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Frankie Condo
Saturday, Morning
July 23rd, 2023

Frankie POV

I woke up just find myself alone. The house was extremely quiet meaning I was the only one here. Still for reassurance, I looked at the floor on the other side of the bed to see if his clothes were there. They weren't.

I grabbed my phone and looked at it. It's only 10 am, I know he still drunk, why would he leave? I go to his contact and call his phone. He doesn't answer and I call again. This time I get sent straight to voicemail.

I don't start to panic or worry, but I keep it in mind. I get up and walk to the bathroom to pee, wash my face, and brush my teeth. When I finish I come back out and call again. He doesn't answer.

I walk to the living room and call Kamryn. She answers.

"Damn you up early." She says

"Too damn early, what you doing?"

"Feeding Brooklyn and finishing up this stuff for the heist."

"Aww tell my baby I said hi."

I smile at the fact that Kamryn is a mom. Probably because we never expected her to be one and to see she is a great parent makes me happy.

"She hear you, but wassup?"

"Kp have to do a job for you today?"

"No. Why?"

"He was here last night, and when I woke up he was gone. I called him three times and he hasn't answered me."

"Wait did y'all-"

"No, we didn't sleep together. He was drunk and came to my house. He explained the situation and said that he talked to the girl."

"He talked to her? What did he say?"

"Girl he didn't tell me the exact words, he just told me she ain't like what was said and left."

"And you believe him?"

"I want too. I just told myself to believe it, until proved otherwise."


"I don't know, but we went to sleep together and now he gone and not answering none of my phone calls."

"You think he might've went back home and went to sleep?"

I roll my eyes. That's probably what he did do, but I don't wanna hear that. Why would he just leave and not say anything?

"Yea, I guess. I'll just wanted to call and make sure." I say

"Alright well. When you find him let me know."

"Okay. I'll call you later."



Otw to the Garage
Saturday, Morning
July 23, 2023


We all hop in the van and the driver, drives off. I snatch off my ski mask and take in the air. He drives into a car garage and drives to the 4th level and parks.

We get out and walk to our cars before I throw my duffle bag in the trunk. I take off my jacket and put it in the trunk as well.

Outside of Ace me and the guys be having our own little ways of making money. Burglary is our profession. Mainly big residential.

We take duffel bags and rob the whole house while nobody there. What ever you put in your duffel bag is yours. It's just something to give us some more money on the side. Kamryn don't know about it, and would be pissed if she did.

While they talked and looked at the shit they got, I sit in my car and turn my phone back on. I seen Frankie called me 10 over times and texted. I read the message and she just asked where I was at.

I FaceTime her. She doesn't answer. I FaceTime her again. She takes some time but she finally answers. She was all dolled up and looking good.

I smirk.

"You look good, Where you going?" I ask

"So you just gone call like I ain't been looking for you for the past hour? And than you call, asking what I'm doing, when you left and didn't say anything? And explain to me, why yo phone off?"

"I turned it off because, I had to handle something."

"Handle what? Because I called Kamryn and she said she ain't send you to do nothing."

It was obvious she was upset and I ain't wanna argue with her over the phone. Especially in-front of them nosey Niggas, I'll pass.

"Look I see you still at home so I'm finna come to you."

"No you not because I'm finna go!"

"I'm five minutes away, don't leave. I said I'm on my way."

I hang up and get out the car.

"Aye I catch y'all niggas later." I say

They say they own different ways of bye, and I get back into my car and leave.

Frankie Condo Parking Garage
Saturday, Morning
July 23rd, 2023

Frankie POV

As I'm walking to my car, Kp pulls up. He get outs.


I hear him jog up behind me before he grabs my arm. I look up at him.

"What?" I ask

"Let's talk in the car."

"Keyshawn I have stuff to do-"

"I'll take you, just come get in the car with me."

I let him lead me to the car and get in, as he shuts the door behind me. This is my first time in his car. As I expected it smells like him. A mixture of cologne and weed.

He gets in and pulls off.

"I'm confused on how you so upset with me leaving and you got something to do?" He asks

"You left and didn't say anything."

"I didn't know I was supposed too. You was gone kick me out anyway and I felt better so I left. Plus I had something to do."

"I wasn't going to kick you out, and where did you go?" I ask

"I told you I had to handle some business."

"What business?"

"I went and robbed somebody earlier, is that what you wanna hear? I went and robbed someone, I turned my phone off, and left it in my car. I ain't know you called me that many times before I got back to my car." He says

I look at him.

"You went and robbed someone? Why?" I ask

"It's just something we do now and then in different areas, just for some extra cash that's it."

"Does Kamryn know about it?" I ask

"No. And you can't tell her. I wasn't even supposed to tell you."

I look out the window.

"You still ain't told me where I'm taking you." He say

I put the address to the nail salon in his gps. I hope he know he paying for it too.

WELCOME HOME FRANKIE (ATLANTA LOVE STORY) Where stories live. Discover now