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Y/n pov

It was a late Saturday night and my brothers and I decided to order takeout. I insisted their asses cooked but they are lazy as fuck. Oh well, at least their paying.

As we waited for the food they watched a show while I texted vinnie.

I couldn't help but smile at my phone, I had to check myself every once in awhile so that my brothers would interrogate me.

Vinnie and I go to school together, we were in the same art class but it was only this year that we started texting. Boldly I had asked for his snap on a friendly level but for the past few weeks its been hard to look him straight in the eyes without folding in half. Not only that but I catch his looking at me, and he walks me to my classes.

He texted me a cute goodbye since he was working in a few minutes. Vinnie worked at a McDonalds across the city, so he texted me on his breaks.

After texting him goodbye, I tuned into the show my brothers were watching, up until the door bell rang. I looked around at them as they practically ignored it, rolling my eyes I stood up to collect the food.

I unlocked my door to be startle to death my the guy that I had just been talking tonight. Vinnie.

"Oh my god." I shrieked before closing the door. I looked bummy as fuck and vinnie, the guy that I like was at my door step. Why the fuck was he at my door step anyway, the McDonald's he works at doesn't deliver this far, and I double checked and made sure of that.

At school I wear makeup and I cover my natural hair with wigs. I was an insecure person at heart and I didn't like going in public with my bare face or natural hair out. It was mainly from growing up in shit friendships and lack of validation from guys. It sounded stupid but not having a boyfriend, being the prettiest in the group or even being someone best friend really took a toll on me.

I felt like I had to change myself just so i could be just so that I could get what I had missed out on earlier in my child hood and now that I changed ive been getting just those things.

I was aware of it but I couldn't let my insecurities go just like that, I wish I could but right now I wasn't ready.

And at the peak of this, my crush was seeing me, bare faced with my short coily hair. God I just wanted to evaporate into thin air!

"Y/n? Are you okay, why did you close the door?" I heard him ask from outside with a concerned tone.

"What are you doing here? I thought you worked across the city." I gritted completely dying inside.

"I got transferred. Wont you open the door, I- I don't want your food to get cold."

I was on the verge of tears, vinnie would probably stop talking to me after seeing what I looked like, I probably wasn't pretty without makeup, or my hair wasn't as long and luscious as the lace I wore. I wouldn't be surprised if he blocked me as soon as he hoped back in his car.

"Just leave it on the door step." I let out, my foot tapped on the floor anxiously and my throat closed up.


"I'm okay, just... please leave." I sniffed.

"Have a good night okay? Text me later." He sighed, I heard the ruffle of the paper bag set onto the floor, his footsteps walking off the porch and the sound of his car starting and rolling off the street.

Wiping my tears, I took a deep breath before grabbing the food from the doorstep and walking back to the living room.


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