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AU: mafia!vhacker



Jealous all because i kissed a girl. My King Pin envious because i decided to indulge in the different cherry flavour of some female i had danced with at the club.

I was reckless by nature i found pleasure in pushing the buttons of Vincent Hacker. I liked to fuck around and found out, his nonchalant facade was bound to break, i just needed to hit a nerve or two.

I was greedy for a reaction, i needed to know he cared about me. Since we started dating he gave me all the attention i wanted, all the gifts money could buy and the sex was out of question something from a succubus dream. But what he lacked was the obsession, i wanted my man to worship me, i wanted him to get jealous when guy hit on me or grow angry when I came home late with my lip stick smeared. Ofcourse I've never cheated on Vincent, i would never.

But tonight I need to up my game. I never intended on grabbing the beautiful darkskin women to dance with me but the notion just seemed to happen. We grinded and danced like wasted white women on each other, my eyes set on Vincent as he watched the encounter. His eyes were void of expression and lips flat, his ring abundant fingers however gripped the whiskey glass, veins lined his arms as the pressure built up.

I smiled devilishy, my plan was working. He looked so hot as he sat trying his hardest to withhold that stupid wall created by his own egotistical toxic masculinity. Tonight i wanted to see him break.

My lips hovered over the girls ear, teasing to bit and nibble. She sneaked her arms around my waist and i tied my arms around her shoulder. Vincent's green eyes glared into mine as held the same stare while I kissed behind the girls ear. She moaned softly but I ignored it. She was attractive and all but I wasn't into women like that, now that I thought of it I was pretty much leading the pretty woman on. Shame... but I probably won't see her again.

I made direct I contact with my baby as his eye twitched slightly, his eyes lowering to the grip the girl had on my ass, we were collided against each other. Our stomachs touched and my head was on her should as hers was on mine.

"Jealous?" I mouthed to him and he looked away, flexing his sharp jawline I lived to kiss on. He was quick to turn back to us and I made sure he saw the next thing.

I turned the girls head towards me and pulled her into my lips. Our tongues intertwined and lust dripped from our bodies. The was fucking hot. Even the people around us cheered at the steamy kiss. I opened my eyes to look at my boyfriend. His face wore a deep frown and I was just in time to witness the glass he was squeezing crush between his fingers. A mixture of alcohol and blood dropped onto the floor.

Fuck maybe I went to far. Or maybe it was just I needed. Vincent right now was as jealous as ever. Right what I wanted him to feel. He rose from his seat completely ignoring the shattered and strided towards the exit.

I was quick to pull away from the girl. She looked at me amazed. "Wow." She spoke breathlessly.

"Your a good kisser, I'm sure any girl would love your lips." I said before departing from her without letting her speak another word. I instantly left the follow vin.

I spotted him standing hunched over the car. He wiped his bleeding hand on his thigh.

The clicking of my heels behind his made his turn around. I was shocked as i was instantly picked up and bought around his waist. His fingers dug into my ass. His head burrowed into my neck, inhaling deeply.

His lips hovered over my skin and I could feel his fast hot breathe.

So I guess-" I started but Vincent instantly cut me off.

"Don't say a fucking word." He hissed out getting into the car with me still on his waist. He started the car and started driving. One hand on my ass and the other on wheel. He drives dangerously fast down the empty street. His eyes focused on the road at first but as he picked up speed his piercing green eyes glared into my soul. I arched into him; rising my Ames to stoke the back of his neck. The thrill of his reckless driving turned me on. His eyes were on me, not once settling on the road. Envy, lust and obsession was a nice look on him. He wore it perfectly just a I had thought.

"You fuck around with me too much darling." He said taunting his lips over my earlobe. "You want a reaction out of me, you want me to break underneath you huh? You want me to bow down on my knees for you?"

Yes exactly.

"Don't you y/n?" He repeated and I nodded closing me eyes to enjoyed the feeling of his lips kissing below my ear and down my neck.

"And I'm will to do just that." He continued kissing the side of my mouth dangerously.

"But tonight it's about me, you will submit to me baby. I will damage you." His words excites me, my body tingled as I could feel his print against my thigh. I could have just fucked him right there and then as his lips pressed against mine in an angry kiss. He bit my lower lip and sank his tongue into my mouth. I moaned against his lips and he groaned gripping my ass even harder.

"Fuck you taste like her." He said in dislike but still attacked my mouth like his personal nympho.

I was his after all.

A loud car horn sounded and Vincent grabbed my body with one arm, holding me again his chest while the other released my ass and grabbed the steering wheel and his foot pressed the breaks.

I opened my eyes and turned at the scene. We were at least one cm from hitting the car in front of us. I looked at Vincent in shock.

He smiled down at me devilishly and my face faded mirroring his grin.

You wouldn't believe it but at the blink of death we laughed.

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