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Frankie Condo
Friday, Afternoon
July 22nd, 2023

Frankie POV

I wake up to knocking at my door. I've fully moved, all of my stuff still isn't unpacked but I planned on doing that tonight. The knocking wouldn't stop so I finally got up. It had to have been my momma knocking on the door like this.

I walk to the door and look out the peek whole. I knew it.

I open the door.

"Hi momma."

"Hey." She says

She steps in and I close the door behind her.

"Were you sleep?"

"Yes ma'am, I was."

"Aww okay. Well I just wanted to see you, since I won't get to later on. You did well today. You could probably tell I was little shocked too see you."

"Thank you. And yea I could tell. But are you and Auntie Ki-"

"No. But me and your god mother have a complicated relationship. She's my boss, but she's also your godmother and I'm Kamryns, she's my BestFriend.-I'll forgive her soon, just not right now."

I understood.

"So you're Kamryns right hand now?" She asks

"Um, I don't know. I was supposed to be before I left but now I'm not sure. She's taken me to meetings and is letting me be in charge of the club she building. But she still hasn't asked me yet, and I don't wanna over step."

"A club?"

"Yes. It's a lot to explain right now and I don't know if she's talked to Auntie Ki about it yet."

"Why does she need to talk to Kierra, to open her own club?"

"Same reason why we ask y'all opinion for everything else. We just wanna know if it's the right move. Which Auntie Ki failed at today. Kamryn wanted her to give her confirmation and she didn't."

"We can't always make big decisions for y'all, y'all gotta do that for yourselves. The only reason why we were there was so that Kierra could introduce Kamryn and make sure shit ain't go left. Everything else was the decision of Kamryn."

I look at her.

"Y'all gone figure it out though. When y'all supposed to be doing this heist?" She asks

"I don't know. Getting that truck was to supply for the heist, so soon. I'm guessing."

"Mm, well let me know so me and your sisters can see you before you leave."


"How are you and Kp? Since the date y'all had the other day. I noticed you came home early." She asks

"It's a lot going on."

I say scratching my head.

"Mm. Well when you're ready you'll tell me."

"How are you and Faith?"

"We're better. She agreed to get therapy of her own."

"That's good." I say

"You okay?" She asks

"Yea, I'm okay. You okay?"

"You know I'm okay, if y'all are okay."

We hug her.

"Thank you for coming to see me, ma."

"Of course baby."

She kisses my head.

Kiyanne house (Kp mom)
Friday, Afternoon
July 22nd, 2023


I sit and watch my mom as she cooks. When she's done stirring into the pot, she hits the spoon on the rim, before she sits it down and put the top on. She than turns around and looks back at me.

"What happened?" She asks

"What you mean?" I ask

"I mean you sitting here looking all sad, what done happened now?"

"He's sad because, Frankie don't want him." Keyani says

I look back her. 

"How about you mind yo business." I say

"So why haven't you brought her over to see momma yet?"

"Why you worried about it?" I asked her

"She probably found out about all of the girls you talk too and left you."

"Mom get her please?" I ask

"Keyani, stop." Mom says

"It's the truth."

"Did you finish cleaning your room like I asked?" Mom asks

"I came out here to ask for a trash bag please?"

"Yo room that dirty you need a trash bag?" I ask

Momma hands her the trash bag, from under the sink.

"No it's for the trash can, dumb one. That's why you ain't got no girl." She says walking away.

I shake my head.

"What's going on?" Momma asks

"She won't talk to me." I say


"A girl I use to mess with popped up, while she was there."

She shakes her head.
"Well I wouldn't talk to yo ass either."

"I'm not messing with that girl ma."

"So why is she popping up?"

"-I ghosted her."

"How you ghosting somebody, when you know how it feels to be ghosted?"

"I just wasn't feeling her no more. So I stopped calling her and responding for two weeks before I finally blocked her. She just popped up."

"That's your fault."

"I know, but I talked to the girl and I told her Wassup. She left mad, but I told her the truth."

"Which you should've been upfront. Keyshawn you can't play with these girls hearts and think because you got away with it at the time it ain't gone come back and bite you in the ass. Now look. You can't even have a good solid week with the girl you want, because all the bullshit you done caused, finally unfolding. I can't help you with this one."

"Ma come on please?"

"No. Stop making dumb decisions and you won't end up in these positions. You gotta figure that out on your own."

I lay my head down in my arms.

"Go clear off that table so we can eat."

I get up and do as she asks.

WELCOME HOME FRANKIE (ATLANTA LOVE STORY) Where stories live. Discover now