enemy totally recommend>
It doesn't take her long to cum to my surprise.
She gets off of me and takes a good look at me.
"Nothing could ruin this beautiful face of yours you look even prettier now you should make this your everyday look." She smirks and I look at her with a death stare.
Little did we know this will not be the last time we would meet up.

A/N: i need some holy water I never wrote smut and it literally turned out so bad.
But I mean learning by doing right. Hahaha oh god that sounds so wrong
Anyways see you in hell Love lia. (That's me showing my black nail polish hahah but keep in mind this person wrote this story-)

 (That's me showing my black nail polish hahah but keep in mind this person wrote this story-)

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