Halloween series #3: The Pyramids. Final Part.

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My eyes slowly opened. I squinted from the brightness of the sun and cover my eyes. Looking beside me the woman was no where to be seen. I sighed deeply standing up to my feet and starred out at the dunes.

I wasn't surprised she had left me. After all I had caused her I wouldn't blame her for fending for herself.

My skin was dry and brittle from the lack of moisture and harsh sun that I simply wasn't adapted to. My mouth was dry and I was quenched for thirst. Licking my finger I raised it to the air and felt the breeze wipe past from the north.

My motivation to move was short, I was ready to give up right now. I had started to regret building that damned Time Machine as well. Curiosity always killed the cat.

I flinched as finger tips slid down my arm, looking to my side the woman stood next to me, holding two pouches of water.

"I left to fetch water." She spoke, holding out for me to take.

"Thank you." I said chugging it down desperately.

She watched me with a chuckle.

"Hunger only strikes the rich." She muttered before walking forward.

I followed after her.

We walked for about half an hour, not a lot of conversation come from either of us as she lead the way. However I noticed the pause in her step every once in a while as she wiggled her toes in the sand.

She sighed deeply as I'm sure the pain in her feet came with force. She was rather strong, very strong. She showed little to no emotion and when she did it was the fierce look that terrored through her heterochromic eyes. But I saw from the furrow in her eyebrows as she fought through the pain.

She could hold up for much longer n's collapsed on the hot sand. I immediately aided to her side and broke some of her fall.

She refused to make eye contact with me as she grew vulnerable. I came to question myself, how long she had been on the run. How long she had to but up this facade.

Looking down at my feet I had totally forgot about the sandals given to me. Although they were to large for her petite feet I quickly took them off. Grabbing some of my water I wet the bottom of her injured feet and used my robe to pat them dry. Tieing each shoe to her foot securely.

I hadn't even noticed her harsh glare like I usually did. That was because of the soft eyes I was met with instead.

"What is your name?" I asked softly.

"Keket." She answered with the same tone.

"I apologise for the pain I have caused you Keket." I said and she smiled shaking her head.

"I don't blame you. The dynasty is corrupt in the ruling of Cleopatra." She said and I offered her a smile to which she raised her hand to my face. She lined each part of it ending at my nose.

She seemed to enjoy doing that.

Breaking eye contact she looked at the desert ahead of us. "We must get going, spending a night in the dessert is dangerous." 

I nodded helping her up to her feet.

I held her hand as we walked. Surprisingly she allowed it, only being one step a head of me to lead us in the right direction.

She hummed softly, however I was enticed by it, the foreign language coming from her tongue.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

She looked at me with a smile.

"I can't translate, I'm sorry." She spoke. "It was a song my mother and father danced to when I was younger. They said it helped kept snakes away when walking through the dunes, the steps caused minimal vibrations so the snakes wouldn't mistake them for prey."

She grabbed my hand and set it on her waist. She then slide her feet through the sand to which her feet buried in slightly. Her body moved effortlessly and arms swaying with her body.

I walked with her trying to keep up as we ascended the sands. She stepped back so her back was against my chest, she slide down holding my thigh to support herself.

She hummed the soft rhythmic tune. I held her waist with both my hands with my head on her shoulder. I followed her steps as she repeated the sequence.

"I miss when dancing was something other then a peverted thing people watched. When it was pure and holy." She whispered turning to face me.

"Your so beautiful, you mind and soul." I said leaning my head again hers as a glint of something caught up in her eyes.

"You are rather handsome." She said touching on my muscular arms. Sinking her hands down to my chest and stomach.

I stifled a breathe, glancing at Keket as she stared up at me through her long dark eyelashes.

My hands slowly rolled along the curves of her skin and under then fabric of her robes. I grabbed the skin that was golden as the sun.

She leaned her head on my chest enjoying the sensation. The sand exfoliated her skin, making it soft and pudgy. Her sent was addicting. Royal musk stained her skin in order to attract men. But it mixed well with her natural scent making a delectable combination.

Keket titled her head up to mine and kissed my lips. I sank into her plump full lips, she removed the cover from my head, making it drop to the floor behind me and she entangled her fingers with my long locks of hair.

In such a short amount of time we had come so far. From her trying to kill me to her body melting into mine as we shared something so forbidden and sensual. So unheard of and secret.

A scientist from the future and a runaway goddess from the ancient times of Egypt. 

Tearing us apart, her brown eye swirled like the desert and her blue one shone like the sea. So beautiful.

I pecked her lip only for her to sink back into me for the second time.

I smiled allowing the notion.

Once she was finished with me she filled away with a smirk on her lips as she wiped her mouth with her thumb.

"Who knew American men kissed so well, especially ones from the future." She said encasing my hand in hers and pulling me forward.

Dusk rolled in quickly. The sun was setting and time was running out.

Her pace picked up as we approached the east of the dessert. We stopped and looked around for the metal contraption.

A glint from the sunset caught my attention. "I found it!" I said and ran toward it. We ran hand in hand, I was so ready to go back home. I only wondered what it was gonna be like when I got back. Had time moved any faster or slower? Did anyone notice I was gone?

Questions filled my mind as I ran ahead, I hadn't notice Keket slowly slipping away.

Turning around I saw as she stood watching me. The light from the sunset blinded me as all I could see was the luminated shadow of her figure. 

I stopped in my tracks, breathing heavily as I realised this was the end.


Oh my god y'all this took me the entire day and Prayer1 by April27 on repeat NON STOP to write.

I'm so proud of this piece of writing that I'm going to release an extended version on my page! Look out for that soon!

All the love <3

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