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Wednesday, Night
July 20th, 2023

Frankie POV

I finally arrive back home. I'm a bit annoyed because I was hot and ready, but he need to figure that shit out.

I step off the elevator and automatically hear my mom yelling. I walk further into the house and look up at the balcony.

"I done told you about smoking in my fuck'n house!!" She yells hitting Faith.

"Stop fucking touching me!" Faith yells back

My heart drops. I've never heard faith curse at our mother like that.

All of a sudden momma just attacks her.

"STOP!" Fenix cries out.

I drop my stuff and take off my heels before running up the stairs and try to break them up. Eventually Fenix and I pull them apart. Fenix grabbing Faith and me grabbing mom.

Faith gets out of Fenix arms before pushing her down. It shocked Fenix and I both, but only made mom even more mad.

"Don't fucking touch her!" She yells trying to charge at her again but I held on tight as I could.

"Man I'm out." Faith says

I let go of mom.

"Faith no!" I say grabbing her.

"Yea, get the fuck out my house!- what you mean no!? If she wanna leave she can go!" momma yells

"Momma please?" I beg

"No! Get the fuck out!" She yells

Faith snatches away and hurries down the stairs. I follow her and grab her again.

"Wait please?" I say


I hurry to my purse and take my condo keys out.

"The address is on the keys, just go there and I'll meet you." I say

She takes them and leave.

I walk back up the stairs to mom and Fenix on the floor hugging. Fenix cried in her arms as momma held her. Momma was crying too but not as hard as Fenix.

She looks at me.

"I'm sorry." She says

I start to shed a few tears before I got down and joined them.

Frankie Condo
Thursday, Morning
July 21st, 2023

Frankie POV

I arrive at my condo and knock on the door. I know she's here because I seen her car. She take a few seconds but finally answers the door.

I walk in with her bags and sit them down. She closes the door and locks it. I look at her. She walks to me and we hug.

"You okay?" I ask

"Yea." She says softly

We let go and I look at her. She wipes her eyes with her sleeve and looks down at the bags.

"This my stuff?" She asks

"Some of it. It's enough to last for a few days to give you and mommy a break."

"Fenix mad at me? I didn't mean to push her down like that, I was just upset." She says starting to cry again.

I hug her again.

"It's okay. Here come sit with me."

We sit down on my couch that I had just bought.

She wipes her face again.

"I'm sorry." She says

"Just tell me what happened."

"I'm going through it."

"Why? What's going on?" I ask

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell mommy."

I look at her.

"I can't make that promise Faith, you know that."

She looks away and starts hitting her knee with the palm of her hand. I rub her back.

"But I'm asking you to trust me, and tell me what's going on."

She takes a deep breathe.

"So you know me and Duce have been together for a while."


"Well I found out that he cheated on me, with some girl a couple weeks ago, on the first right before you came. And on the fifth I made an abortion appointment for the seventh."


"Ive just been dealing with it on my own, and smoking has been my way with coping with it. You know momma has the dumb ass rule to not smoke in her house. Me and Fenix sneak and smoke sometimes if we don't have edibles and hurry up and cover it up the smell before she gets back. Momma and Fenix were out and I didn't expect them to be back as early as they did. Momma smelt it before I could cover it up and we just started arguing. We some how ended up on the balcony. It wasn't my first time getting caught of course that's why she was so mad. That was my first time cursing at her, I was high and just let my emotions take over. That's also why I pushed Fenix down. Now she won't answer my phone calls or text." She cries again.

I pull her in and hold her. This is too much.

WELCOME HOME FRANKIE (ATLANTA LOVE STORY) Where stories live. Discover now