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After the events that went on after lunch, Tedros and Sophie had not spent a single second apart. And Sophie wasn't allowing anyone else near her prince while she had him, including his two best friends.

Maddy and Chaddick had been barred from being near him for the rest of the day which resulted in something neither of them liked. Standing in a group with Beatrix. Sure, Maddy wanted to be friends with her at the start, but she was just getting more irritating and the girl was getting sick of it. 

During dinner, the two schools may have been split, but they agreed on one thing. Whatever was going on between the prince and the witch, was completely wrong. 
"They've been together all day. It's so tragic." Reena confessed and Maddy saw how Beatrix reacted.

She looked as if she was about to cry but couldn't, because Tedros wasn't ger prince to cry over. Tedros may have thought that he was being quiet when talking to Sophie, but in reality, the entire hall could hear what he was saying. 

Beatrix and her group stormed right up to the table from one side of the hall while Hester and her coven of witches stormed over from the opposite side. Maddy and Chaddick kind of stayed to the back of the group so they didn't become the center of the argument. 

Especially because hearing Tedros say that he promised to take Sophie to the Ever's Ball, crushed her heart. Yes, Maddy was a knight in this situation but, would she still fail if she wasn't asked to the ball? 

Especially since Chaddick was obviously planning on taking Agatha as of this morning. 
"What? No." Beatrix scowled to Tedros.
"You are not taking that underdressed she-wolf instead of me." As if she had a chance in the first place. 

If it wasn't for Sophie actually trying, Tedros most likely would have asked the white-haired girl to go with him. If what Chaddick had told her was true of course. 
"One of you, do something." Beatrix yelled to her posse, but mainly the two people standing at the back of the group. 

Nobody did anything and so, Beatrix took things into her own hands. She marched right up to Sophie, but Hester had been waiting for the right moment to but in. Now was that moment. She walked right up to Beatrix and shoved her away, getting her away from Sophie. 

After Beatrix retaliated, everyone was fighting. Hort was even trying to fight Tedros because he wanted Sophie all to himself. But three stayed back and stayed out of the fight. Maddy had moved out of the way and closer to Sophie in case someone was going to attack her, and Agatha had shown up out of nowhere and stood right next to the other two.

The three readers stood as Evers and Nevers pushed and shoved each other while the wolves that were standing guard did nothing but laugh. Agatha had tried to intervein but by the time she had reached the group, the two headmistresses were in the hall.

"Stop it at once!" Dovey screamed, causing everybody to stop what they were doing and look directly at her.
"You four, my office. Now!" Dovey pointed to Sophier, Tedros, Agatha and Maddy, who had nothing to do with what was going on. Well, almost nothing.

They walked into the office and saw the rest of the faculty sitting there, arguing. 
"Please! Dating between Evers and Nevers is strictly against the rules!" Dovey pointed out to everyone, trying to get this nonsense to stop. 

"Thank you! Evil and Good do not belong together." Lesso argued back, agreeing with the previous statement. Maddy felt like she didn't need to be there, and neither did Agatha, but because they were readers, they were brought into the argument like always.

"It's rep- repulsive." Lesso got shivers as she said it. Usually she loved to say that word but not in this situation.
"Sir, if I may." Tedros butted in and Maddy and Agatha looked at each other with concern.

Sophie was just in her own little world, only caring if her and Tedros could be together. 
"I am responsible for choosing Camelot's next queen. I do not take that decision lightly. I chose Sophie because she is good. She's just in the wrong school." 

The prince argued and Maddy had to try so hard not to fall to her knees. Hearing her friend saying these things about the girl that used to be so rude towards her, really hurt the girl. But, she put on a strong face and just stood as straight as possible, with no emotions in her eyes. 

"If he believes it, why can't you?" Sophie clung to Tedros arm and Maddy felt like she wanted to cry and yell and scream that Sophie was evil and that this whole thing was fake, but she knew how badly Agatha wanted to go home. She knew how much this meant to her, so, Maddy refrained from doing any of it. 

"Besides, nothing can keep true love apart, remember?" Agatha butted in, trying to prove that her friend was in fact good. 
"Isn't that like the first rule of fairy tales?" Maddy asked and the teachers all nodded their heads in agreement. 

"If it is true love, such a thing would certainly be momentous." The school master smiled to them. 
"And it seems to me that there is only one way to be sure." He stated again and Lesso looked at him with a worried face. She knew what he was about to say. 

"A Trial By Tale!" He smirked and every single teacher looked at him as if he was crazy. They were all telling him no, that it was to dangerous, except Tedros said he accepted it. Maddy looked to Agatha for help, for her to say something and stop this madness but, she didn't do anything. Agatha just gave Maddy a reassuring smile.

"Sorry. What is a Trial by Tale?" Sophie seemed cautious about the whole thing. After seeing how the teachers reacted, each of the readers knew it had to be something dangerous.  
"Each of you have to enter the Blue forest at opposite sides. You have to defeat whatever danger presents itself, and find each other by dawn." 

Lesso stated harshly.
"Help, strictly forbidden." She looked at Agatha and Maddy as saying this to make sure the two of them got the point. Now it was Agathas turn to look at Maddy with worry all over her face.

"Sophie, we can do this. We're good enough and strong enough to protect each other." Tedros smiled to the blonde girl and they turned back to face the teachers.
"We can do this." She stated firmly and the teachers threw another fit. 

However the school master ignored the protests.
"The trial shall begin. At sundown." He hit his hand against the table and dismissed the kids to get ready. 

Agatha and Maddy sprinted to go tell Chaddick what happened while Tedros and Sophie got fitted with the right outfits and everything to help them get prepared.
"Well we know that Sophie isn't ready for this. She is going to die in that forest tonight." 

Chad basically screamed once the girls had told him what was going on tonight.
"That's why we were going to be there to help. In our forest groups, Yuba taught us how to mogrify. Nobody will suspect anything." 

Agatha stated to the boy. He nodded his head and took a deep breathe.
"If you get caught, this could ruin your entire plan of getting home." He realized and was slightly hopeful it would fail, and Agatha knew the consequences. 

"So, Agatha and I will be mogrified as animals and be there in case Sophie needs. You will be our eyes and ears from outside. You need to give us some form of signal if a teacher catches on to us." Maddy explained to the boy and he agreed. 

Now the trio went their separate ways until they had to meet back up right before the Trial were to begin so they could work out the details. God they hoped this plan would work. 
"Agatha, that forest is crazy deadly. Are you sure Sophie is gonna survive until dawn without Tedros?" 

Maddy asked as they were walking back to her dorm room. 
"She has us to protect her remember. We will be there so she survives and finds Tedros on time. Without getting caught at least." 

Agatha answered and the two split off to their separate rooms to prepare. Maddy getting changed into something that could actually protect her, and hide her daggers easily. She knew what she was getting into by agreeing to this plan, but it had to work. It just had to.

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