Halloween series #3: The Pyramids. Part 1

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Vincent C. Hacker

If you could travel back in time would you? And I'm not talking about 5 years back or 15. I'm talking about back to the times of ancient Egypt.

Where dunes surrounded every path, where the pharaohs rules over Egypt territory, where the concept of enslavement was a performance.

I, Professor Vincent Cole Hacker had studied for years on the concept of the universe and time travel. The quantum realm had to be more then just a fairy tale like it was for me growing up. Lots of people doubted my theory's and hypotheses but I never stopped. I built technology, many failing to the likes of success. It look decades for me to put the pieces together. But finally I had figured it out, the first successful Time Machine.

I made sure to tell no one, not even my family. A discovery like this could be used for the downfall of us all.

Upon testing the instrument, I had ended up in time periods varying from 5 hours, 5 years and 50 years before today. The pattern was down in fives.

My curiosity had gotten the better of me as I added three more zeros to that five.

5,000 years, to times before Christ.

The flash before my eyes cleared to reveal the pyramids in all its glory. The hot sand kissed my skin and the rays of the sun burnt me quickly. My  white skin turned a soft tan.

At this moment I cursed myself out for not dressing for the occasion. Time travel was a dangerous thing and handled ignorantly could end with enprisonment or even death.

I looked down at my fresh tee and joggers. Quickly I tore the tee shirt to tatters, ripping of the labels. I took off my joggers and boxers burying them in the sand. I wrapped my shirt around my waist for as much modesty as possible.

"Fucking hell." I groaned cupping my junk as I hobbled towards the village. I kept my head low as I walked through.

Nobody seemed to notice my existence as the villages got on with selling their fruits and crops in the stalls. Jewellers selled mined amulets and diamonds. Kids ran around the orange sanded streets and mothers carried their babies on their backs.

My heart beat in my chest as I breathed in the fresh musky air of ancient Egypt. My eyes dilated as I looked up to the pyramids of the pharaohs. Never did I think I would see them up close like this, it was a dangerous dream of mine but it was coming true.

I snapped out my gaze as I felt a tug on my finger. I quickly grabbed the supposed pickpocket, the girl gasped looking up at me. Her face and hair was concealed with a red semi translucent scarf. Her eyes were alluring with one hazel and the others deep blue. Her skin was a dark brown.

"Hey!" I said as she tried to run.

Before I knew it horses with pharaohs guards surrounded us. The gold armour on their chests and skirts clanked together as they stepped of their horses. Villagers cleared their paths in fear of being trampled upon.

"There you are you little thief!" One of the guards said getting of the horse and grabbing her out of my hands.

Her scarf slipped as she struggled in his grip. I couldn't help but stare as the rather beautiful woman's identity was revealed.

Her different coloured siren eyes stood out the most. The gold piercing on her button nose and soft plump lips pulled up into a scowl.

One of the guards looked me up and down.

"Here! You are to be rewarded for capturing her. Come this way." The guard said pointing towards the chariot.

"I-" I was about to say but my cover was bound to be blown by my accent.

I waved my arms around but the guard grabbed me lightly. "Her majesty pharaoh will be pleased to see the beast has been captured. She wants to show her gratitude. This way." He said leading me to the chariot connected to the horse.

This was never supposed to happen.

I looked at the girl again and her eyes were already on me. A glare set on her face but the knowing glint scared me.

The journey to the empire felt like forever, time moved rather different in the past. Time was dictated by the position of the sun and moon, clocks weren't around.

They pushed me into the castle and almost immediately the servants lead up to a room that had a golden bowl that I'm sure was a bath.

The servants start to tear the material away from my body but I held it in place with wide eyes. "We must clean you." One of them said.

If I was going to walk around undetected I must go by their ways. I was already in too deep.

The women effortlessly lead me into the bath. Their hands working on cleaning my body. One focused on my chest, one my back and the other my hair.

They used gold jugs to pour water over my body.

A gasp came from each other there mouths. I looked up at them alarmed as they stopped what they were doing to look at my chest.

Explainably, the sun dirt from the sand a debris had managed to fade my many tattoos. Upon cleaning them they had become as visible as even.

Although the Egyptians themselves had tattoos. Mine where modern and foreign to them.

"Strange branding of the devil?" One said in fright. 

I shook my head hastily and the eldest looking one of the group starred me in the eye. My eyes held fear as I refused to look away from hers. She nodded breaking the eye contact.

"Not demonic sisters, just frightened. Branding from another village, he is not of our surroundings." She said.

I internally let out a breath as the other servants nodded going back to their occupation on my body. Once the wash was done, they used a towel to pat my body dry.

The servants clothed my body intricately, folding and tying the fabric around my waist like they have a thousand times. A heavy colour beaded necklace was placed over my head and on my shoulders. Then finally the striped covering for my head.

Once looking me over for any imperfection they lead me down the castle that was now lit with thousands candle lights as dark fell on the village.

"This way." The servant said as I had stopped to look at the tapestries and painted walls of the Egyptian wars, soldiers and great kings and queens.

We had arrived outside to which there was a large bonfire with many rich looking people surrounded the place with their gold bangles, grant head pieces and royal silks.

We stood before a beautiful woman on a throne that watched over the event.

"Pharaoh Cleopatra, I bring you the man whom captured the beast." The servant said bowing her head to the queen.

Wow. Is all I could think of. No description of her could sum up the royalty and radiance that she held. Her brown skin was golden and clear, she wore extravagant eye make up and a silver chin piece was held on her face.

"I hold great gratitude for bringing it to me."


I nodded.

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