𝓢𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝓼

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After a few more hours of training, professor Sterling finally let the group go for lunch, but first they had to shower and change, even though they were going to be doing the same stuff after lunch anyway.

Maddy separated from the group of guys when one of them noticed she wasn't with them anymore. It was Tristan.
"Oi Maddy! Where are you going?" He asked her and she turned to look at the group of boys staring at her.

"Oh! I've got my own room and stuff so that nobody was uncomfortable! Perks of being a girl a guess. I'll meet up with you guys at lunch." She smiled and Tristan nodded, so the group began walking again.

A smile spread across the girls face after the small conversation. The group had done as their teacher had said to and didn't treat her any differently. They had introduced themselves and she got along with everyone easily.

Instead of going the long way to her room, Maddy just went the way that Tedros showed her as it was much more efficient and she didn't have to deal with anybody in the halls. She climbed up the ladder and made it to her rooms balcony. 

She opened the door and walked into the large room where she then got prepared for a quick shower, grabbed her new clothes to take with her, and walked into the bathroom, with the door locked behind her. 5 minutes later she walked out in the fresh clothes and put the old ones in the basket in the bathroom.

She wrapped her sheath around her waist, and her daggers casing around her arm because it was a 'precaution', she was told. With that, Maddy walked out of her room and managed to find her way to the cafeteria room as fast as possible.

What she didn't know was that the Evers and Nevers had their lunch together in the same hall. The girl walked into the hall and noticed Agatha sitting by herself and as much as she wanted to be with her, Maddy liked who she could hang out with.

So, she turned the opposite way and walked over to where Tedros and Beatrix were.
"Ah, there you are Maddy. Have a seat." The boy said to her and signalled to the empty seat in front of him. She didn't disagree and sat down.

"I noticed you weren't in beauty 101. Where were you?" Beatrix smiled to the girl across from her and Maddy was about to speak up but Tedros did it for her. He seemed to be doing that a lot today.

"Maddy here is actually a knight and not a princess, so she's doing all of our training lessons instead." Beatrix looked over at Tedros who was smiling as he was explaining.
"Oh that's interesting! Why would you want to do that though?" The girl then looked away from Tedros and back to Maddy.

"Oh I didn't really get a choice in the matter, but I never really have been into all those fancy dresses and stuff."  The white haired girl explained herself as she grabbed a bread roll off the fancy platter to snack on during the conversation.

"She's actually quite good wit-" Tedros began explaining again however was cut off by Sophie picking up the girl and dragging her to a table that sat Agatha. She was pushed to sit down on the chair and Sophie sat next to her.

Sophie took her wooden crown off and slammed it on the table and just stared at her friend. 
"Did you get attacked?" Agatha looked worriedly at Sophie who had red marks all over her face.
"Yes. By Tadpoles. In Ugly Class!" The girl moved so that her rash was more visible to the two other kids.

"Well if it makes you feel better, I failed beauty class." Agatha tried to comfort her friend and Maddy felt like she was just kind of there because she was other person that they knew and not because they were friends. Heck they hadn't even talked to her since the meeting with everyone yesterday. 

"What part did you fail?" The blonde girl looked like she was about to burst. How could you possibly fail a beauty class when your naturally gorgeous? 
"Smiling." Agatha had a deadpan look in her eyes with everything she said.

"Smiling? Y'know, let's move on from that awful conversation. Maddy, how was your first class?" The blonde girl took a deep breathe and looked over to the girl next to her with a forced smile, clearly annoyed after the previous conversation. 

"Uh yeah, it was great. I think I did pretty good, well that's what everyone else said at least. I'm really good with a sword and fighting." Maddy explained everything that went on this morning but was honestly zoned out of the entire thing.

"Of course you're doing the battle classes! Why wouldn't you be-" Sophie complained but couldn't finish as Agatha had cut off what she was going to finish saying.
"Forget this! I found you a prince to kiss." She finished the topic and started a new one.

This made the white haired girl question what was going on. 
"I already found my true love." Sophie smiled and looked across the room to a certain someone. When Maddy looked over at the same person, she inhaled sharply as she made eye contact with Tedros.

"Tedros." Sophie leant on her hand and just stared at him. 
"We had a connection from the moment we saw each other. Plus, we just make sense, aesthetically." Sophie added on to what she was saying previously.

Maddy didn't know how to feel at that moment in time. She wasn't sure why, but when Sophie said his name, it made her heart sting a little. 
"Yeah well, unfortunately, Beatrix already has him." Agatha stated slowly while looking back and forth between her friends and the boy.

"You think she's prettier than me?" Sophie argued to her friend and the black haired girl was getting frustrated.
"I'm just saying we need someone who's available now." Agatha smiled and Maddy was so lost in what was going on.

"Can either of you please tell me what on earth you are talking about?" The white haired girl asked and the two others looked at her, almost completely forgetting that they hadn't told her anything from the previous night.

"I went to find Sophie last night and then we ended up going to the School Masters tower so that we can find a way to go home, and he told us that the only way that was possible, was for Sophie to prove she's truly good, and by doing that she needs to have true loves kiss." 

Agatha summarized everything for the girl that wasn't there and she was shocked at how much had already happened. 
"And you think your true love is Tedros?" Maddy looked over to Sophie who smiled and nodded her head while looking at the boy. 

"And this is for going back? B-but I don't want to go back. I like it here." She had an upset look over her face and she looked as if tears were forming in her eyes.
"Maddy we can't stay here! Our families need us, which means we need to find you a boy to kiss, now." Agatha was getting angry at this point.

Maddy didn't really want to be near her at the moment and she just wanted some time to think so, she stood up without saying a word and walked out of the building. Without even realising it, the girl had walked towards the same tree as yesterday and fell against it. 

Were Agatha and Sophie really going to make her go back to Gavaldon? Maddy had finally found somewhere that she fit in and belonged and they just wanted to take that away from her. She had friends and was doing the things she wanted to do, and all of that would be for nothing?

Yes Agatha's mother needed her, she could barely go into town by herself, and Sophie's family needed the money that she would bring in to look after the kids, but Maddy's family was different. They didn't want be around her let alone want her to be in the family.

She knew that they didn't miss her, so what would be the point of going back? They had everything that they needed without her, and by being here, Maddy wouldn't be in the way like she previously was. 

She knew that people here would miss her if she left though. Well she hoped at least. After sitting and thinking for a while, the bell went and that meant it was time for her to go back to her training as if nothing was going through her brain at that moment. She stood up, dusted herself off and walked towards the training grounds to meet up with everyone else. 

𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now