Chapter Fifty

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"Considering all evidences presented against the two culprits Zarah and Ibrahim before this honorable court, I hereby declare them guilty of slandering and false accusation of Zina to the victim Maryam and they will hereby receive eighty lashes each as their punishment which is prescribed in the Islamic law." The judge made this final statement before dismissing the case and Yusuf was beyond excited after all that's why he brought the issue to this place now they will learn their lesson the hard way he muttered.

Ibrahim's mother was beyond disappointed with her son, she was broken and having to sit there amongst the audience and witness the whole situation almost gave her a heart attack in fact she didn't know how she survived up to that moment. She wept silently with her head hung low ashamed to be recognized as his mother. She and all others watched as Zarah and Ibrahim reap what they sow, the cried out of pain at a point Zarah almost fainted but that didn't stop the man from doing his job and she passed out immediately she was done receiving her punishment. They were moved back to the hisbah office were some lady officers attended to Zarah and made sure she was conscious again.

The world felt like hell, there isn't anything nice about it anymore. Nothing pleases Ibrahim neither Zarah at that moment and they were both wishing for death to come for them. After they were discharged from the hisbah custody Ibrahim followed his mother out of the office while Zarah also manage to drag herself out to get a tricycle.

"Ibrahim I thank God today that your father is not alive to witness such a day because you would have killed him today. Yes! Wallahi na sani da Bakin cikin ka yau sai ya kashe shi and I regret that I have to be the one to witness what you have become. Bazan yi maka baki ba amma kaje duniya ta ishe ka. You see what just happens to you now is just the beginning, hakkin Maryam ba zai barku ba as long as she didn't forgive you domin kuwa Allah baya yafe hakkin wani akan wani. I am so embarrassed to be called your mother and you should be ashamed of yourself too. Now I want you to know this that as long as Maryam bata yafe maku ba then forget you have a mother. I don't want anything from you please, stay as far away as possible yawwa." With that she walks away but he followed her hurriedly grabbing the edge of her hijab. He went on his knees immediately begging her.

"Mama dan Allah kiyi hakuri, I am really sorry for breaking your heart. Wallahi I am ashamed of myself and I regret every action of mine. If you send me away I have nowhere to go, you are my mother and even if everyone deserts me you shouldn't. Yes I know I am not worthy of your love now but please give me another chance to prove myself to you that I am a changed person now. I have been beaten severely for the past few weeks, my heart, body and soul are all in pain and shambles and my only last resort is you so please I beg you in the name of Allah don't leave me, I have already lost all I have I don't even have the strength to look into people's eyes now but then I promise you I will be a better person and maybe I might make you proud once again. I am really sorry."

His words lowered her resolve a little giving them a thought. Maybe sending him away isn't the right thing to do because he might end up in a worst place or in the company of bad influence and that will do both of them no good after all she is still his mother and that will never change.

"Fine, you can stay in the house but I don't want you mingling in mine or your siblings business, just stay in within your limits and as for my forgiveness you will have to earn it and it's not going to be easy. I am just letting you be because I know if you father was here he wouldn't have want you anywhere else than home at least not after the embarrassment you have caused us." She said full of disappointment but still he was glad that she is taking him back after all he has done and he is further convinced that a Mother's love compares to absolutely nothing in the world.

"Thank you so much, nagode sosai and inshaa Allah I assure you I will follow all your orders and I will be a good person henceforth." They walked in silence to get a taxi home.

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