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Maddy zoned out for pretty much the rest of the speech from the professors. She could still feel a pair of eyes on her at all times, but she didn't want to look up and see who it was, so the girl just stayed looking at her feet.

"I don't think we need to get into that with our new friends, do we?" Maddy heard a new voice and looked over to see an old man explaining everything. 
"It's such a happy first day, let's not be downers, hmm?" The old man started speaking again and Maddy found the entire ordeal quite boring. 

That was until she heard a new voice yell across the room.
"But what if we've been dropped in the wrong school?" Sophie yelled and stood up from where she was sitting to question the old man. Agatha then stood up and spoke as well. 

"Or there's been a mistake, and we need to go home immediately!" She stated and looked down, noticing that Maddy was still seated. She pulled her up to stand next to her and the old man spoke.

"There are not mistake in the School for Good and Evil, but you." He pointed towards Maddy and everyone looked at her.
"You're the third reader, so what are your thoughts on this situation?" He asked and she was speechless. 

It took the poor girl a minute to regain herself and take a deep breathe.
"My opinion is that I have no idea yet, but you two can sort out your own things." She motioned towards Agatha and Sophie and then sat back down as soon as possible to get everyone's eyes off of her. 

"Well then. Have a nice semester!" He smiled and then turned to walk away before anybody could say another word. 
"Let me guess, he's the school master?" Maddy asked Kiko who nodded her head and looked back down at her rose in adoration.

With that the gathering was over and everyone was free to do whatever they may please until they were to go to bed. Maddy needed to escape the crowded room and so she quickly left the room and managed to find a door that lead outside. 

The girl walked outside and found a tree right next to a lake, which she decided to take her shoes off and sit at. Great, now the two people she was somewhat friends with wanted nothing to do with her because she wants to stay.

Maddy just stared out at the lake in silence while thinking about what just happened when she heard a set of footsteps approach her. She didn't even bother to look at who it was as she wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody at that moment.

"Can I, uhh, can I sit there?" The voice said from behind her, which caused the girl to look over her shoulder at the person. Maddy just shrugged, and the person took this as a yes and sat down next to her.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked and the person kind of just shrugged their shoulders.
"The same thing as you? Needed to take a breather, and I figured that you would be out here to try and talk about, that." 

He mentioned what happened earlier and the both stayed quiet. Maddy looked back out to the lake and tried not to look at the boy who was now sitting next to her. 
"So you had the same thing happen to you then?" she asked the boy and looked over to see his reaction.

Tedros nodded his head at her comment.
"I'm Tedros by the way, we haven't officially met before." He smiled towards the girl who smiled softly back.

"I'm Maddy." She introduced herself to him and the two just sat at the lake in silence for a while.
"Do you know why it happened? Why we were in each others dreams?" He asked after a few minutes of no talking between them.

"It's got to be something important. I mean, I never have dreams and that one felt so real. It felt like you were actually with me, and I saw everything so clearly around me." Maddy confessed what had happened.

Nobody had ever seen anything like this before, even in 'fairytale land' as she liked to call it.
"I didn't really see anything else. Just you standing in front of me in a huge room with a smile on both our faces." 

She just kept talking about her dream as if it were something that had actually happened to the two. They didn't really know what to do or talk about at that moment in time as the only thing they had in common was this weird dream that didn't seem like a dream.

"Well if that was all you wanted to talk about then you can leave and be with Beatrix." She looked back away from him and towards the lake.
"Actually I kind of wanted to talk about you and your friends?" Tedros questioned the girl. Mainly to see if they could talk but also if they were friends or not.

"They aren't really my friends. Yes they are friends, but they have each other. I'm just kind of there. But ask away I guess." She really wanted to make a friend that didn't despise her every now and then.

"Why do they not want to be here? I mean, this place is like paradise." Tedros looked towards the water so he didn't seem creepy for staring at her. 
"That's only Agatha. She needs to get home and be with her mother, I mean she's a 'witch' in our town so they can't really go anywhere without nearly being killed." Maddy explained about Agatha's story.

"Then Sophie, well she's been a princess pretty much all her life. She's always thought that she should be somewhere away from Gavaldon and so, us wishing to come here was a literal dream come true, except for when we were dropped at the good school and she wasn't." 

Maddy thought back on the events that he happened recently. Where did she fit into any of this? 
"And what about you? I know you said you didn't know but I don't think that's the full truth." It was like he could read her as if she was an open book. Everything she said in there was fake and he knew all of it.

"Well, I have never really had people to talk to. I mean, my family practically hates me because of this." Maddy held a strand of her hair and pointed it out for him to know what she was talking about.

"And, I don't have friends. Yeah, I've done some stuff to help out in Gavaldon, but nobody actually likes me, they all pretend. That's why I wished to come here." Maddy hadn't meant to tell Tedros everything, but it all sort of just came out. She really had no filter around him, and it was the first day and even the first time their talking to each other.

"So you want to be here? But you don't seem like the 'princess' type. I mean, I can just tell by how stubborn and strong your personality is." He questioned, not really knowing how to respond or react.

"When I got here, Professor Dovey told me that I would be following the prince schedule because in her words 'I lack the personality of a princess', so yes I want to be here but not for the same reason as everyone else." 

"I mean I don't even know how to use a sword for the life of me." The girl laughed at her own comment which made Tedors chuckle.
"Well, as long as you know how to use a bow, you'll survive for now. And I can teach you the rest if you would like." He offered and the two stood up as if they both knew it was time to leave.

"I'd like to think I'm pretty good with a bow, I'm way better with daggers, but I'll definitely have to take you up on that offer. I could use the practise so I don't make an absolute fool of myself in my first class." They both smiled and turned to begin walking back to the building.

"Hey, thank you, for talking to me about the whole situation. Now I know not to be so freaked out if it happens again, because I'm not the only one going through it." Tedros opened the door to the building and let Maddy inside before catching up to her.

"Well, I better find my dorm and get there before the curfew is put in place or something. I'll have to see you tomorrow for those lessons." Maddy said goodbye to the boy and walked in the opposite direction to him with a smile on her face.

At least she made a friend, and someone who she can talk to whenever.

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