𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓣𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓑𝔂 𝓣𝓪𝓵𝓮

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It turns out that a Trial By Tale was a big deal. The School Master set up an assembly for both schools to be able to hear what had to be said. This was right before the Trial was to begin and so both Tedros and Sophie were already dressed in their gear.

Although, Sophie's dress didn't look like it would protect her that much. Maddy was sat there with Agatha and Chaddick in the front row. All three of them starring to think that their plan might not work. There was nothing wrong with it, but there were just so many things that would go wrong. 

"A Trial By Tale is not to be taken lightly." Dovey pronounced to the entire school, with Tedros and Sophie standing right up the front of the hall.
"If you wish to give up, drop the red handkerchief on the ground, and you will be transported to safety." Sophie had a large grin on her face because she was finally getting something that she wanted.

Maddy on the other hand, had a horrible feeling about this. She didn't think that Sophie was going survive the night, and that she would fail. If Sophie failed, then nobody got to go home, but worst of all. Sophie would put the blame on the girl with white hair. 

She would make sure that her life was a living hell because it was supposed to be Sophie and Agatha. No Maddy. But, apparently the storian and the School Master had other plans for the three. 

Not too long after the assembly, Sophie and Tedros were split up and taken with their respective schools. Maddy quickly said a good luck to Tedros who smiled and thanked her before she grabbed Agatha and got ready to leave.

Chaddick was allowed to stick by Tedros' side until be was let into the forest. The girls could have stayed but they didn't want to. They needed to get into the forest without anyone looking. As the two girls left their friends, Chaddick sent a nod to Maddy, letting her know that they were good to go. 

Agatha then got distracted and they kept smiling at each other, nearly blowing their cover. The white-haired girl grabbed Agatha by the arm and quickly pulled her away from the boys and towards the side of the forest. 

Professor Yuba set off a firework from one side of the forest, letting the school for evil, which was on the opposite end, know that they were ready to be put into the forest. The doors opened and the second that Sophie walked in and the door closed behind her, she regretted it. She knew that she wasn't ready. 

Agatha and Maddy were on the far side of the forest which had a 15 foot wall stopping anyone from entering. What the teachers didn't think about, was having the students mogrify into animals and blend in.

Both girls looked up at the top of the wall and saw a dove fly out of the forest. They looked at each other and agreed.
"No matter what happens. None if it is either of our faults. And you will not be getting the blame." Agatha said to Maddy to reassure her that everything would be fine. 

They thought that they should wait a little so that it was believable, but they heard Sophie scream from inside after only a few minutes.

Maddy nodded her head at her friends, signalling that it was time to go, and just like that, the two girls had mogrified into birds. Agatha a dove, and Maddy, an Osprey. They didn't want to seem too suspicious by both being the same type of animals. Especially a white bird. 

It took a few minutes of flying around the forest, but the two girls, now birds, followed Sophies voice and started to hear her screaming again. She was calling for Tedros but he wasn't going to be there for a while. 

So the two sped up and saw that a scarecrow was about to chop Sophie's head off. Agatha flew straight into the pumpkin head, while Maddy flew around and attacked from the otherside. It helped that she was quite bigger than Agatha as well, so she was able to do some more damage. 

𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now