𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓗𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼

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"Where have you two been?" Dovey asked the two girls who had managed to find each other on the first floor of the castle building. Agatha, was trying to do the right thing and go find Sophie while Maddy was doing something else. 

Something that she didn't think she could tell the professor.
"Trying to talk to Sophie, but they locked her in her room." Agatha was upset that she wasn't able to talk to her best friend. She didn't even have any idea on what happened after she flew away. 

"Yes, they locked her in because she broke the rules! And so did Maddison." Dovey turned her attention to the white haired girl who still had cuts on her face and hadn't been treated yet. 
"Why? Why did you help her in the trial? Did you not think she could do it on her own?" 

Maddy was shaking her head.
"No I don't. There was no way she could had survived that on her own, but I didn't put her up to this deadly trial because she thought that she was in love. That was all on you." Maddy argued back to her teacher and felt extremely bad about it as soon as the worse fell out of her mouth. 

"Agatha? I thought that you believed that Sophie was truly Good." Dovey fell back onto Agatha even though she had no idea that Agatha was even in the forest with her the entire time. 
"I don't. I don't believe that anyone is truly good or truly evil, because people are complicated. Even if everybody in this place pretends they aren't." 

Agatha snapped back and for once it made Maddy think. Agatha really was in the right school after all. They all were, only Agatha so badly wanted to go home, she forgot how to enjoy things. And Sophie was so busy trying to get to the Good school, that she didn't realize the friends that she already made. 

"Right, well you are dismissed Agatha. Maddison stay here please." The professor said to the girls and Agatha nodded her head and left the two alone.
"Now young lady, the rules of this place must-"

"Be obeyed, I know. But Sophie was never going survive that trial. And what good are the rules if you don't do anything about it when actual, dangerous Evil is here?" Maddy was thinking about her encounter with the man in the woods.

The only man that it could have possibly been was someone nobody wanted to be back. And Maddy only knew of his existence because Agatha had seen him once before and had talked to her about it. 

"Please! Sophie is many, many things, but I would hardly call er dangerous!" Dovey argued with the girl, but Maddy wasn't having it.
"Not Sophie. Rafal!" The girl yelled and the professor almost seemed speechless.
"What did you just say?" Doveys lips were quivering and she seemed scared.

"Rafal, I saw him in the forest, and the only reason I know it was him is because of Agatha. But clearly nobody has done anything about it." Maddy explained to the professor who now seemed angry or upset. 

"You and Agatha have seen him before? Here?" Maddy wasn't quite getting why the professor seemed to terrified. Surely she knew about it already.
"Yeah, Agatha saw him in the tower of blood. She said she told the School Master about it. Sophie also saw him in her classroom, so did Lady Lesso. Didn't she tell you?" 

The white haired girl was confused now. Confused on why Dovey didn't know about anything that she was talking about, and why Lesso wouldn't have said anything to her. 
"Lesso. I should have known. Come with me, we will get to the bottom of this." 

Dovey stated and grabbed the girls arm, pulling her along to professor Lesso's office. 
"Go!" Dovey pushed and so Maddy started to walk in front of her. She didn't want to go to Lady Lesso's, she wanted to go talk to Chaddick and see if Tedros would ever speak to her again. 

He probably wouldn't but she wanted to try, and instead she was stuck here walking to Lesso's with her professor who seems to think that something horrible is about to happen, and that someone's gonna die. 

𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now