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Vinnies POV

I was around Kudas house and we were watching some scary ass movie with the guys. A suspenseful scene came on and we were all clinging to ourselves waiting for the Jumpscare.

The door suddenly slammed shut behind us.

We all shouted and jumped in unison only to turn around and see Kudas sister, Ellaine, with a stank look on her face.

God she was probably thinking what a bunch of weirdos were doing in her house.

"Ew." She said before going straight up stair.

Kuda rolled his eyes grabbing the remote and rewinding the movie, while the rest of us basically drooled over his sister.

To say the least Ellaine was the most finest thing to cross our school, she was a year above and was basically the female Casanova. Everybody wanted her and the lucky ones that did get her treated her like a diamond in the rough.

It was almost shocking that Kuda was related to her so closely. You see, Kuda was the average boys boy, playing video games, watching anime and eating take out. So was the rest of our group.

I was new to the school, and was in a awkward place when it came to friends. Kuda invited me into his after getting to know eachother in art class and basically having everything in common.

The thing was I was pretty much the pretty boy of the group. Most people questioned why I hung out with them since I could of been in any other cliche. But like any movie, most guys were girl validated dickheads.

In other words as weird as Kuda and the others may seem, they were real as fuck.

I, like every other human being, I flaunted over Ellaine's existence. However, i also wondered why she resented her brother and his friends so much.

I remember the first time I came round their house, I greeted Ellaine only to get a cold blank stare back from her. She never talked to Kuda in or out of school either.

Fast forward to the next weekend, I was back at Kudas house in the morning doing some art project for school.

I had our notes and pencils set up on the kitchen island.

"Imma go use the bathroom." Kuda sighed standing up from the stool.

I hummed concentrating back on my work. A few minutes later Kuda entered back into the kitchen.

"Red or black?" I asked not looking up from the book.

"Kudas still up stairs."

Looking up I immediately sat up straight to see Ellaine looking at the sheets of paper scattered across the island. She then proceeded to look through the cupboards.

"Oh my bad."

"No need to apologise." She said monotoned taking the kindness away from the sentence altogether.

I hummed looking back down at my work then looked up at her again, I was contemplating weather to ask her a question that was on my mind lately.

"Do you have something against us?"

Off like a band aid.

I was slightly terrified since Ellaine did this scary thing with her eyes, where she would squint as if to make sure she was hearing the persons statement correctly.

"Them yes, you no." She answered doing back to what she was going.

"Why them?" I asked turning fully to face her.

"I could ask you the same question."

I furrowed my eyebrows confused.

"What do you mean?"

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