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THE PYRAMIDS extended version is out on my page now!


You were the soft sweetheart in contrast to Vincent's intimidating demeanour. Surprisingly enough you made the first move on him, he liked to deny it but you made him nervous. Nobody dared to look him directly into those harsh green eyes, however you made perfect eye contact with him. Your soft brown eyes looked at him gently and he found it refreshing.

One thing he also loved about you is how you listened to him, from him talking about his day or letting him you know he was going out, you dropped what you were doing to listen to him.

But right now Vincent was fighting for your attention.

He didn't know what it was on your phone that was so interesting to the point that you wouldn't even look up at him.

"Babe." He said looking down at you as you laid on his lap.

"Yes Vin?" You asked and he kissed his teeth.

"Look at me woman." He groaned and you looked at him for a split second before smiling and looking back down at your phone.

You was tryna book a surprise holiday for you and vinnie. To say the least, vinnie was the 'don't spend a dime on me' type of boyfriends. So if he found out you was booking a holiday he would almost immediately pay you back the money you had spent on him.

"What are you looking at." He asked tryna take your my phone but you quickly switched the tabs. And when onto some text messages with your friend.

"Talking to my friends." You said showing him the phone before lowering it down and switching back to the website.

"Baby look at me." He demanded.

"Why Vin?" You asked.

"Because." He said not caring to add a reason.

He was such a big baby.

"I'm busy Vin." You said.

He groaned placing his face closer to yours, trying to replace the phone with his head.

"Attention baby." He said.

You ignored him and moved your head to the side.

He kissed your neck, craning his head into your shoulder. "Attention." He said once again.

You recognised that he wasn't about to quit so you locked your phone and looked at him.

He blinked at you in return.

"Happy?" I chuckled and he nodded.

"Can we take a nap?" 

"Vin I'm not tired." I said.


I couldn't say no to him.

"Half an hour max." I said sternly and he nodded taking a blanket and wrapping up both in it. His arm wrapped around me and I laid against his chest.

Breathing slowly I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I don't even know how long it had been but I was definitely longer then half an hour.

My stretched my limb as I stood up.

Vinnie nowhere to be seen.

And neither way my phone...

Oh fuck.

"Vinnie?!" I shouted running up the stairs to our room.

Opening the door Vincent sat on the bed counting bundles of money.

"What are you doing?" I groaned.

"Counting how much I owe you." He said not even looking up at me.

"You don't owe me anything vinnie." I said.

"You wanted to purchase a week long holiday without telling me. Doll..."

"Key word; I wanted to. You owe me nothing vin, it was supposed to be a gift."

He looked up at me.

"Gift for what?"

"For everything you've ever done for me." I said sitting next to him.

"Really?" He asked.


"A holiday to the islands?" He clarified and I nodded again with a chuckle.

"The only think you better be paying for us out matching suitcases."

He laughed incasing me into a hug. 

"Thank you my love."

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐅 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now