Amaranth A.P

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Request: gay0weirdo   Y/n is another ymbryne ( a white dove) and runs away from a hollow on the island and falls into the sea and she is washed up to the beach and nearly dies, alma finds her and safes her, and then she finds out y/n is a ymbryne to and they go to almas loop cause ylns loop is destroyed and her children dead, a few months later they fall in love and have seggs in the attic (as always I changed it a little

Request: gay0weirdo   Y/n is another ymbryne ( a white dove) and runs away from a hollow on the island and falls into the sea and she is washed up to the beach and nearly dies, alma finds her and safes her, and then she finds out y/n is a ymbryne ...

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A/N:I'm so gay for this women I swear to god also there's two boys sitting behind me, oh yeah I'm in french class again who would've guessed. It's the last day before Christmas holidays a
Also I tried reading but I couldn't couldn't concentrate because my class is so weird and they won't shut up for three minutes and I Worte a whole ass story about a character seeing Nessie in the 1930's its 2 pages long it was supposed to like 10 sentences.
Also I got a F in chemistry you can see I'm such a straight A-student i had 7/24 points and I studied ALOT. It's unfair really I mean grades do not represent your intelligence in anyway but people still try to reduce you to it. Oh my french class is full of boys I'm the only 'girl' right now so thats amazing I must anyhow lets move on too Y/N and how lucky she is.
CW: little sex scene at the end, Barron (he needs a trigger warning himself), and I guess wounds.

