Chpt.1: "L'inizio della fine"

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A/n: Welcome to my monstrosity of a book. I honestly don't expect this book to gain a lot of attention, this was mostly made for me to get over how in love I am with Enid and Wednesday.

Btw all characters are 16+ with Enid and Wednesday being 18 (Wednesday being 17 at the start and turning 18 in the middle)

Anyway, have fun reading, if there's anyone that speaks Italian or French that could help correct any mistranslations I would appreciate it!!

Third Person P.O.V

An outcast. Who would have thought that Y/n Russo would be sent to a school for outcasts? Certainly not herself and not her mother and father.

"I just find it insulting that the authorities of this country think they can keep my little bella in this place over such a small misunderstanding then they do not know I am a Russo!"

The voice of Y/n's father, James Russo, can be heard cutting through the damp air of Nevermore Academy's front gate. "Don't stress yourself out tesoro you'll get grey hairs" and that voice would be Y/n's mother, Gabriella Russo.

"I'm just worried for our little girl il mio amore, our little viper has never been so far away from the family before" Gabriella approaches her husband's side to gently caress his cheek, the younger of the two leans into the gentle touch and places her other hand to his heart. "Worry not cuore mio, our princess will be just fine here and maybe it'll do her some good, the same way it did us"

James closes his eyes with a wide smile spreading across his face, "Nevermore Academy was the best thing that could have happened to me, it lead me to la mia metà" Gabriella gently guides the man's head towards hers, leaving a searing kiss against his lips. With that spark, the two begin a full-on make-out session in front of the school.

"Per l'amor di Dio! As much as I love to know my parents are still deeply in love after so many years, I enjoy being the youngest Russo and would not like to have any more siblings than the eight that I already have"

James pulls away from his wife with a deep belly chuckle. " Of course, La mia piccola vipera, your time here at Nevermore will be some of the best years of your life and you might find your other half" Y/n rolls her eyes at her father's sappy words and walks toward her luggage, it being almost 20 suitcases.

"I am not like you and Mother, I did not come here looking for love and I certainly didn't come here looking for friends" Gabriella let out a sigh and walked toward her youngest and only daughter, "La mia rosa velenosa, you mustn't have such a negative attitude about this, if we didn't agree to send you here then that woman's family would have pressed charges and a charge of vehicular manslaughter would not look good on your record as a Russo"

"I can do so much better than vehicular manslaughter, they dare give me such a degrading murder charge, I admire the sadistic fools" Y/n smiles fondly while recounting her times of freedom. "Well mother, father, it seems it is my time to create my path as a Russo" James sighs sadly and places his soft hands on his daughter's shoulders.

"I am going to miss you dearly Mia figlia" he pulls Y/n into a hug which she openly returns, a small sniffle coming from her dad. "Father please do not begin crying, you know what that does to Mother " James then lets out a broken sob and releases his daughter to turn around and cry to himself.

"You know how your father can get emotional when it comes to our youngest Russo" Gabriella hugs her daughter tightly, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head. "You are going to love it here at Nevermore piccola vipera, you will have many adventures and make new friends as well, don't forget that you can expand the Russo bloodline while you're here"

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