Pretty boy

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OC | Safa

My legs were dipped in the outdoor hot tub and i scrolled through my instagram feed while waiting for Safa to come outside. The pool lights came on as it became darker outside.

This was all her idea, since we had been away from each other for the last few days because of my busy schedule and her job at the hospital. I got the content house cleared for the night and set up the pool while she changed into her bathing suit. Placing black and red roses around the pool and a bottle of wine on the side.

God I love this woman.

"Awwwwww" I turned around to see my woman with her mouth agap and I chuckled. Her body was wrapped in a fluffy night gown. "Thank you baby"

"You're welcome my love" I said kissing her soft lips gently. she smiled shyly. My beautiful shy baby.

"Huh?" She giggled as I coughed. I said that out loud? She started to take the robe off and when I tell you my eyes watched her like a hawk. From the moment she untied the strings to the very moment the fabric fell from her shoulders to her ankles. Down her defined curves and hip dips that I love. Past her thick thighs and finally to her manicured feet.

"Eyes up pretty boy" she sassed making my eyes return to her face which had a small smile.

Once she got into the hot tub, I got a hold of her and brought her close to my body. My hands felt her body shamelessly, my head dipped into her neck which held that signature tropical fruit scent. She closed her eyes at the embrace kissing my head and playing with my waves of hair.

"my friends were critiquing me because I call you pretty boy. Something about how you can't call a guy pretty" she muttered with a short sigh.

"Call me whatever you want my love. Whatever you want..." I said into her neck. If anything I loved the many nicknames she had for me.

She pulled back from me, laying a kiss on my lips. Her eyes landed onto the wine which indicated for me to pour her a glass.

She muttered a thank you and sipped on the drink gracefully. I pulled her onto my lap where we sat in a comfortable silence, soft blues music playing through the speakers.

Suddenly the deep base of P Power started playing on the speakers. Safa lifted her eyebrow looking at me as the explicit song played.

I laughed placing my hands on her ass. "What are the possibilities that I could add your moans into a song?" I asked with a smirk on my face. She placed her wine glass down sinking into my body.

"0%" she said. I pouted to which she bit my lip. "Why would I share my moans with the rest of the world?" She said between the slow but hungry kiss. I sucked on her bottom lip, my hand roaming up her body to the side of her neck and along her cheek. Her back arched into me and I grabbed her thick ass cheek with my free hand. "Vincent my moans belong to you only" she said. God she's such a freak and I love it. The way that her voice became hush and she looked at me through her eyelashes, doll eyes switching to predatory and seductive. She drives me crazy.

I stood up with her hanging on tightly to my waist. Should I fuck her right here in this hot tub? I asked myself

Is that even a question? My mind said back and-

And well... the rest was history.


welcome back my loves <3

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