how i met your father

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Vinnie walked through the door with our teenage daughter, Kali. She dropped her tote bag at the entrance saying a quick hello to me and zapping up to her room.

"Hey baby" vin said sweetly kissing my lips. I smiled up at him caressed his chin hair.

"Growing it out again huh?" I teased as he stuck his tongue out at me, leaving my lips with a wet kiss and he sat next to me.

"Of course darling you like the feeling of it on your pussay-" he counted boyishly. I pushed him away jokingly. Before getting up again he kissed my pregnant stomach and winked. "That's how we made this one aye"

I kissed my teeth playfully. Kali came down the stairs with her hair in a puff and fresh clothes on.

"Hey doll face. How was school" i spoke as she gave me a quick hug.

"Eh. It was okay, not to much went on to be honest" she shrugged sitting beside me.

"Daddy can you make me garlic bread pleaseee" she said in the convincing little voice she did when she wanted something. Vinnie ofcourse fell for it everytime because Kali was more or less a dads girl but she had my mindset hehe.

"But I made chilli-"


Vinnie sighed smiling at her grabbing the bread from the fridge.

Kali laughed looking at me as I countered her face. She just like me for real.

"I know this is a random question...but how did you meet dad. Like what the sappy love story behind your even more sappy marriage" she spoke. I pinched her side as she winced. "Joking!"

Vinnie gave the 'go ahead' look for me to tell the story. Which I did.

"Well you know how I have a resting bitch face, right?" I started and Kali nodded. "Well..."-

My friends and I walked out of the campus and towards the park. We had all finished our lectures and wanted to chill outside since it was a literally the middle of the summer and it was scorching hot.

On of my friends, Lauri, wanted to meet her boyfriend and his friends since they had food. Who can say no to food? Not me.

"Did you tell him to buy the chicken one" Halima asked as Lauri nodded.

"Of course I did" she answered, the small group of boys came into view and we greeted them all and sat down.

Handing out all the food out, we all ate and engrossed into conversation.

"Give me rubbish cause I'm not standing up again" I held my hand. The boys shoved there trash in my hand and I took it to the bin and sat down again aimlessly next to this guy that I didn't notice I hadn't met before.

I looked at him and he looked back at me giving me a dirty look. I frowned my eyebrows and he frowned his too.

I was gonna open my mouth to speak but then I realised what my face probably looked like. Anyone who's ever met me has said that I have a extreme resting bitch face. Sometime I don't even notice the expression that I pull until it hits me afterward.

My eyes widened as I apologised in a rush but the guy did so too.

"I have a mean resting face!" We said in unison. I paused and he did too.

I smiled and he did too, his soft curls falling into this face.

"Sorry didn't mean to look at you funny. Promise it weren't of purpose" he raised a hand crossing his heart as I laughed.

"Same here. I'm completely oblivious of my facial expressions" I said.

"Vincent" he said cutely holding out his hand. I gladly shook it. His touch gave me literal butterflies.

"Nice to meet you vinnie" I grinned as he raised an eyebrow.

"Make that vin" he grinned back as I smiled widely at him.

"Gladly" i countered. We both noticed that our hands were still on one another. But we kept it that way.

"-and that's how I met you father" I said in a dreamy haze. Vin came and gave me a fat kiss and I sank in place.

"Y'all are worse then the teenager behind the smoking shelter" Kali grimaced.

"As I recall your the one who asked" I raised an eyebrow.

She shrugged biting into her garlic bread. "Touché"

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