over the summer - 2

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vinnies pov

I can't lie over the summer I had changed a lot. My dad had me and Reggie in the gym a lot and my brother had some how convinced my parents to let us get tattoos. My mom hated them but my dad was pretty pumped to see our ink.

I didn't feel any different if I'm being honest. I mean I was a big shock to me when girls started asking for my number but I was still as awkward as ever.  

It was a bit shit that I could hang with my friends like he had planned but I missed Seattle a lot. Once I got back, however, I was excited to see everyone for the first time in nearly two months.

"Yo bro, how much do you bench." Tevin said dapping me up as I sat in the lunch hall waiting for everyone to get her.

"Our lil white boy ain't so little after all." Valerie commented and the group laughed. I had noticed y/n wasn't here yet, that girl was always late though so I wasn't surprised. In that time frame a bunch of girls from the over table had come up to us. It was a bit awkward at first but we all just ended up talking about the holiday and stuff. We even exchanged socials. They were pretty chill.

Finally y/n had arrived and came up to me with that "hi vinnie." Like she usually did. I noticed that her hair was styled differently to what she normally did, it looked really good.

I wish we could have talked for longer but the other girls pulled us into another conversation. She walked away after a while walking over to girls of our group.

I hadn't seen her since then, at homeroom she looked a bit down. I wanted to ask her if she was okay but she laid with her head on the desk with her back faced to me so I just assumed she was sleeping.

It had now gotten to lunch and the guys and I were first meet up in the cafeteria. I guess I should ask them if they had seen y/n at all today.

"Have y'all seen y/n today. I was with her in H.R but she looked upset." I said.

The guys just looked at each other and back at me making me hella confused. "What?" I deadpanned. Was there something they weren't telling me?

"If we knew you was gonna come out the term looking like Hercules we could of told you sooner." Cohen said and I just raised a brow.

"Told me what?" I chuckled confused.

"Bro y/n likes you." Tevin said and I just nodded as he stated the obvious.

"Yeah and I like her too..." I said and Zion slapped his forehead.

"Bro you are so fucking clueless. Y/n likes you, like he has a crush on you." He said and my jaw basically dropped. I didn't know she liked me! If I had none sooner I probably would have made a move on her, I mean I'm comfortable around her and she's so easy to talk to.

"Wait. She probably just likes me because of my new body though right?" I said and they all shook their heads.

"Nah she liked you skinny nerdy ass before summer-" cohen stated but was cut off as Tevin slapped him up the head. "Am I wrong though?"

"She been like you Vin, you're just fucking blind." Zion added on and I felt like a absolute idiot.

Y/n always greeted me first in the morning. She always smiled at me in the hallway. She always asked me how my day was.

I'm so stupid. The signs were right infront of me but I completely blocked them like a dickhead. Not intentionally though! I would never do that. I found y/n beautiful, I just always thought we could only be friends because of how close our group. Plus the idea of any girl liking me on a romantic level was never really there so I guess i just mistook her flirting with friendly gestures.

Also now that I think about it the girls that were talking to me this morning probably weren't looking for friendship.

"You fumbled bad my bro." Tevin patted my shoulder and I nodded in agreement.

"Yo she's coming over now, now that you know the big secret, put the info to some good use, yeah?" Cohen said before y/n sat down next to him along with Tanya, Adora and Valerie.

"Hi you guys." Y/n said making me frown a bit. I could hear the downness in her tone and she didn't greet me like she always did, in fact she completely avoided eye contact with me.

Tevin nudged me and nodded towards her.

I cleared my throat. "Uh y/n can I buy you lunch?" I asked and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure." She said standing up and we walked to the lunch line together.

I noticed as she stood awkwardly next to me. Her hands on her hip as she waited for the line to move one.

I guess here's my chance.

"I was wondering if I could take you out sometime?" I said and she turned to me with shock visibly on her features.


"Like maybe a movie or restaurant, if you want." I said and she looked back out table then back at me with a straight face.

"If this is some sort of joke, it's not funny." She stated and I shook my head quickly.

"What? No no, why would I joke around?"

She then turned to me. "Because I know you don't like me like that vinnie. You've made that pretty obvious." She spoke and I frowned. "Don't worry I'll get over it, it's life. But I'm pretty sure some of those girls you was with would take you up on that offer." She smiled softly and I kind of admired her compassion. She was so kind even if she thought she was getting rejected.

"Y/n listen to me. I'm a fucking idiot." I started and she looked up at me with those brown eyes. "Trust me when I say that I like you. It's just i can be clueless at times and i honestly thought that you were just being nice to me." I rubbed my neck.

"Before all this happened," I waved my hand over my body. " I never had a girl flirt with me before, I haven't even dated anyone before. Usually guys like me aren't the first pick when it comes to that. But I like that I was your choice." I said and a large grin graced her face again.

"And I wouldn't ask anyone else to go on a date with because they aren't genuine like you. I'm starting to realise those girls only talked me because I had a glow up."

Y/n frowned as a said that but smiled soon after and she breathed out. "Finally vinnie, oh my god." And I laughed. "Do you know how long I've been- oh my, I was gonna ask you out this summer but you were in Seattle and at the same time I was kinda hoping you would make the first move and now you have." She rambled in excitement and I just watched her. She's so adorable.

"Wow was I that bad?" I winced at the thought at me being so oblivious to the hints she had dropped for so long.

I placed my arm over he shoulder and she leaned on me.

"Yes vinnie. You take out the clue in clueless because you could even put two and two together." She deadpanned, I'm glad she was back to normal.

"You hair looks so good by the way." I said and she touched it smiling.

"Thank you." She cheesed.

After I got her the food we walked back over to the table and they all cheered.

"FINALLY." They said in unison.

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