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Isis House
Tuesday, Afternoon
July 19th, 2023


I walk up to the door and knock.

"Who is it?" She asks



"Girl open this door." I say

She opens it and walks away.

"Hello to you too." I say walking in and closing the door behind me.

I follow her to her living room and sit next to her on the couch. I look at her face. She had a busted lip and a few scratches.

I try to turn her face to me but she moves away.

"You good?"

"If you came to be funny you can leave."

"Aye chill. I ain't come to be funny, I just came to check on you and talk to you."

She stares at the tv.

"So again, you good?"

"Yea, I'm good."

"You know you shouldn't have done that."

"You know what's funny to me? How these past two years ago she was the last person you wanted to talk too, and now that she's back she got your wrapped right around your finger."

"I know what I said two years ago. But I also told you that I still love her and that I acknowledge the fact, that I would never stop."

"So just like that you forgive her?"

"It's still a process, but finding out the whole truth, I'm not as mad as I was before. She was carrying out baby and lost it, I don't know what that's like."

"I just don't want to see you hurt again. You don't think you letting this girl in too fast?"

"Frankie isn't just some girl, I met four years ago, we grew up together and was close our entire lives."

"Oh that's right, that use to be bestie."

"Come on Isis."

"What!? Don't sit here and act like I'm tripping because I'm not."

"I ain't say you were, but you gotta let this shit go. I understand that's it's been different for us since she's came around but it shouldn't be. You are my best friend and you've been there. I'm grateful for it and I don't want anything to change that."

She looks at me.

"I'm just asking that you give her a chance. Chill with the name calling and disrespect. Actually get to know her, or just try to keep peace and distance."

"-fine." She says softly.

"I love you." I say

"I love you too."

"We got an understanding?"


"So would you be cool with having a conversation with her?"

She throws her head back.


"Please? Just to come to an understanding and than after you ain't gotta talk to her no more."

She rolls her eyes.

"Did she agree to this?"

"I haven't talked to her yet."

"Well I'll agree to what ever her decision is."

"Okay, I'll take that."

She shakes her head.

Frankie's New Condo
Tuesday, Afternoon
July 19th, 2023

Frankie POV

"So what you think? I plan to get new furniture of course

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"So what you think? I plan to get new furniture of course."

"It's nice." She says in a dual tone.

"Mommy what's wrong? I thought you said you  wasn't upset." I say

"No, I said I wasn't mad. Frankie you just got back from leaving me and your leaving me again. I'm not mad because I can't be. I want you to live and try to start your life you've always wanted, but you don't think this is a little too fast?"

"Momma I'm not leaving you, I just got my own space. I understand that I hurt you and a lot of other people from the choice I made, but I'm not going anywhere."

"I just wish you would've told me sooner."

"And I told you I didn't because you would've talked me out of it."

"I wouldn't have talked you out of it because I can't. I just would've already been prepared for this moment."

I look at her.

She grabs my hands.

"Look I don't want you to think that I'm not happy for you and proud of you because I am. I just wish things could've been different for you, that's all. But I genuinely do like the place."

"You promise?" I ask

"I promise."

"I don't want you to ever think that I'm leaving you again. I understand the pain I've cost and the last thing I wanna do is put you and my sisters through that again."

She hugs me and rubs my back.

"I know, I know. I made you feel bad and I'm sorry."

"I just don't want you to be upset with me."

She lets go.

"I'm not. I promise I'm not. Okay?"


"I love the place, I hate the furniture, your most definitely going to need help with getting new stuff."

I smile.

"I'm okay, as long as your okay. Okay?"

I nod.

"Good. Let's go get some food. I'm starving."


She grabs my hand and we leave.

WELCOME HOME FRANKIE (ATLANTA LOVE STORY) Where stories live. Discover now