I ❤️ MY GF

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Vinnie was at a party while you stayed back at the house. He was pretty insistent on starting home with you but his friends wanted him come out. Vinnie was a slightly clingy boyfriends and you love him like that however you didn't want him dropping his plans with his friends for you. So you insisted he go out and enjoy himself.

You indulged in a Fresh Prince of Belair marathon and meanwhile vinnies mind was only really set on going home back to you.

It wasn't like the party was boring or anything. He had a good few drinks and dance up near the DJ with his friends. But it was just the girls,, they were constantly eyeing and hitting on him. Of course he remained unbothered by their attempts to get with him but it didn't mean he was gonna let it happen.

He was sat on the comforter along with his friends. The group pretty much just talked about random stuff. A group of girls sat opposite them.

"Hey it's vinnie right?" On of the girls said.

"Yeah." He replied trying not to be an utter dickhead even though he knew her intentions by the way she was twirling her hair around her finger.

"You smell really good, what are you wearing?" She tried to flirt.

"My girlfriend." He replied and unsurprisingly the girl was a complete nut job.

"Oh I've never heard of that one before." She said and Vinnie just looked at his friends with a baffled look on his face. His friends were stifling laughs themselves.

"Well I've been, like, so into basketball right now. Do you watch it?"

"Yeah I watch it with my girlfriend." Vinnie answered and the girls smile faded.

"Oh you have a girlfriend? How long y'all been together?" She gritted. 

"4 months"

The girl suddenly perked up and grinned again. "Ah so not that long."

Vinnie raised an eyebrow.

"What's your favourite food?"

"My girlfriend."  Everybody answered in unison and the girl went red in the face.


"My girlfriend is so good at cooking man." Vinnie spoke to the steam as his mouth was full of the food you cooked. He hummed in enjoyment.

"Gah Dayum." He sighed loudly hitting the table.

You were downstairs and could hear all the commotion, you laughed to yourself. Vin hyped up for food to much, it was pretty much just the regular rice and chicken but I guess black cooking just hits different when your hot used to it.

"I love my girlfriend" Vinnie randomly said. "Where is my girlfriends. Girlfriends! Come here"

Within a few seconds you walked through the door to vinnies streaming room with a raised eyebrow. He just smiled at you like a Cheshire Cat, pecking your lips a few times.

"What?" You asked smiling down at him, you played with his hair.

"You're so fine baby." He cooed and you cheesed at him.

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