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It was about 10 at night and I was downstairs watching a series with Sloan. Vinnie and his friends were upstairs on a stream. He wanted me to chill with him and the guys but Sloan and I were dying to finish a least one season of Scandal while she wasn't busy, being Vinnies assistant and all.

"Fitz is actually starting to grow on me." Sloan said and I agreed with a giggle.

"Yeah like at first he just looked like a old man but he's giving dilf." I countered and we both laughed. Just as we continued to talk loud cheering from upstairs interrupted us.

"What the hell are they doing up there?" I said.

"Vinnie bought this big ass bottle of vodka, idiots are probably drunk." Sloan said standing up. "We should probably go check on them" and I agreed following her upstairs. However I made a decoy to the bathroom.

"I'll be there in a min, I need a piss." I said and Sloan gave me a simple "okay" and we parted ways.

I did my business and washed my hands. Looking through the cabinets of my boyfriends bathroom I grabbed a cologne and sprayed it lightly over my collar bones.

Vinnie always smelled good. A little random but also a true fact.

I then entered vinnies bedroom and the rowdy guys cheered again once they saw me.

"You guys have too much energy." I chuckled dipping through their legs to get up to my boyfriend who was on his gaming chair, looking sexy as fuck in a white wife-beater. His tattoos were just perfect on his skin and he wore my necklace he had stolen around his neck.

I held myself back from kissing him since 1. I wasn't one for PDA (but he looked so goddamn good) and 2. His fans had no idea we were dating. To them I was pretty much just apart of vinnies close friend group. I was cool with that, it was a mutual agreement between vinnie and I, since when we started dating, Vinnie was at the peak of building up his fan base.

So I was gonna be more prone to the weird crazy fan girls that thought that they could bag vin if they got the chance. However, now Vin has a steady fanbase which was much more chill and supportive. I guess now we just continued on with the way we were, not really bothering to make it official on social media.

I wasn't a need anyway. I'm very much content with the way that vinnie fucks this pussy in private.

"drink! drink! drink!" They all chanted trying to shove the glass bottle into my arms. I just laughed declining.

"I've gotta drive home." I said and vinnie just turned his head.

"Why don't you just stay the night?" He asked and my eyes widened.

"Vinnie." I said looking between him and the monitor. This guy was streaming live. Right now.

"What babe? Stay the night." The chat feed went crazy as I just stared at him dazed and he gave me a confused look.

"Vinnie." I burst out laughing coming closer to him, tilting his microphone away from his face and whispering in his ear.

"You just baited out our relationship on live." I whispered.

He just smiled at me with a shrug, suddenly grabbing me and sitting me on his lap.

BABE? OMG he just called her babe.

I knew they were dating bro.

Its all adding up now.

I had a feeling they were dating!!!!!

lord when will my time come.

We watched the chat feed go crazy before vinnie placed his mic back to his mouth and kissed my cheek multiple.

"Yeah y/n's my girlfriend and I just baited out our relationship out, I say it's whatever but Y/n said she wants to murder me." Vinnie said into the mic while watching the chat feed. I rolled my eyes at him playfully.

"I never said that." I said to the stream.

"A shot for the couple eh?" Josh handed us two full shot glasses. I shrugged and took one while vinnie took the other.

He puckered his lips for me to kiss, I also noticed how he leaned forward so that the camera could see us kiss. I clinked our glasses before downing the shot.

For the rest of the night i was on vinnie lap. His arms were around my stomach as he continued talking and messing about with the guys.

"Mmm you smell like me." He commented after kissing my neck.

"Yeah I sprayed your cologne."

"Wait this means you can wear my clothes on stream now?!" Vinnie said in excitement and I smile at his cuteness.

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