Chpt. 5: "Il primo giorno"

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A/n: Hope you enjoyed last chapter. It gave you a bit of insight on how the smut related chapters will be done and how they'll sound.

Anyways, enjoy chapter five where a bit of drama comes into play.

Happy 2k reads!!!

Third Person P.O.V

It had been two days since the 'incident' in Y/n's room occurred. Enid hasn't seen or talked to Y/n since and Wednesday was colder than usual, almost as if she was set back to her first day at Nevermore.

Today was the start of the new year for new Nevermore enrollments, that mostly meant Y/n and a few other students that joined the year a bit late.

It is Y/n's official first day of classes that didn't evolve touring. Y/n had been trying her very best to avoid Enid and Wednesday since for one, she simply didn't want to see Wednesday after their conversation and Wednesday hadn't gone out of her way to seek the shifter out; not like Y/n expected Wednesday to anyways.

Wednesday was never the type to chase after another one, no matter the reason. If you had something she wanted then she would get it out of you somehow and it didn't matter the method she used, as long as she got what she wanted.

Wednesday had never wanted anything from Y/n besides for the girl to leave her alone, but now that Wednesday had gotten that is it truly what she always wanted from the older girl?

Third Person P.O.V (Following Enid)

Enid layed sprawled across her bed, eyes closed as images from two nights ago appear in her mind.

Y/n had practically gone invisible after their interaction and Enid was beginning to think she did something wrong.

Had she made the animal shifter uncomfortable? Were her pheromones too overbearing and made the taller girl feel inferior because coming from a werewolf anytime a sexual partner had stronger pheromones it was obvious who the higher in authority was.

Although thinking back on that moment, Y/n's pheromones were the strongest Enid had ever smelled and not in a 'wearing too much perfume or cologne' kind of way. It felt like the girl had been wrapped in a blanket of warmth and protection. She felt safe in the amber eyed girls embrace.

Plus her pheromones also smelled really nice. Most outcasts had a smell unique to that person or species. Most shifter species like werewolves or sirens have a smell that is unique to either their pack/school or to that person if they are a rogue/lone wolf.

A pack/school will always smell like that pack/school as long as they are not outcastes and are often with their group. A pack usually smells of natural, a deep earthy smell of a storm just before it hits or the musk of a dense forest with hints of a separate aroma often pleasant to only the person life partner and only able to be smelled by their life partner.

As for a school of sirens, although they do have a smell it is very faint and can't be smelled by a human nose. It is a faint scent of sea water, deep and briny. Most people find the smell tolerable in small wiffs but too much of it can caused dizziness and fainting spells which is why their scent is so faint and they often wear special perfumes to cover said smell.

But Y/n did not have a pack to call family or home which gave the girl her very own smell. Unique to her and only her. It was a combination of smells Enid didn't think she would enjoy blending with each other.

There was a slight citrus smell, not overbearing and loud but very soft with a mix of vanilla or maybe it was hazelnut. Then there were the smells beyond fruit. The smell of a newly opened book when first cracked open. A new car just bought and never once used. The ink of an old style feather pen. A freshly baked cinnamon roll waiting for icing.

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