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Trap House #2
July 21st, 2023


Kamryn spreads the blue print on the counter.

"Okay. Kp mark the cameras that fill this path."

I take the marker and mark where I seen the cameras.

She gives me a different color marker.

"Now mark where the security stand."

I take that marker and mark the where the security stood.

"Y'all see that?" Kamryn asks

"There guarding four doors and one camera is pointing at each door." Frankie says

"They all lead to the basement, but which one leads to the money."

"They all do. But one leads directly to the safe." Jas says

"Which one?" Danni asks

"This one." Frankie says pointing to one.

"How you know?" Lona asks

"That's where the roulette game is. There wasn't a door right there it was a wall."

"They switched out every 30 minutes the others used the doors they were guarding, but someone always walked to that security guard." I say

"Why hide a door if you gone use it in-front of everyone?" Mari says

"Because it's not supposed to be used, just guarded." Frankie says

"Okay. Um give me a couple days to come up with a plan. We'll have another meeting and go over our plan. Until than continue to do usual work, and get the rest of those supplies out that house."

"Yes ma'am." Caine says

She takes the blue print and we start going out separate ways. I grab Frankie back because I wanna talk to her. I've been calling and texting her all morning just to get no response.

She told me she wasn't mad, so I'm confused on why she avoiding me.

She looks up at me.

"Hey, we good?" I ask

"Yea, why?"

"Why you been avoiding me? I've been calling you and texting you since you left last night."

"I'm sorry, some family drama came up."

"So you couldn't text me back and let me know? And so what, you was gone keep avoiding me until I said something."

My frustration startled her.

"I can see why your mad and I'm sorry. I'm not trying to avoid you it was just a lot going on. Please don't get upset with me. I'm sorry, I really am."

I look down at her. She grabs my hand.

"Let me make it up to you."


"Can I get a kiss?"

I was surprised she asked me that.

"You wanna kiss while we at work?"

"Yea, I'll be able to control myself today." She says

"You wanna kiss in-front of everybody?" I ask

"We ain't a secret. Are we?"


"Okay, so give me a kiss before I change my mind."

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