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Wednesday, Night
July 13th, 2023

Frankie POV

I just finished taking my shower and got ready for bed. When Kp kissed me, it surprised me honestly. I know we like each other more than friends but I didn't think he was going to kiss me. And even though I liked it, I had to push away.

I knew it was time for me to leave, so I grabbed my stuff and hurried out the door.

I climb into the middle of my bed and FaceTime Kamryn. She answers.

"Hello?" She asks

"Hey girl."

"You finally calling to spill the tea?" She asks

"Yea I guess." I say

"Okay, sooo? What happened?"

"Well I told you that I cleaned up everything, I than made him some food. That's when he woke up. He came out and right off back just started asking me questions. I tried to leave he wouldn't let me."

"He wouldn't let you leave?" She asks

"No. He stood infront of my things and wouldn't let me leave. I just gave in and we had an emotional conversation. I told him my honest reason for leaving and not telling anyone about my pregnancy. Girl tell me why this man kisses me."

"He kissed you?"

"Yes, like grabbed my face and kissed me. I pushed him away."

"You didn't like it?"

"Not in the moment, no. I would love for us to get to that point later on but I don't wanna bond over pain. I want us to be genuinely happy, not get ourselves caught into mix emotions and now nothings fixed and me leaving with a response gets thrown in my face every altercation." 

"I understand that. Did he say anything?"

"No.  I was so flabbergasted I grabbed my stuff and left. I'll call him when we hang up."

"Yea talk to him and call me back. I ain't going no where." 

"Alright, I'll call you back than." I Say


"Bye." I say

"Bye."  She hangs up


Kp condo
Wednesday, Night
July 13th, 2023


I sit on the couch quietly thinking about earlier. I repeated rubbed my head out of stress. I'm so mad at myself for doing that. Fuck what was I thinking. I should've went after her. I didn't mean to make her feel uncomfortable. I thought we was on the same page. I guess not.

It's been a couple of hours, and maybe I should call. I pick up the phone and go back to her number. I haven't saved it to my phone yet, I don't know why. I call her. She answers on the first ring.

"Hello?" She asks softly

I stand up.

"Hey. Look I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I was out of line. If I knew that it would've made you uncomfortable than I wouldn't have done it."

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what? I'm not trying to be funny, if I would've known, I wouldn't have done it."

"You didn't make me uncomfortable."

"So what you leave like that for?"

"Because it was time for me to leave. Look Kp it's not a secret about how we feel about each other, but we got too much to resolve. And I don't wanna push nothing behind us that will affect us in the future."

"Okay. Okay. Well come back."



"I'll come back tomorrow."

"We can't finish this conversation tonight?"

"No. It's not a 30 minute conversation Keyshawn this is going to take time."

"Ever more reason to start tonight. Look please just come back, I promise I won't make a move on you."



I sit down.

"Im sorry, I don't mean to yell. Just please? This shit is killing me Francesca."

"It's killing me too, but I can't tonight. Tomorrow please-"

I hang up.

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