5𝓽𝓱 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰

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It was yet again lunch time for the teenagers but two of them refused to even stand in line for food, let alone sit and eat it with her always there. So, Maddy and Chaddick did what they knew best, they went outside and sparred with each other. 

"Look, I'm friends with Agatha, and I do trust her with most things, but, I don't think we should have told her about Tedros last night. I have no idea what she is going to run and tell Sophie about, and it just, makes me, uneasy." 

The girl complained to the boy as they held their swords against each other. Chaddick understood where she was coming from, having heard about things that went on in Gavaldon from his friend, however, with his new found interest, he felt like he could trust the girl. 

"I think that she's going to say the right things. Agatha makes smart decisions, and I doubt this will be the time she makes a dumb one." He defended the girl and the two moved away from each other, prepared for the other to attack. 

They were about to have another go when out of the corner of his eye, Chaddick saw just that girl walking out of the school building trying to find them.
"Speak of the devil." He smirked to Maddy and she turned to see Agatha speed walking over to them. 

"You seem like your in a bit of a rush." Maddy put her sword back in it's sheath and walked closer to Agatha who was now out of breathe for basically running to the two. 
"I just spoke to Sophie about the book." She panted between breathes and Maddy looked towards Chaddick with a worried look.

He gave her a reassuring one back and then looked back over to Agatha.
"Well what happened? What did you say?" He asked and the girl looked up from the ground to meet his eyes. 

"Uh- um. I had to convince her that he wasn't going to fall for her because she's beautiful even though he kinda already has, and that she needed to prove that she was good." Agatha stated to the two and they nodded along with what she was saying. 

"So what, we're trying to make him fall for her for real now?" Maddy questioned the two who stayed silent. Neither of them really having an answer for her. 
"Great. So how is she going to do that?" Maddy was annoyed, and the boy standing next to her could see it.

"She has no classes after lunch, so while you guys are practicing your aim with the bows, she's gonna prove to him that she's good in front of everyone. Somehow." Agatha told the two the plan and then walked back inside so that Sophie didn't get suspicious of why she was outside already. 

"I don't like this plan Chad. It seems irresponsible, and I don't want him to be like this forever. How is he supposed to function?" The girl asked her friends once Agatha was out of ear shot. 
"It'll be fine Mads. The plan is gonna work, and Sophie is gonna go back to Gavaldon soon." The boy reassured her with a smile on his face.

"So will Agatha." Maddy had to remind him and the smile that he previously had, dropped. He seemed to be getting attached to the girl quickly, and he didn't quite know what   to do about it. Chaddick knew that she would have to head back home with Sophie otherwise things wouldn't work out, but it hurt him to think about. 

"I know that thinking about it hurts you Chad. Just like this plan is hurting me, but we can get through it if we stick together." Maddy gave her friend a smile as the bell rang, signaling that lunch had ended and classes would resume in 5 minutes.

The two walked towards the archery range together and waited for Professor Sterling as well as the rest of their class. Tedros came up to them first and just smiled. It was like, when Sophie wasn't around, he was himself but as soon as she comes into frame, his brain stops working.  

"Where were you two at lunch? I was looking for you. Beatrix wouldn't leave me alone." Tedros complained to his two friends while waiting for everyone else to pile into class.
"I needed to get some more sparring up seeing as we hadn't gone against each other in a while." 

𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now