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Frankie Condo
Saturday, Morning
July 23rd, 2023

Frankie POV

Just as I finish unpacking my last box in the living room, a knock on the door startles me. I look at the time and see that it's 1 am. I'm not expecting nobody.

I walk to the door and look out the peep hole, to see Kp before he knocks again. I let out a sigh. How the fuck does he know where I live, I ain't tell him. I open the door and look at him.

He swayed back and forth and his eyes were low. He was either drunk or high. Knowing him he probably both.

He smiles.

"Hey baby."

"What you doing here Keyshawn?"

"You said that if I let you leave, than you would talk to me. I came to talk to you." He says in a low and drunk voice.

"You drove here like this?"

"Oh yeah, baby you know I'm a pro. Can I come in?"

I wasn't gone let him leave again like this, so I had no choice but to let him in.

"Come on."

He walks in and I close the door behind him.

He looks around.

"Damn this is nice." He says

"Who told you where I live?"

He turns and looks at me.

"I have my ways. Shi, I knew where you lived in cali. One of them nice ass town houses on- Pickford street?"

I stare at him.

"I really could've came to get you like I wanted too, but everyone told me not to."

He sits down. I cross my arms and look down at him.

"Keyshawn, what did you wanna talk about?" I ask

"I came to apologize about last night. I ain't know shorty was gone come and do all that."

"Who is she?"

"What I already told you, she was a girl I use to talk too, I wasn't feeling the shit no more, I ain't talk to her ass in a month and she just popped up." He says

"Y'all both ain't talked to each other in a month or did you stop talking to her a month ago?" I ask

"Yes, I did it. Like I said I wasn't feeling it and I ghosted her. I talked to her last night and apologized to her for my wrong doing. Of course she ain't like it so she left."

I was impressed on how clearly he was speaking, while he is visibly drunk. I wasn't mad that he was with this girl. Hell I had Calvyn. I'm just annoyed with all of this shit that's going on. If it ain't one thing it's another.

"Who was you out with?" I ask

"I took Ivory out since I forgot to the other day." He says with his eyes closed while his head laid back.

"And she let you drink and drive?"

"No. I didn't get this drunk until after I took her home."

"So who you go with after?" I ask

"I was by myself. I had a couple shots at home. I was gone wait until tomorrow to come see you, but you popped up on my timeline. Looking good, like you do." He says with a smile.


He lifts his head up and looks at me.

"Why you so far? Come here. I ain't gone do nothing to you."

I slowly walk to him and sit down.

He sits up.

"Aye look, I really am sorry that you had to come back and deal with my bullshit. I just want you to know that when I fight, I fight hard. But when I lose, I know how to take my L and move on. So if my shit too much for you and you just wanna go back to the nigga Calvyn, I understand. That's one thing I know how to do is fuck a good thing up."

I look back at him.

"Imma go."

He stands up and almost falls before I hurry and grab him as he catches his balance.

"It's okay, I'm good."

"No. You can't leave."

"I told you, I'm good baby."

"Keyshawn, just stay please?" I ask

He sits back down. I get down and untie his shoes, before taking them off.

"I'll go get you some water."

I get up and walk to the kitchen. I grab him a bottle of water from the fridge before coming back. He was already somewhat passed out.

He's too damn big for me to carry all of him so he gotta get up. I tap him.

"Hey? I need your help getting you to the room."

He sits up.

"Lemme just go home." He says reaching for his shoes.

I grab his hand.

"No, just come lay in the bed. Help me get you to the bed."

I pull him up with his help and I walk him to the bed room. It wasn't easy but we got there. I sit him on the side closest to the door. I help him get undressed all the way down to his draws.

He starts laughing.

"What's funny?" I ask

"You tryna freak me."

"Boy ain't nobody tryna freak you. You need to lay down." I say pushing him back

He finally lays down.

" You gone lay with me, until fall asleep?"

"How old are you?"

"Come on, just until I fall asleep since you keeping me here."


I walk to the other side of the bed and climb on to lay next to him.

"-you think it would've been a boy or girl?" He asks

I look at him. Im surprised he's asking me this considering, we both agreed it's a very emotional topic.

"A girl." I say softly

"That's what I was thinking.-Name?"

"I don't know. Something cute and unique. But nothing too crazy."

"Do you want kids now?" He asks

Why is he asking this?

"-yea. But I'm scared too." I say


"I don't wanna lose it."

"Well this time you won't be alone."

"You want a baby?" I ask

"I'm ready whenever you are."

I look at him.

"Let's go to sleep now."

He adjusts himself and wraps his arms around me before pulling me in. As he easily falls asleep, emotions take over and I silently cry. I cry until I finally fall asleep.

WELCOME HOME FRANKIE (ATLANTA LOVE STORY) Where stories live. Discover now