over the summer.

885 15 7

y/n pov

"Hi vinnie." I smiled at the cute nerd as I sat down at the cafeteria table with the rest of my friends, he smiled at me softly. I've had a crush on vin basically since we met. At the start of the school year we were all pretty much forming our group of friends and that's how I met vinnie. He was the chosen white boy to join the notorious group of black people.

Valeria said that TJ defended him against some weirdos tryna mess with him and TJ stating "It be your own people." before inviting him to lunch with the rest of our group, introducing him and all. From then we all immediately welcomed him and he's basically out lil white boy.

The thing with me is that I may or may have not picked up a crush for the guy. I mean how could you not he's just so adorable, tall and got some muscle to his skinny body. My girls say he has potential but I like him just the way he is.

I was hoping that he would at least catch my hints but vinnie tends to be so clueless at times. Well that's what I thought, or maybe he just doesn't like me back.

Normally I'm pretty outgoing and straight to the point with things but I don't know... vinnies calm aura is really contagious and I get kinda nervous around him. That's why I haven't asked him out yet. I was hoping he could make the first move.

"Mmmmm." The group hummed in unison as I sat down next inbetween Adora and vinnie

"What?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing." They all said again before bursting out laughing.

"How are you." Vinnie asked me as he ate his lunch.

"I'm good, just got out of a 2 hour science lesson." I sighed stretching out my arms.

"Damnnn. Have you got any homework?"

"Thank fuck no I don't. Imagine getting homework over the summer break. I'd die." I groaned and he chuckled.

"Speaking of summer what's the plan yall." Tevin announced.

"I can't lie I'm working all summer, I need to get this bag up." Hailee said and Tanya nodded in agreement.

"Same my parents are forcing me to get a job, fucking buzzkill." She whined.

"We can try do beach missions at least once a week?" Cohen added and the group all agreed.

"Yeah there's a tone of free shit to do, I think next weeks there's a cinema night at the beach." Zion chipped in and everyone seemed to like that idea. 

We spend the rest of lunch talking about the summer and I stole a few glances at vinnie. He's so fine.

In no time lunch had ended and we had all finished our last period.

Summer has now begun!

Just like we had planned we ended up meeting at the beach every 1 or 2 weeks as a group and I did little side missions with the girls. I had noticed that vinnie only came to one or two of those events before disappearing. I was a bit bummed since I did plan on asking him if he wanted do go out for lunch or something, however I soon found out they he went back to Seattle to visit.

The summer was fun nonetheless and a good break away before the next stressful school year started.

A lot had changed for myself in the last month. I had regained a new wardrobe and had started trying out different braid styles. It wasn't like I was unrecognisable but I'd definitely matured over the holiday. So once I stepped into the tiles of school floor I was bouncing with energy.

I texted the group chat trying to locate everyone. It was the morning and we had all planned to meet up at our usual spot in the cafeteria.

As soon as I entered I spotted my group immediately and walked over. However I tilted my head as a few new faces came into view, a whole lot more girls.

Cohen was the first to spot me and walked toward me. "Hey y/n." He said and I smiled giving him a hug.

"Hey C."

We walked back over to the group together and made a weird face as the new girls were just huddled around something.  

"What's going on?" I asked Cohen and he rubbed his neck.

"I think you should just see for yourself." He said making me as confused as ever as I walked over.

There sat vinnie. But not the vinnie I knew last summer. This vinnie had tattoos and was basically ripped, a grey bandanna over his longer hair and a piercing in his nose.

I don't even know what to say, was he hot? Yes. But he had always been hot to me. But this version of him was definitely unexpected, I guess this is what the girls meant by potential, and obviously he had reached it because now the girls that wouldn't even look at him sideways before, were now giggling and listening to him speak.

"Hi vinnie." I said catching his attention. He smiled at me as I walked up to him more and gave him a hug.

"Hey y/n, how was your summer?" He asked. I mentally sighed in relief, the worst that would happen was that he turned into a jerk to match that killer bod but he was still the same Vin.

"Amazing. How was Seattle?" I smiled.

"Pretty cool, I'll show you pictures in home room." He said and I nodded.

"I wanna see pictures as well vinnie!" One of the girl said and the rest agreed. I wanted to stand there a bit longer but I felt slightly out of place as the girls swooned over him. I walked away after a while, my chest kinda stinging with jealousy.

Maybe he just doesn't like me like that. Maybe he's not clueless and is just ignoring my signs just to let me down easy. I mean with the new female attention he could get with any girl of the other girls in school.

"Girl you okay?" Adora asked placing her hand on my shoulder breaking me out of my distant stare at my crush.

"Yeah I'm good." I dismisses with a smile.

My moods definitely gone down.


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