Chpt.9: "Elemosinare per me"

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A/n: Slightly spicy content ahead, also Wednesday is a power bottom for Y/n.

WE ALSO HIT 20K READS BABY!!!! I love you guys honestly 🩷(we have normal pink hearts now btw)

Third Person P.O.V

Once again we the spectators can see Wednesday marching down the halls of the Ophelia dorm rooms, a clear look of frustrated anger on her face. The clearest expression Wednesday has been seen having since coming to Nevermore.

The reason for her anger you ask? Well Wednesday has just learned the little 'secret' between Y/n and Enid, obviously the goth is not happy. For what reason is very much unknown but to the person that her wrath falls upon we send our condolences.

You poor, poor soul, may your death be memorable.

Third Person P.O.V (Following Wednesday)

Learning the truth about a matter usually gives the learning party some form of relief or closer.

For Wednesday it fueled nothing but an incinerator of rage deep within her dark void of a soul.

The truth behind Y/n's little secret and Enid's continuous rambles of her 'potential mate' have driven Wednesday to her final mark of patience.

With a firm and loud three knocks to Y/n's door Wednesday stood with a stone cold expression, quite anger seething in her tightly clench fists.

The door opens to revil Y/n, hair slightly disheveled and clothes a wrinkly mess. Wednesday scans the girl with a judging eyed before barging into the room. Y/n tries to stop the girl by grabbing her sleeve but it is too late when Wednesday comes to a harsh stop in her steps.

She can see Enid sitting under Y/n's covers, hair just as disheveled with marks of various color littering the werewolf's bare neck and shoulders.

Enid looks between Y/n and Wednesday, claws drawn and digging into the dark grey comforter that blocks Wednesday's harsh line of sight from her bare chest.

"W-wednesday..." Came the quiet stamper from Enid's mouth as she looked at the girl like a kicked puppy left out on the cold, wet streets.

Wednesday's gaze softens the smallest bit before hardening again as she turns to look at Y/n.

"Explain." Wednesday says in her usual monotone voice, the cold draft comes from the door only adding to the chill Y/n gets up her spine from Wednesday.

"Why should I? What I do with Enid is my business, I don't need to tell you everythi–"

"You belong to me Russo."

Wednesday cuts off Y/n's sentence while taking a step closer to her, a dark look of possession in her eyes.

"I own you. I've owned you from the moment we were both born and might I remind you that we are destined to be together and yet here you are with another woman in your bed."

The blank and blur statements from Wednesday cause Y/n a slight bit of confusion. Was Wednesday jealous?

"Are you upset it isn't you I am serving? Angry that I'm not touching you or speaking to you the way I do Enid? If this were truly a simple case of you being possessive then both Enid and I would be dead by now but we aren't. So are you jealous that Enid isn't you or that you are not me in this situation?"

The shock hits Wednesday like a bullet from an antitank rifle. Was she jealous? The thought of Y/n touching someone other than her, giving herself to someone other than her repulsed her. It gave her a sour and highly unpleasant taste in her mouth.

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