3 𝓯𝓪𝓲𝓵𝓼

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"So Sophie gave you a letter that she is making you give Tedros?" Maddy asked Agatha as the latter leant against a tree waiting for their next class which they thankfully had together. Although Maddy wasn't so grateful for it. 

"Pretty much." Agatha stated simply and stared off into the distance to see Tedros and Chaddick walking towards the class. Maddy was meant to walk with them but Agatha said it was urgent so she left without the boys. 

Then out of nowhere, a face formed in the tree, and it looked angry.
"Get off me!" He yelled to Agatha which made her scream and run to Maddy for protection. A part of the tree broke off and transformed into a human. Well, a strange looking human at least.

"Who are you?" Agatha asked with a terrified look on her face and the person turned to face the two girls. One standing in fear and the other prepared to attack.
"I am the Gnome of the Blue Forest." Ohhh, he was a gnome. It still made no sense to Maddy.

"I thought that gnomes were supposed to be short." Agatha questioned and he just had a deadpanned look on his face.
"And I thought princesses were supposed to be likeable." He joked back and it took all of Maddy's strength not to laugh at his joke. 

"Welcome students! I need you all to sign in so I know who survived and who hasn't." The gnome yelled as he walked away leaving the girls to their thoughts. 
"Hey Maddy. How come you ditched us?" Tedros asked once the two boys had reached the girls.

"I got told it was something urgent, which I am now finding out, wasn't so urgent." She complained and looked at Agatha who just apologetically smiled to her.
"Oh uh, boys this is Agatha, Agatha this is Tedros and Chaddick. They are pretty much my only other friends."

"Yeah we've had an encounter, don't worry." Tedros smiled to his friend who just nodded her head.
"How's the mind reading coming along?" He asked and for a second Agatha had no idea what the boy was talking about. 

"Oh! Yeah sorry about that, I was just super overwhelmed when I got here." Agatha replied which made sense to everyone.
"Yeah this place is overwhelming." Chaddick butted in but nobody really minded.

"Never met any princesses with your attitudes before." Tedros smiled towards the two girls.
"Well that's because I'm not a princess Tedros. Or maybe you forgot that I beat you fair and square yesterday?" Maddy smirked to the boy who was trying to forget it ever happened.

"Yeah and it won't be happening again. I can guarantee that." He joked back which made her chuckle slightly. 
"I bet they all smile and bat their eyes at you." Agatha responded to his statement earlier and he turned back to look at her.

"Yeah they do which is quite boring. So thank you for not being boring," He aimed at Agatha.
"And thank you for humbling me." He then turned to Maddy who just laughed at his response.
"Yeah he really needed it." Chaddick chimed back in which made them all laugh again. It was good that they were getting along now. 

After the group calmed down Agatha remembered why they were there in the first place.
"Oh um, this is for you." She handed the letter to Tedros who took it with caution. Maddy completely forgot about the letter and when she saw it, her face fell blank. 

Sophie was set on having Tedros and the white haired girl just could not deal with it. She nearly started walking away and towards the rest of the class but Chaddick grabbed her and kept her by his side.

"If I'm dealing with this crap, so are you." He whispered in her ear which made her giggle and look at the interaction again. 
"It's not from me, or Maddy. It's from our friend Sophie." Agatha explained and looked to Maddy.

"Oh she's not really my friend. Your friend." She put emphasis on 'your'. Tedros knew exactly what she was talking about but decided to play along anyway. 
"The witch with the gorgeous hair right?" He asked and Agatha looked stunned.

"No, she's not a witch. She was just dropped in the wrong school." She tried to explain and now Maddy really didn't want to hear any of it. Sophie wasn't dropped in the wrong school neither was Maddy. Agatha wasn't meant to be there at all but she just hung on and managed to get there. 

"No that unfortunately does not happen. She's definitely playing you." Chaddick blurted out. He really couldn't keep his mouth shut when he was around Agatha could he?
"Yeah well in this case it did. She is definitely a princess." Agatha seemed upset saying it but she knew she had to, so that she could get out of there. 

"Alright come on everybody! Gather round!" The gnome said which made the group of four walk over to everyone else. Maddy zoned out again for the explanation but zoned back inwhen she noticed someone nudging her.

Tedros looked at her in worry and she just smiled and began walking. If Sophie was going to end up with the boy then Maddy didn't even want to try and be friends with him. The blonde haired girl would never allow it. 

After a while the group dwindled down to two people. Maddy and Chaddick. Tedros got dragged off by Beatrix and Agatha fell behind with Gregor.
"So how was horse riding this morning?" Chaddick asked and Maddy gave him a questioning look.

"I did pretty well. Didn't fall off once. Although someone kept trying to irritate me." She smirked and looked back over to Tedros who was already looking at her. If he wanted to be with his friends then why not just walk over to them and leave the rude girl alone. 

Soon enough the group was standing in the middle of a flower bed. They looked pretty but Maddy nearly got to close to one and it tried to bite her hand off her. She was able to grab her dagger and cut the head of the flower off before it could do any damage to her. 

"Jeez this place is scary." She held the head of the flower in her hand and just stared at it in awe. It's rows of razor sharpe teeth were amazing yet scary. However in doing this, Gregor nearly fainted and ran out of the place screaming with Agatha running after him. 

Maddy felt really bad for making him fail for a second time but he must not be great with this kind of stuff.
"Nice reflexes." She heard a voice from beside her and saw Tedros next to her again.
"What happened to Beatrix?" Maddy asked, not looking away from the deadly flower as to no seem to interested in the conversation. 

"She has this thing where she keeps talking and I got kind of sick of it." He smirked which made Maddy laugh. The rest of the class went on as normal except Agatha looked super upset and nobody had seen Gregor since he run off at the beginning. Maddy had a horrible gut feeling about this.

Super sorry for the short chapter. I just know that I needed to post something but I've been having some writer block and stress about school. I'll probably edit this chapter later on but for now i hope you enjoy what you've got so far! 

𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now