𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓼

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Sophie looked disgusted at how all of the Ever boys, who she was previously madly in love with, transformed into hideous beings. Well she thought they did anyway. Maddy thought that Tedros still looked just as dashing as he had just moments before.
"Looks like someone's been auditing Uglification." The blonde witch scowled as she looked at everyone. 

Each of the Nevers laughed and Tedros went to slice Sophie's head off with his sword for everything that she's done to him but Maddy got up and stood in the way causing Tedros to stop his movement and lower his sword. 
"Please Sophie," The white haired girl started and looked at the blonde.

"You have to stop this!" She yelled and Sophie just stared at the girl in front of her, looking like she wanted to kill her, which she probably did. 
"Oh but it's too late. They attacked. Now we defend!" She yelled and clicked her fingers making all of the doors close and locking everyone in the hall. Nevers and Evers began to fight each other. Nobody really knowing who was who and just kind of fighting whoever they thought they needed to.

The three readers stood apart from everyone else as they began to fight. Sophie being in charge of everything and only wanting to fight Maddy, while Agatha tried to get everyone to stop fighting in general. Maddy knew that this fight was happening because of her and what she chose to do, so she thought that she needed to be the one to end it. 

Hester's dragon was attacking Evers wherever they were and even got Tedros mid air which made Maddy scream for him but she was on the other side of the room and there was fire blocking her path. Not to mention every other Never in the room who would skin her alive when they got the chance to. 

For majority of the fight Nevers seemed to be winning as they had not only weapons but they also had their powers unlike the Ever boys who only had their weapons available which meant that they weren't dealing as much damage as they would have liked to.

Just then Agatha and Maddy had met up and saw Sophie throw Chaddick across the room. Tedros stopped everything he was doing and focused only on Sophie who had severely injured his best friend and brother. 

"Go Agatha, he needs you." Maddy pushed her friend towards the boy laying across the floor in pain and Agatha nodded her head running to him and making sure that he was okay. Maddy was looking again for Tedros so she could make sure he was okay and when she spotted him, he was headed straight for Sophie.

Only, Hort wasn't very far behind him. As he got closer, Hort hit Tedros on the head with the mace that he was holding and the prince fell to the ground instantly, making Maddy run towards him. Knocking over anybody who tried to get in her way, which were a lot of Nevers.

"Tedros, no no no no no!" Maddy screamed as she reached the boy laying on the floor only, once she got close enough to him, she was being pulled away by a force that she was unsure of. Until she heard the voice of who it belonged to. Sophie. 

"Back off, Maddy! This is my happy ending!" Sophie strutted her way over to the girl who was being suspended in air by the blood magic. 
"You don't get it, do you Sophie?! As long as you are at this School, you don't get a happy ending!" Maddy yelled at her which caused the blonde to falter her magic slightly, but not enough to let the girl go.

"What do you mean?" Sophie clenched her jaw at what the girl in front of her had said but she knew she was right.
"Every time you come back here, you are going to be the Evil one. That's how it works and you can't change it!" Maddy explained to her. 

The girl had spent so much time in her own library reading all of the books that she received, that she knew basically all of the rules and lore of the fairytale world. Once you're placed in Evil or Good in that world, you are placed in that same one every time you go there. 

"But is this how you really want to change the world? To simply have it all at your feet?" Maddy asked and it made Sophie really think for a little bit but it didn't seem to do a lot.
"Yup. The only mistake I made was thinking that being friends with you was a good idea. I now realize that it's not."

Sophie argued back with a smirk but Agatha suddenly spoke up from behind Maddy.
"The mistake you made was thinking that you needed any of this in the first place! Look at what it's done to you. Look at what it has done to us." 

Agatha walked closer and was really trying to get Sophie back to the way she was before the school but was so unclear on whether it was going to work or not. 
"Sophie, Rafal is the enemy. We have to defeat him." Maddy tried to make piece but it wasn't helping. 

"I'd rather defeat my nemesis." Sophie smirked and used her Magic to get Maddy and Agatha out of the room, locking them both away from the fight. The girls got up and tried to get back into the room but it was no use, so they had to find another way to get to Sophie. They ran through the halls of the school until the heard their names being called.

"Maddy, Agatha!" They heard someone shout. A boy. Chaddick. The girls looked at each other and ran towards the voice.
"Chad!" Agatha yelled out which helped them find each other.
"Maddy!" Tedros yelled again after not hearing her the first time.

The girl smiled at the voice and made sure to yell out to know that she was there. Eventually the four found each other and the pairs ran and hugged each other. Tedros embracing Maddy in the tightest hug that he could muster with how low his energy was. 

"You all right?" He asked her and the girl buried her head in his neck hiding the tears that were streaming down her face from fear.
"Yeah I'm alright. I thought you were dead though." She sniffled and they pulled away from the hugs to get a good look at each other. 

"I'm alright but listen to me. I need to put an end to the Nevers, once and for all." He stated and Maddy shook her head immediately.
"No, no, no, Tedros, this whole war thing between the schools, it's all wrong." 

"We just have to try and talk to her-" Tedros cut Agatha off.
"After what she's just done? There's no way it's going to work." He argued but Maddy held onto his arms to get him to stop talking.
"No! She's being used by the School Master's Brother. He's given her blood magic and she doesn't know what she's doing." Agatha told the two boys but Tedros wasn't having any of it. 

"No, she knows exactly what she's doing." Tedros argued to the girl and Maddy had to agree with him.
"Aggie, she's been like this since before the Magic. Maybe it's just how she is?" Agatha looked betrayed that Maddy would say something like this but knew where it was coming from and understood why she said it. 

"I can reach her but I need Maddy's help." Agatha tried to drag Maddy away but Tedros held onto her hand.
"Listen to me. She's gone. She turned into a raven and went up to the School Master's tower. But the fight is down here." 

The boy argued to try and keep his princess safe.
"You didn't want me to fight remember Tedros?" Maddy looked the boy in the eyes which caused him to sigh and look down.
"I don't want you there with her either." He argued back.

"Then come with us! Both of you just trust us and come with us to save the School." Agatha was beginning to get impatient but a group of Evers had come running to find the two boys for help.
"Tedros, Chad! Come quickly, we can't hold them all!" They yelled as they ran past and the two boys who looked at the girls in front of them. 

"Okay, you guys go to her! We will get there as soon as we can. I promise Maddy." Tedros held her hand until the two of them ran out of the room to help fight off the Nevers. Just then the school began to crumble and fall to pieces, as if something had changed all of a sudden.

"Maddy we need to get to that tower now!" Agatha yelled and grabbed the girls hand who was busy staring at where her two best friends had just ran to.
"What about the boys?!" She screamed and Agatha stopped for a moment before looking at her and reassuring the girl that they would be okay.

"We need to mogrify out of here." The brunette stated and just like that, the two girls had turned back into their bird forms and were flying out the school window towards the tower.

𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now