It was a dark winter night just like everyday but something felt different I felt it in my gut nothing felt right.
In the middle of the night I woke up hearing heavy footsteps downstairs which were quickly followed by screams familiar way too familiar.
"Oh my god!" I quickly opened my eyes realising all of this wasn't just a bad dream we were in danger.
In this moment my brain was shutting down completely and all I wanted to do was check If the kids were ok so I put on my cardigan and went downstairs I didn't want to freeze to death.
Familiar eyes greeted me the ones of Barron.
"W-what are you d-doing here Barron?" I asked trying to distract him from my children he only spared me one look and then quickly moved away from me looking for the children it was as clear as day.
"Cecily KIDS hide in your rooms until i come and get you in the morning close the doors the windows barricade yourself!" I yelled upstairs with no signal from the children..
"I'm afraid they can't hear you anymore my dear." After he said those words my body began jerking backward so my body was on the stairs.
"Now be a good bird and come with me you might safe humanity." I give him a death glare which he obviously didn't appreciate so his hands turned into knife like hands (I'm super good at describing I know) wanting to harm me but I was quick to turn away he still managed to wound my arm a little but a little pain is better than a whole arm cut off so a win is a win.
I transformed quickly not wanting to get injured any further usually the progress of transforming didn't hurt at all it was rather pleasant but with a big wound bleeding it really was something else. I was weaker than ever and probably couldn't hold myself in the air for long but I needed to get away I can't risk that Barron hurts more ymbryne's like me so I took all the energy that was left to fly away leaving an angry Barron behind so I flew away not knowing where to go now. My loop was destroyed for ever there was no way in ever rebuilding it, my children are all gone and its my fault I should've listened to my gut feeling and should've went down earlier i could've saved them and we would still be here happy its all my fault.
I feel my energy fading and suddenly my wings started getting heavy until I couldn't move them anymore and I fell right from the sky into the ocean no idea where I was hoping I'd be with my children soon the only thing I did was transform back into my human self just so that If Barron finds me by accident he cannot take me with him in bird form I must say even in my last minutes I'm super smart.
Everything went black until I heard a raspy voice besides me.
"Oh god what is wrong are you ok?" A worried women is looking down at me and she has the most beautiful blue hair I must say.
"I-I" I couldn't finish my sentence she just held out her hand for me to take and I did.
"My name is Alma Peregrine." She did a little curtsey which I must add was super cute like she thought I was royalty or something.
"My n-n-name is Y/N no last name." I did in fact have a last name but It'd be dangerous to just say it to a stranger no matter how beautiful they are.
"Why are you on the beach ms. No last name" I roll my eyes seems I got my bitchy attitude back but the glance of happiness quickly faded when I remembered everything that had happened not so long ago.
"What's wrong did I say something to offend you?"
"NO no I just remembered something that happened not so long ago." She looks me up and down then her eyes widen.
"Y-y your arm its bleeding what happened?" I just wave her off.
"Ive been worse there was just an accident in my loo- home." I quickly corrected myself I still don't know If I can trust her completely.
"No no you wouldn't be here If you weren't peculiar so why are you here did your parents hurt you." I quickly shake my head.
"I do m not have any family I-I its all my fault everything." Survivors guild washes over my body me starting to ramble but for some reason Alma still got every word I had said.
"What happened, sit down and breath!" I hate being told what to do but I just obey her not wanting to cause a fuss with a women I didn't even knew.
"There was someone in my 'home' he killed all the children I was supposed to be watching then he tried to take me with him and I fle- ran away but then my legs gave in I don't know how I got here." It wasn't a lie I just changed the truth a little.
"I hate it when someone lies to me love now you better get the truth out." She says with a demanding voice making me flinch a little.
"Peregrine is such an odd name like the bird If I'm correct." I finally added 1 and 1 together but I needed to make sure.
"Yes like the bird what are you implying?"
"Your an ymbryne aren't you?"
She gives me a nervous look and moves away a little probably for her safety.
"Don't worry that pretty little head of yours about it I'm one too a white dove to be exact I just needed to make sure you are not a traitor like the others at sometime last night Barron invaded my loop he killed e-everyone one of my former kids must've ratted me out somewhere in the haze got a sense I've been betrayed by life." I never spoke more than a few words only on rare accession so Alma could call herself one lucky blue bird.
"A white dove. Barron. And you alive. Come with me I mean you already are in my loop but I have to clean this wound of yours immediately." She didn't wait for my response so she took my hand and pulled me up again I let out a quick 'hiss' to which she immediately looks at me with the most concerned face I've ever seen she really does care but been there done that .
"Like I said I've been worse and I won't die I'm stronger than I look." I give her a wink and she lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"When we are inside you must tell me everything!" She changed her facial expression to a more neutral glance I just went along with her to a big mansion which was way taller than the one I had lived in when I was just a young dove. But it couldn't compare to my own home still it was nice I'd say.
She quickly hurried me into the kitchen making me almost fall over but she probably just wants to get rid of me easily and fast I mean they are all the same they pretend to care and then leave you as fast as they can.
"Now we better get this cleaned- oh the cut is deep." She hisses a little when she sees the wound.
"He tried to cut off my arms I think I can handle a cut." Oh so my sarcastic ass us also back again what a pleasant surprise I must say.
"Don't get so confident my dear you could've died."
"He wouldn't." I say
"What?" She gives me a confused glare..
"He wouldn't kill an ymbryne he needs all of us for his plan to work out." I let out a shaky breath not believing I just said THAT out loud...
"You think he wants to redo his experiment just with more of us?" She shakes her head as If she was not believing her own words.
"What do you think Alma he wants to be immortal I would've preferred to die..." the last part I said under my breath but this women has excellent hearing what a surprise.
"Dying won't solve the problem and that you want to die is just the survivors guilt speaking you lost a lot of people but I need more information right now..." she says in a calm voice as If she's done this before. Her voice was too calm for my liking but I just nod-
