You'll be back F.Z

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A/N: Florence never had her daughter and husband, but well you will see...


Florence's POV:

It's been years, but my magic still hadn't returned, I have already given up the hope that it will ever be as good as it used to be.

Life is not worth living without her by my side, she should be sitting on my bed laughing at my antics and fixing my hair, but I'm all alone. She is not here, and now Jonathan brought his nephew to this place, I like the child, but when I look at him, I see what could've been If she would still be here.

I can not show weakness, not at this point, it's impossible.

"Mrs. Zimmermann? Why can't you work your magic as well as you used to." Lewis approached me from behind startling me.

"Oh kid, well you have to imagine that magic comes from emotions deep from your heart, but If your heart gets broken your magic gets broken too. You might be healed on the outside, but never really on the inside. So that's why nothing working." We had sat down.

"Why is it broken?" Usually I hate noisy people, he's just like his uncle, but she would be mad If I didn't answer him.

"Well there once was someone who I deeply loved, we had planned out our future, we had picked out a house and had built new hope. One day-" I was trying not to cry-" One day my powers were gone and so were they. I knew they wouldn't have left me, so Jonathan helped me search, with no luck. And when they went missing they took my magic or at least a part of it with them." I say swiping away a tear that was threatening to roll down.

"Mrs. Zimmerman? Doesn't this mean you're married?" I nod.

"We never had the chance too, so I just said we married, and once you say it often enough you start believing it."

He looked at me as If he's thinking something serious, but then he takes me in his arm saying 'I promise I won't leave you' this kid really is something different. He has the same good heart as his uncle.

"Thanks kid, well now why have you really come?" He looks at his shoes clearly nervous, I take his chin between my index and thumb to make him look at me.

"Spill Kid!"

"I saw someone in the house next door, but they weren't alone they had someone there who seemed to not want to be there." Hope had risen from my chest as I thought that maybe it was my love he had seen.

"Kid? What did the person look like?" I ask.

"I don't know, but they were a woman." Possibly this woman was my woman, that was all I needed I called Jonathan and told him what Lewis had told me, and he thought the same as I did.

We immediately walked over to the house Lewis had pointed us to, and went inside the house.

"Well If it isn't the dear Florence with no powers and her little warlock friend." Someone said from the shadows.

"Show yourself, demon! Don't be a coward!" I demanded, and the person stepped into the light.

I felt my knees give in, and I couldn't move a centimeter.

"What have you done to her?" The demon was my love.

"Florence, you never saw the signs, have you? I decided to become like this the moment you started pushing me away. I felt weak due to your power and now look at me!" She let a small fireball appear on her hand. This wasn't my y/n anymore, this was just a cage for a much bigger demon, trying to wound me even more. I couldn't let this demon take away my wife. Somehow I felt energy rush through my veins, most likely adrenaline, but then I imagined what it would feel like to have her back, and in a second a thunder hit the demon.

"That was you Florence!" Jonathan exclaimed. I looked down onto my umbrella.

"Give me back my wife!" And another energy blast, you could see the demon was getting tired with every hit, but so was I.

"Florence please!" I heard her, my y/n.

"Stop this, please! You're killing me." She coughed, I put away my umbrella immediately and rushed over to her. Once I was sat over her, she looked into my eyes with an evil grin. And before I knew it, I was hit by an energy burst.

"Always been naive, haven't you? I tried warning you. I will let Jonathan live, he is not MY enemy and I wouldn't steal anyone's nemesis, that would just be evil. That's what I have Florence for." She said all giggly, jumping up and down, not bothered that she had been hit by hundreds and thousands of Volt just two seconds ago. I was laying on the ground wincing in pain, when she walked over she transported Jonathan out and closed the door. She leaned down and caressed my face, for one split second I could see her facade slip.

My y/n is still in there somewhere.

"You know? I loved you, but you made me feel weak and undeserving of your love, you always believed to be better than I." When I looked backed up on the memories we had together she might just be telling the truth. I wasn't the most noble when it came to bragging.

"I love you, I have always loved you. Please come back to me!" I begged wincing and whimpering, really not a flattering point of view If I'm honest. But when the love of your life is trying to kill you, you would also not know what to do.

"Darling, no matter what happens kill it!" Someone said, it was a voice that didn't come from the demon, it almost sounded like her.

I took my last ounce of strength and lifted my heavy body from the floor, and with one last electric blast my lover fell down to her knees, crying in pain until her eyes flew shut.

I immediately ran over to her, taking her body and lifting her onto my knees. The magic had worn off, Jonathan was back inside.

"Is it over?" he asked, I looked over to him tears streaming down my face. He ran to me, taking me into his arms.

All I need to hear is her voice one last time.

"Flo?" Jonathan looked at me and then down onto the woman in front of him. Her heart was beating and her fingers stretching.

"I promise I will never let you go again..." I took her body into a strong embrace.

"Well that's good, but who are you?" I looked at her, about to cry again, when I saw her smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm kidding my love." I leaned down and kissed her entire face, not leaving out a single spot, no single freckle.

Days went by, my anxiety left, and I knew she wouldn't leave me again. She hadn't before, she said there was something pulling her out of the bed transporting her into the woods, and from then on everything's a blur.

"All that matters is that after 10 years you're on my bed again, laughing at my jokes."

My magic came back, and I could feel the happiness come back into everyone's eyes.

What wouldn't let me go was what she said as the demon. Someone was after Jonathan. But obviously she didn't remember. 

We will have to wait and see.

A/N: I'm spoiling you all with two chapters.

Only because it's Pride month.

Also, the only reason I wrote a happy end was because of Kiki.

Analua you are a nerd.

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