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"Okay what is going on with you? It feels like you forgot how to use your sword." Tedros joked to the girl and snapped her out of her thoughts. She took a breathe and tried to explain it but it was just to difficult.

"I can't really explain it but I just have such a bad feeling about what happened in our lesson earlier." She looked to the two boys who just seemed like they wanted to give up with training with her.

"I mean what happened to that poor boy Gregor? I scared him and made him fail by cutting that bloody flower up." She blamed herself for what happened.
"I think that was his third fail as well." Chaddick added to the conversation.

"You mean that I was the reason that something horrible happened to him? Oh god." She felt so much worse now. 
"Hey, just because he's Prince Charmings son, doesn't mean that he was suitable for this type of life." Chaddick was trying to make the poor girl feel better and it wasn't going to plan.

"Prince Charming is his father?! Oh my god I killed Prince Charmings son." Maddy started hyperventilating and thinking.
"Hey, hey hey, he's not dead. He's just not gonna be a main character in his story." 

Tedros attempted to comfort the girl but it wasn't quite working. Maddy looked away from the two boys and saw Agatha by the lake with her class. Except the girl was nearly being pulled into the water.

"Oh my god! Agatha!" Maddy screamed and ran over to her. The fish that seemed to be in the water were clinging to the girls arm as she tried to pull away from the water.
"I-i can't let go." Agatha yelled and pulled away from the water. 

As she pulled away, the fish that clung to her arm slowly turned into an arm itself. Agatha kept pulling and as she did, more of the fish were coming out of the water and transforming into what looked to be a person. 

As soon as the girl was fully out of the water, Agatha sat down with the poor girl in her arms.
"Its been a hundred years since I failed. A hundred years of granting wishes, and your the first to wish me free." 

The young girl thanked Agatha and just vanished into thin air. Maddy ran over to Agatha and instantly comforted the girl.
"How did you do that?" Maddy asked her friend as she comforted her.
"I don't kn-" Agatha was cut off by one of the wooden birds that looked the same as the one that had dropped them there, flying through the trees and landing in the water in front of them.

Everyone screamed and Maddy's reflexes kicked in, making her jump in front of Agatha and get her sword ready in front of her face. Agatha was still on the ground and the bird was walking towards the two.

It wasn't scary like all of the other people were thinking, the bird seemed gentle and it really didn't seem like it was going to hurt anyone. Everyone was screaming and telling the girls to get away or to run but there was something about it that made the two stay. 

The bird looked at Agatha and tilted its head. 
"Gregor?" Agatha asked and her eyes went wide. The two girls looked at each other and back at the bird.
"I don't know if I can help you or not. But I am going to try." She held out her hand as she stood up and faced the bird.

Maddy heard a different noise and saw Tedros screaming and running towards them. Obviously trying to get his friends out of danger.
"Don't worry girls! I got you!" He yelled and ran at the giant bird.
"No Tedros, stop!" Maddy yelled to the boy as he was about to throw his sword. With that, Tedros stopped mid run but it was to late.

Excalibur had already left his hand and went straight into the middle of Gregor. Instead of everyone staring at the bird falling to the ground, they were staring at the prince, who was frozen in position.

Agatha was mourning the loss of her friend and Maddy went to grab the magical sword from out of the bird seeing as Tedros was still not moving for some reason. Agatha stood up and looked over at her former friend. 

She then looked over at the boy who was stuck in position. She was angry and walked up to him but he didn't move.
"Uhh, what happened to him?" She asked her friend who was not walking away from the bird and towards her.

"I-i uh, I don't know." She waved her hand in front of his face but still nothing.
"You told him to stop, maybe if you say something else he'll come back." Agatha suggested. It wouldn't hurt to try?

"Uhhh, Tedros, continue?" She questioned and, just like that, the boy came back to life and continued to run. Until he noticed that the bird was now a skeleton on the ground and everyone was staring at him.

"Uhh, what just happened?" He walked over to the girl who held his sword and she handed it back to him. 
"You killed the giant bird that was actually Gregor." Maddy answered and by now, Chaddick had walked over to see what was going on with his friends.

"Well are you okay?" The boy walked over to Agatha and instead of responding, she punched him square in the face.
"What did you just do?! That was my friend!" She was angry again and Maddy really didn't want to deal with it. 

"It was about to kill both of you, I just saved your lives!" Tedros yelled back to the girl who just punched him. 
"You pompous ass, you killed him!" Agatha pushed him again and the girls from her class all dragged her away from him.

"He was rescuing you!" Milicent held her back and yelled. Maddy and Chaddick were just stood to the side.
"Well you may not have killed Gregor earlier, but someone definitely just did." The blonde boy joked and Maddy just stared at him.

"You did not just say that. To soon Chad! Like, way to soon." Maddy slightly chuckled and walked back to Agatha to help her.
"Everyone dismissed! Go back to your dorms, classes are canceled for the rest of the day! You two!" 

Dovey yelled and pointed to the two readers who stared at her in awe.
"Come and get us when your done with this." Chaddick mentioned to the white-haired girl and walked away with Tedros to go help him with the bruise that was beginning to form on his face. 

"Poor Gregor." Maddy knelt down next to Agatha and just put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I'm so sorry." Agatha whispered and leant into her friends touch.

"Girls." Dovey tried to stop them but so much had just happened and they were both so emotional.
"Stop! This is what you call good?" Maddy pointed the bones laying on the grounds as she stood up and looked at the professor to defend her friend. 

"Destroying someone kind because they can't live up to your impossible expectations? What exactly is good about that?" Agatha cried out to the professor.
"Everyone has a role they must play and in time you will understand that." The professor was trying to explain but the poor girl really didn't want to hear it.

"No I won't! I told you, I don't belong here!" Agatha yelled and that made Dovey break.
"What is wrong with you?! Once upon a time, good was real and true, now we are in the age of self-centered perfectionism, but you used your wish to save that poor girl." Dovey screamed to Agatha and then looked to the girl next to her.

"And you did not hesitate to protect what you thought to be good, by stopping Tedros." She then held one of each of the girls shoulders and talked to them.
"Do you remember when I told you magic follows emotion? The most powerful emotion is empathy!" 

The girls looked at each other and then back towards the professor.
"The passion you have shown tells me that, you two are exactly where you belong. Agatha you are first real princess this school has seen in a long time. And Maddy, you are a true soldier. One of the best we have seen ever." 

After saying that Dovey walked off and left the two girls standing there, thinking about what just happened. 

𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now