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Penthouse *living room*
Saturday morning
July 9th ,2023
10:30 am

Frankie POV

I sit on the sofa as my mom sat next to me. It was our first session today. She hired a lady, family therapist to come here and talk to us.

She sat infront of us with her little notepad and pen. I was so nervous. I don't like crying but I knew tears were going to be shed. I don't like seeing my mom cry either but she's always been emotional. Let's see where this goes.

"Well before we start I just wanna say thank you for letting me to help you guys. My name is Dr. Lauren Stanley. You can call me Lauren I don't mind. How about we start off with how we're doing individually. Frankie? How has life been in California?" She asks

Here we go.

"At first it was really lonely considering everyone I knew lived here." I say

"What did you do when you first got there?"

"I stayed in a hotel for a couple of weeks until I got me a small condo. I got a job and that was just a cycle for a couple of months home and work."

"Friends?" She asks

"I didn't make friends until a few months later."

"So you would say you made a new life in California?"

"I guess so."

"You and your mom were having issues before you moved to cali right?"


"Was she the reason for you leaving?"

"No. The situation was what made me leave not her.I was going through my own issues and I took my anger out on her."I say

"Did you know something was wrong?" She asks my mom

"Yea. I asked her to talk to me and I tried to be there, she just wouldn't let me." Momma says

I felt the tears come down and I hurried and wiped them.

"You need a tissue?" Momma asks

"No. I'm sorry."

I sit up and clear my throat.

"It's going to emotional it's okay. I actually need you to let that out. I know we all hate crying but it's apart of healing so if you need to cry let it happen." Lauren says

I nod.

"Did you know what she was going through?" She asks my mom

"No. I guess that's why I pushed so hard because I wanted to know so I could help her. But it always turned into a argument. Actually something I'm going through with my second daughter now. It's the same thing with her, I know somethings wrong and she won't tell me. Instead she gets upset and we end up arguing." My mom says

"How does that make you feel?"

"It does make me question my parenting, because why my kids are so afraid to talk to me? I don't know. I try to be understanding, I wanna listen, and I wanna help. They just won't let me."

"Why is she so hard to talk to?" Lauren asks looking at me

"She isn't. She thinks she pushed me away but she didn't. I did not leave because of her. I left because I felt like I needed too. And I'm sorry for letting you feel like you were the problem when you weren't. I wasn't ready to talk about it and I didn't know how to tell you. And instead of expressing that to you I was mean and disrespectful."

WELCOME HOME FRANKIE (ATLANTA LOVE STORY) Where stories live. Discover now