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Arriving to dinner
Wednesday, Night
July 20th, 2023


I pull out her chair for her to sit.

"Thank you." She says before sitting down.

"Your welcome." I say helping her scoot in.

I come around the table and sit in my seat.

The waitress walks up. She introduces herself and asks us to start off with drinks.

"We'll take your best wine please?" I say

"Okay, coming right up."

She walks away.

I look at Frankie.

"You look beautiful."

She smiles.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

"This our first date." She says

"I never took you on a date before?" I ask

"Not one that we called a date. You never took me to a fancy restaurant. We always went to carnivals or arcades."

"You didn't like those?"

"I kept going didn't I?"

"Well yea. I just really enjoyed our talk last night and was hoping for a part 2."

"I enjoyed it too. I bet you happy now, I ain't let you leave."

I smile.

"Yea. I am."

"I forgot to ask you about your mom and sister though. How are they?" She asks

"They good. My momma wanna see you."

"You gotta take me to go see her."


She just smiles.

The waitress comes back with our wine.

She pours the wine in our glasses.

"Would you like to keep the bottle?" She asks

"Yea, we can keep the bottle."

"Okay. Where you guys ready to order?"

"Oh shit we ain't even looked at the menu. Can we get a few more minutes?"

"Yes sir. Take your time." She says before walking away.

I look at the menu.

"This edible starting to kick in." She says

I look at her.

"Mines hitting too."

We both took a an edible before we left her crib. I don't remember why, but we just did.

"You see anything you like?" She says drinking her wine

"Mhm." I say staring at her.

She smirks.

"I'm not really hungry, I'd rather have desert."

I look at her and she gives me that look.

"We ain't gotta stay, if you wanna head out." I say

"Come on." She says softly

We get up and I put a couple bills down before I take her hand and we leave.

Kp Condo
Wednesday, Night
July 20th, 2023

Frankie POV

I stand behind him as he unlocks the door. He opens it and lets me enter first. I walk in and walk to his living room and kitchen area.

I sit my purse down on the counter and turn around. He sweeps me off my feet and sits me on the counter. We were now somewhat at eye level.

He takes his hoodie off revealing his white wife-beater, before tossing the hoodie on the couch. He slides my heels off and sits them down.

He than grabs my legs and pull me to the edge of the counter placing himself between. My hands slowly traveled up his arms, while his slowly travels the side of my legs and up to my waist. It was now like we were hugging.

His arms are so soft and smooth. His head was now in my neck. He placed the most softest kisses on my neck that sent shivers down my spine. Just his touch gave me goosebumps. I've never felt this type of feeling before.

He kisses up my neck to my cheek. Our noses touch as I place my hand on his cheek. We lean in and kiss and kiss and kiss some more.

"Kp where-"

We both stop and look. It was Isis.
Kp condo
Wednesday, Night
July 20th, 2023


"Shit, hold on."

I walk to Isis.

"What the fuck you doing here?" I whisper

"You told me we was going out tonight. I've been calling and texting you."

"Shit I did say that, I'm sorry. I got wrapped up."

"I see."

"Um, Can we go out tomorrow?" I ask

"No, you told me tonight. I'm busy tomorrow."

"Okay, well I'll take you out another night."

"She leaving."

I look back and see Frankie putting her heals back on.

"Hold on."

I walk to her.

"Wait where you going?" I ask


"Why? we was enjoying ourselves."

"It seems like you got some business to handle so imma go."

"No, it's okay. Imma get her to leave and we can finish what we was doing."

She grabs her purse.

"Frankie come on, you didn't even drive here, I picked you up."

"And I'll get an Uber. I'm not mad, you just need to do better with planning things and time. I'll see you tomorrow."

She begins to walk towards isis and hurry up between them.

Frankie looks me up and down.

"What's wrong with you? I ain't finna touch her." She says

"I just wanna walk you to the door."

I walk her to the door.

"It's not too late to stay."

"Bye." She says leaving.

The door closes and my head drops.

"Damn." Isis says

I look back at her.


"Y'all together now?" She asks

"We probably would've been if you didn't just waltzed in."

"You gave me a key. And it's your fault you didn't answer the phone."

"I know, my bad."

"Well I'll go-"

"What? No, you ain't leaving."

"Why?" She asks

"My date just left because you walked in and you think you finna leave? No. Sit down and find a movie. I'll just take you out another night."


She walks to the couch and find a movie while I pop us some popcorn.

WELCOME HOME FRANKIE (ATLANTA LOVE STORY) Where stories live. Discover now