Chapter Thirty Eight

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Zeemama.... If you are reading this then it's for you, thank you for being an amazing friend turned sister, for loving me so much and putting up with me because I know I can be a handful to handle sometimes but I know you always got me, love you loads my baby's nanny (ps: her baby's name is Abdulrahman, my favorite character in Maryam).
Guys are you ready?? Let's dive in.....

"Well I know maybe you can't remember me and you must be wondering what am I doing here right now or what do I need" Baba Ali said to Malam Hamza the head teacher in Maryam's Islamiyya school. Malam Hamza is in his late fifty's and he is a person of great reputation, a very humble, kind and gentle soul. Baba Ali first met with Malam Hamza when they went to seek Maryam's hand in marriage at her parents. He was introduced to him by Maryam's father as her mentor, as he has been Maryam's teacher since when she was barely six years old and he has been an old friend of his.

Baba Ali has been thinking of who to approach to get help from concerning his new investigation and Malam Hamza came to his mind. He thought that will be a good starting point for him but where can he find him without anyone suspecting anything? After much deliberation he called Abdulrahman to help him ask Maryam the name of her Islamiyya as he wants to recommend it for his grand daughter and Abdulrahman did that effortlessly for him. He found the school and right now he is sitting in Malam Hamza's office, nervous about how to tell him the sole reason he is in his office today but he just have to muster the courage and do it anyway.

"Ah haba mana! I very well recognize you, you are Abdulrahman's grandfather that is Maryam's fiancé Baba Ali, right? And we first met at Alhaji Muhammad's house during the official introduction of your family." Baba Ali smiled, happy that he doesn't have to do the introduction part again and he was very impressed with Malam Hamza's good memory as he very well recognize him.

"Wow! Malam Hamza indeed you really do recognize me, couple with the fact that we only met once and it's been months ago even almost a year I must commend your good and sharp memory but I am Abdulrahman's grand uncle, his grand father was my junior brother."

"Well an uncle is a father too, that doesn't mean you are anything less than a grandfather to him since your brother is no longer here and thank you for the kind words."

"Yes I agree with you, you are totally right." Baba Ali said smiling and Malam Hamza sat forward, clasping his hands on the table.

"So tell me Baba Ali, how can I help you? I hope everything is okay koh?" He asked concerned as he could tell Baba Ali was struggling to tell him something but he is finding it difficult to.

"Hhmnnn Malam Hamza, everything is okay but something is wrong somewhere and that is why I am actually here because I need your help. There is a problem regarding Maryam and Abdulrahman's marriage and I need to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible. As you are aware the wedding has been postponed several times now and it all has to do with what I want to tell you now. I know you are a good person and you will always side with the truth no matter what, plus you are one of the people that knows Maryam closely and her behaviors too. Before I tell you what the actual problem is I would like you to please tell me between you and God who Maryam is and how is her character. I know this might be coming late as we should have done all this investigation before committing ourselves into this alliance and believe me we have but just that the current situation calls for all of this again. So please be sincere with me as much as you can because this is about someone's else's happiness and I believe you wouldn't want to be in any way part of something that will hurt your Muslim brother or sister."

Malam Hamza was confused and scared about what the problem could be that prompted Baba Ali needing his help but nevertheless he has to tell him what he knows about Maryam with all sincerity right away.

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