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Kp Mom house
Monday, Afternoon
July 18th, 2023

Kp Mom houseMonday, Afternoon July 18th, 20232:45pm

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Kiyanne "Kp mom" (39)


I walk up to the door and knock.

"Momma!?" I call out.

A few moments later she opens the door.

I smile.

"Why you knocking like the police?" She asks
walking away

"Damn, no hug or nun?" I ask walking in

"You cussing in my house?" She asks

"I apologize." I say before hugging her.

She hugs me back and I kiss her head.

"I'm glad you made it back safely."

"Yes ma'am." I say before letting her go.

"You hungry?"


We walk into the kitchen and I sit at the island while she makes my plate.

"Is keyani here?"

"No, it's a Monday she's at school."

"Okay cool."

Keyani is my 16 year old little sister.

"She should be on her way back though." She says putting the plate infront of me.

I start to eat.

"What happened to your lip?" She asks

Before I could answer she looks down at my arms and hands.

"And these scratches."

"That's what I came to talk to you about actually."

She looks at me.


"I've been meaning to tell you, but haven't got the chance to. Frankie back."

"Francesca?" She asks surprised


"Oh that's good, you should tell her to come by and see me. But wait- she did that to your lip and hands?"

"Yes, but wait let me start from the beginning."


"You already know our little situation that happened before she left."

"Yea, I remember."

"She ended up pregnant and lose it." I say


By the change of her body language she became devastated.

"And it was yours?" She asks

"Yea, I mean it adds up."

WELCOME HOME FRANKIE (ATLANTA LOVE STORY) Where stories live. Discover now