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Four Seasons (Frankie)
Saturday, Morning
July 16th, 2023

Frankie POV

I wake up to Kp's arm around me. I look at him as he still slept. We didn't do anything, I just got tired and he wouldn't leave. I searched through his phone and he was right he stopped talking to other females. He showed me where he deleted the messages and his block list. Glad Apple finally added that.

I try to gently move, but his grip becomes tighter. He moves a little adjusting himself, but never fully wakes up. I ain't gone lie, I slept well with I'm next to me. Even though I told him numerous times to leave and not to get into my bed.

He sat in the living room and watch tv until I fell asleep. I felt him climb into the bed with me. I didn't say anything because I already knew he wasn't going to listen to me and get in the bed anyway.

I grab my phone from the night stand and look at time along with messages. It's 10 am and Kamryn texted everyone to see if we wanted to get brunch. They started texting back "yea." So that meant we needed to get up.

She told us to meet in the lobby by 11:30.

I turn back to Kp and tap him.

"Kp?" I ask

He doesn't respond until I tap him a couple times again.

"Kp wake up." I say softly

"What baby?" He asks in his sleepy voice.

Damn I forgot how fine sounds when he wakes up. And him calling me Baby was top tier. But he needs to get up and go to his own room, to get ready.

"You gotta get up. Kamryn want us to meet in the lobby at 11:30 so we can go to brunch." I say

"5 more minutes."

"No and you need to let me go so I can get ready myself."

He sighs and let's me go. I get up and go to the bathroom. I pee before washing my face and brushing my teeth. When I finish I walk back out and of course he's still laying there sleep.

I walk over to his side and wake him up again.

"Get up." I say

"Okay, okay."

He moves the covers off of him revealing himself. He stands up and towers over me. He stood with just his boxers on.

"You like what you see huh?" He asks

Yes. Yes I do.

"Don't do too much." I say

"I like what I see too. You wearing the shorts." He says looking down at my ass.

"Will you go hurry up and get ready please?" I ask stepping out the way.

He grabs his pants and put them on before grabbing his shirt and putting it on.

He grabs his phone and stuff before I walk him to the door. He leaves and I finish getting ready.

Four Seasons Lobby
Saturday, Morning
July 16th, 2023


I walk off the elevator and approach the others in the lobby. Frankie wasn't down yet. How the yell she rushing me and ain't down here yet?

"Wassup brother." Mari says as we dap up

"Wassup man. What's good Pookie." I say dapping him up as well

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