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vinnies pov

As a firefighter the boys and I had to make routine patrols around the neighbourhoods, luckily my girl and I lived in one of those neighbourhoods. y/n was familiar with the schedule so we would sit outside at 3:45 just to wave at us as we passed.

"Can we stop my 7/11 before we patrol?" I asked Johnny who was driving and he nodded.

"What you need?" He asked.

"Just gonna pick up some stuff for my girl." I hummed and Johnny, Devin and TaSean grinned like idiots. I rolled my eyes as they wooed like 13 year old girls.

"What can he say? You gotta keep our sisters well maintained." TaSean said dappin me up and I chuckled.

Once we got to 7/11, I hopped out and scanned through the isles, picking up a bag of blue takis, calypso and Reese's cups.

I paid and carried the bag back to the truck. Hopping in, we proceeded to each of the neighbourhoods. We waved at some of the kids playing on the street.

Finally we got to my street and y/n wasn't outside  so I told Johnny to beep the horn. I stood infront of the truck, a few minutes later y/n unlocked the door and smiled. She looked so beautiful clad in a crop top and baggy joggers, her braids free to way down her back and a glass of red wine in her hand.

"You late baby." She said walking towards me.

"Stopped by the shop to buy you this." I said holding out the bag once we was infront of me. She smelt of rose and wine, I could never get enough of her!

She looked through the bag and grinned looking up at me with those eyes.

"You tryna get your dick sucked vinnie?" She said as if I didn't just have a truck full of men behind me.

My eyes widened. "Y/n."

She looked me up and down, I could hear the guys laughing.  "You tryna get your shit rocked nigga?"

"Babe are you drunk??" I said my face going red as she continued to tempt with a hell of a good time.

"No... but I will be when you get home." She stated pulling me into a nice slow kiss, even though it lasted for less then 10 second she left me wanting more.

She moved her face to the side and whispered in my ear. "Drunk sex is the best sex, am I right?"

I nodded like a lost puppy and she kissed my cheek before pulling away.

"Hey boys." She waved behind me and they replied quickly, waving and shouting their hellos, while I just stood there with my head doing 150 miles an hour.

"Bye baby." She smiled at me before walking away with a way in her step.

Once I hopped back into the truck, the guys went into a frenzy.

"You tryna get your shit ROCKED" Devin quoted her in boyish shock.

"At this point take tomorrow off." Johnny laughed from the driving seat.

"Gotta love y/n" TaSean chuckled shaking his head.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐅 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now