"So I will let you live here-"
"You what?" I interrupted her which by second hand seems to be a mean gesture but it wasn't meant as one I just can't believe she wants me to stay around longer.
"Of course you can't go home because your homes been destroyed and you can't fly so thats the only possible thing to do.."
"Oh of course plausible Ms. Peregrine I do not intend to be a burden to anyone I just want to be happy..." for once I really meant it I did want to be happy I want to find my happily ever after I want to have the perfect wife and the perfect place to live in but all of this is just a desired reality.
"I'm sorry If I offended you Y/N I really am but I believe you will be happy here and you're not a burden you've seem to have taken quite good care of your children and loved them otherwise survivors guild wouldn't plague you, you're safe here." I didn't look at her so she just took my chin between her index and thumb to make me look at her which caused me to blush at the sudden action.
"I really mean it believe me." She whispered into my ear.
God women. I love women so so much.
Now I told Alma everything and we made a plan on how to kill Barron and his 'friends' and I met her children all very wise children everyone's peculiarities were so interesting.
So a few months had passed and I still lived with Alma.
Y/N Be a dear and help me with the boxes!" Alma looked at me and I immediately walked over to her taking the heavy box out of her hands, my arm was completely healed and only left a small scar but at least I could fly again which was progress.
"Where should I take them my lady" i ask doing a curtsey with the box still in my hand.
"The attic" she showed upstairs.
"We have an attic?" I never realised we had one.
"Of course we have we just don't use it often." Something was wrong but If I had learned something in my time here it was to never ask Alma if she was ok because you'll get the weirdest answers which were all lies.
So I just followed her upstairs and yes there was a small wooden door at the roof of it, she pulled on the knob and when she did the door opened making a ladder come down (I have an attic I just don't know how to describe it)
Alma went up first waiting for me to follow her and I did in almost roadrunner speed.
When I stood in the attic straightening my posture I wanted to put this box down more than anything.
"Alma where am I supposed to put this?" She didn't answer just looked at me a few seconds later the attic door closed, so she trapped me well I definitely get deja vu right now.
"A-Alma?" I let out a shaky breath.
"Put the box down!" Oh so she was demanding who would've thought not me of course but I did put the box down no the less, she quickly walked over to me and took my hands in hers.
Her hands were cold but not like a sharp cold just 'normal' cold.
"I needed an excuse to talk to you alone because what I'm about to say is so cheesy I don't need those little know it alls to here it."
"But you could've just said you needed to talk to me and not ruin my amazing posture in the making." I fake pout at her.
"You obviously remember the day you came here, you became part of the family also I remember you saying that you want too be happy and I want to make you happy,... I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you..." she didn't look at me her shoes were more intriguing.
"Y-you love me?"
"So you don't feel the same thats fine if you want to leave now its fine I wouldn't want to make you unco-" she was so interested in her shoes that she hadn't realised I had walked closer and stood right before her.
I cupped her cheeks and pulled her down a little so we were at the same height and kissed her. (Wow 'me' doing the first move thats new)
"You uhm didn't have to do it out of pity.." she said and i give her a disappointed look.
"You wound me Alma that you haven't realised I love you as much as you love me." Now it was her time to kiss me.
The kiss quickly began to get heated and with the blink of an eye we were on the floor naked I must add.
"You sure you want to do it in the attic?" I ask
"Never been more sure about anything I just need you." After she'd finished this sentence she swiftly moved away from my face now kissing my neck leaving her marks everywhere.
I must say again I love women.
"May I?" I nod which clearly wasn't enough for her.
"Words darling!"
"Yes I need you to fuck me right this second!" Oh shit that sounded so pathetic but she just giggled a little.
A few intense kisses down my belly her face was before my core.
"If it ever gets to much let me know." Her voice made my legs shake a little.
"Yes now please end my misery!" You didn't have to tell her twice and a few moments later my back was arched and I was a moaning mess.
"Alma I'm gonna-" off course I'd come fast have you seen this women I could just cum by seeing her face.
"Cum for me darling!" And I did I came hard my legs shaking and my whole body trembling.
"You did amazing my love!" She kissed my cheek and then moved away to get her clothes.
"B-b-but what about you?" I ask confused.
"I can wait till tonight you will come over right?" I didn't know what to answer for a quick second.
"Yes of course I will at this point I should probably live with you." I joke but she looked at me serious.
"You know what my bed does get lonely I might need some company of a gorgeous women." She trailed her fingers up and down my body.
"wait you really want me to live with YOU I mean I basically do anyway but what will the kids think?" Oh my overthinking will get the best out of me one day.
"Last time I checked none of the kids will live with me you will, only If your up to it of course I wouldn't force you to do anything."
"Alma don't worry that pretty little head of yours." She looks at me annoyed but she remembers our first encounter and smiles a little bit to herself.
"Awww I made the scary Ms. Peregrine smile." I giggle.
"You should put on your clothes my dear the children will look for me soon, and we will discuss this later." I have to correct myself I don't love women I love Alma LeFay Peregrine.
I quickly dressed and we went downstairs again.
"Y/N your hair is a little out off place did you do a workout without me?" Enoch says giving me a disappointing look.
"You could say she did a little workout but she needed to clear her head."Alma answered for me and I almost laughed at her comment.
The kids will find out sooner or later I mean now that we will share her room they might find out SOON.

A/N: well I wrote the first half in school but when the sex starts I was already at home.
To be honest I don't know what this is only thing I know is that I have Christmas holidays now.
Oh and I might add the end because I didn't in the chapter you are always wearing Almas clothes so this is another story but you can imagine the gay panic Alma has I mean we are hot.
Y/n only are with a nightgown and a cardigan and the nightgown was kinda destroyed.
Well I hope you enjoyed it  I got a F in chemistry and a D in Geography slay besties.
Love Lia<3

(I'll add pictures later it doesn't work rn) if this story ever uploads I hope you had an amazing day

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(I'll add pictures later it doesn't work rn) if this story ever uploads I hope you had an amazing day.

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