🔞Chpt. 10: "Priez pour cela"🔞

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A/n: This will be your first and only warning. This chapter is a mature, r-18 chapter not suitable for children. If you wish to not read this chapter then don't. All characters in this book were aged up and the consenting parties in this chapter are both 18+.

Third Person P.O.V

"What's the real reason you're doing this Wednesday?"

The situation Y/n had gotten herself into was one she hadn't imagine happening for a long time. It was only once something similar had happened between her and Wednesday but the goth girl would actively avoid and pretend that the moment did not happen.

"Do I truly need a reason? I'm telling you this is what I want to do so be a good pet and listen" Wednesday's sharp bite to her words causes Y/n to flinch ever so slightly.

Y/n hesitantly grabs the hands Wednesday had placed on her thighs and pushes them off gently. Wednesday looks up at Y/n with a raised brow, Y/n is quick to stand to her feet, switching their positions so now it was Wednesday who was sitting in the desk chair with Y/n on her knees.

"Once I finish with this, don't come back to me only for your own enjoyment. If you come back then you come back for good and not for me to be your little servent"

Wednesday glares darkly at the girl towering over her, "Who do you think you are to tell m-"

Wednesday's sentence is abruptly cut off by Y/n leaning in and firmly kissing the girl. The action leaves Wednesday stunned, her brain not keeping up with her body at which leaves her panting slightly by the time Y/n pulls away, a cocky grin on her face with her fangs glimmering.

"Chéri, you're blushing" Y/n's smug comment makes Wednesday's once soft gaze grow sharp. "If you're only going to make side bar comments I'd advise you to put your mouth to better use."

Y/n smirks as a dark look glazes over her eyes, "Better use huh? Alright then, whatever you say princesse"

Y/n drops to her knees and spreads Wednesday's legs slowly, looking up at the goth girl through her lashes. Wednesday raises a brow in response and Y/n simply smirks, running a clawed finger along her thigh leaving a raised red line to contrast the girls deathly pale skin.

The response in return is a slight flinch of the raven's thigh, pale hands tightening on the armrests of the chair in a death like vice.

"I am growing impatient Russo." States Wednesday, venom dripping from her words in frustration. "Well that's just unfortunate isn't it pretty girl? I didn't say you'd get what you want"

With an inaudible huff of air from Wednesday, Y/n smiles. "You aren't very scary, you're like a sugarbag bee; you only look scary but you couldn't harm anyone even if you tried"

Wednesday glares at the girl below, "It sounds as if you wish to test that theory" Y/n laughs lightly while rubbing Wednesday's thigh. "Come now princesse, you of all people should know that wouldn't work on me"

Wednesday just grumbles in return pulling a soft smile onto Y/n's face.

Y/n places a soft kiss to Wednesday's knee, holding eye contact with the girl while gently trailing her lips down the younger girls leg. Leaving soft kisses and bites as well as saying compliments in French under her breath.

Intertwining her hand with Wednesday's, Y/n rests her head on her thighs. "Ma belle fille" The shifter mutters to herself, slotting her head between Wednesday's thighs and placing the girls legs on to her shoulders.

One hand grips Wednesday's while the other rests on the girls bare thigh. "Well, what a sight this is" Y/n inquires to Wednesday with a raised brow. Wednesday's cheeks are tinted a light shade of pinkish-red, her breathing the slightest bit uneven as she looks down to Y/n with eyes blown wide.

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