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Monday, Afternoon
July 18th, 2023

Frankie POV

I'm the first one off the plane heading to my car. I quickly open my trunk and put my stuff in. I close it and walk around to my door.

"Frankie, why you so in a rush?" Kamryn asks

"Aye, Frankie chill!" Kp yells out.

Damn he knows.

I jump in, start the car, and speed off.

While he was sleep I went through his phone and sent Isis number to my phone. I texted her and told me to send her address if she was really bout it. Either way I was gone cross paths with her and slap the shit out of her.

She was bold and sent it. I just needed to get a head start before he came after me. I'm now going 90 in a 60, cruising around cars like I'm on a mission. Which I am.

It's a 45 minute drive but I get here in 30. I put my hair in a bun before texting her I'm outside. I get out and walk to her door and bang on it. She taking too long.

"Bitch stop banging on my door!" She yells from behind

"Come on before this nigga get here!" I yell

I hear a engine roar from down the street. Fuck!

As soon as she opens the door.


I bust in and and just start swinging. Ain't shit to talk about. She got some hits in but that's what I expected from a bitch who got so much mouth. That didn't stop me from dragging this bitch though. I throw her against the wall by her hair and pull her back down before I continuously beat that hoe head in.

I never done that move before.

I feel myself being grabbed and pulled, while someone else grabs her. This shit happened way too fast. I had a firm grip on her hair and held onto it. My other arm was being held so I couldn't swing.

"Let her go Frankie!" Someone with a male voice yells

I don't know who got who, and I don't know who talking to me I'm still seeing black.

"Let my fucking hair go bitch!"

That just makes me pull harder. She gone learn about this word bitch.

"Get this bitch off of me!"

Someone released my hand and both of my hands was put behind my back.

I noticed we was in the bitch dining room. I should've threw that hoe through her glass table.

"Get her the fuck out my house!"

Mari was holding onto her, pookie and Caine was standing in front of me. That meant Kp was the one holding me.

I kicked something down and broke it before I was picked up and taken out.

"Put me down!" I yell

He puts me down and I snatch away from him. That's when I noticed literally everyone was here.

This isn't what I wanted to happen. We in a white ass neighborhood, there was loud commotion, and it's hella people outside. I know someone called the police. The only thing I'm worried about now is leaving.

I walk to my car and felt myself being grabbed but I snatch away with out looking back. I don't know even know who I pulled away from.

I get into my car and leave.

Isis House
Monday, Afternoon
July 18th, 2023





"Get The Fuck Out!" She says

Before I could do or say anything, she pushes me out to the door, and slams it shut.

Everyone had left by now. I had stayed just to make sure she was okay and to also let Frankie calm down before I go and talk to her.

This shit is crazy man. It's always some bullshit.

I leave and head to Frankie's house. You can't park in her garage unless you live there, so they have guest parking on the side and you have to go in using the main entrance.

I walk into the building and call her. I can't just get onto the elevator either, she has to let me up. She answers.

"I'm downstairs, can you let me up?" I ask


She hangs up and the elevator doors open. I get on and press the top button. It was the only button flashing blue meaning it's the only house you can enter.

The doors close and it takes me up. After a few seconds the elevator stops and the doors open. I step off and meet her in the foyer.

She hadn't changed yet. She had scratch under her eye, but that was it.

"You good?" I ask

"Yea I'm good."

"Why would you do that?"

"You heard her say it was on sight."

"Yes I did, but I told you not to fight her and you did anyway."

"You said something to me but ain't say nothing to her."

"What I said to her doesn't matter, me and you had a conversation."

"It does matter. You can't just say something to me and let her say and do the things she does and expect me not to do anything. She wanted to fight me, she told me it's was up."

"Did she tell you her address?" I ask

"Yea she did."

"How you get her number?"

"-I sent it to myself while you were sleep and I texted her. She texted back."

"So you already had this shit figured out, it was fuck what I say."

She crosses her arms.

"She shouldn't have threatened me."

"Look I need y'all to drop the unnecessary ass beef y'all got. I Will Talk To Her but can I rely on you to just try and keep peace?"

"Why do I always gotta be the bigger person!?"

"Y'all already fought what the fuck else is there to do!? Y'all fought okay, now drop the shit and move on!" I say

She rolls her eyes.

"-fine." She says

"Y'all pissing me off with this bullshit."

"I said okay!"

"Y'all tripping."

I turn around and head back to the elevator.

"So you just gone leave?" She asks


"Where you going?"

"Bye, Frankie."

I walk into the elevator and leave.

WELCOME HOME FRANKIE (ATLANTA LOVE STORY) Where stories live. Discover now