🔞Chpt. 4: "Coccole?"🔞

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A/n: Welcome to chapter four of Black Lipstick!! I'm going to be working on a set book cover for the book but I haven't come up with any ideas yet ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ

Also we've officially hit 1k reads!!! I didn't think this book would get attention so I'm happy, I'll keep improving and the chapters will be getting longer after this one so I hope you enjoy.

Anyways, today Y/n and Enid are going to be having a sleepover, curdisy of Enid of course!! No angst for this chapter... Maybe. But there is some spice (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)

Third Person P.O.V

It had been a few minutes over an hour since Wednesday had come back and although it wouldn't seem like it, it was very obvit to Enid that her conversation with Y/n had not gone the way she thought it would.

During the whole hour Wednesday had done nothing but type on her typewriter. What she was typing? Enid tried to check but Wednesday threw her one of the deadliest flares since they had become roommates and she took that as a sign to leave.

And so here we are with Enid now sitting in Y/n's room sitting in her window seat with a pillow on her lap looking out on the view Y/n had.

The previously mentioned girl was sitting at her desk typing something on her computer and when Enid tried to see what it was she couldn't understand any of it seeing as it was all in italian so now she's sulking in the window seat with no one to give her attention.

"Enid? You alright?" It had already been a few hours since Enid had joined Y/n in her room and while Enid much preferred the comfort of Y/n's room compared to her own at the moment she still felt lonely for not getting any attention but she would also feel bad for bothering the girl while she was busy.

"I'm fine, you can keep working on your stuff I can wait" Enid give the girl a wry smile and turns back to the window, watching the leaves of trees rustle.

Y/n's brows furrow slightly at the undertone of sadness laid in the werewolfs words and the flash of an idea appears in her head.

"Hey Enid, what kind of movies do you like?" Y/n turns around in her seat, sitting on it the opposite way and folding her arms on top of the headrest, laying her head in her arms with a lazy smile on her lips.

Enid looks over her shoulder and rakes her eyes over Y/n's position, a light blush flushing her cheeks. "Movies? O-oh umm, I really like romcoms but Wednesday always says they're stupid..." Y/n releases a sigh and slides her chair across the room towards Enid.

Said girl gets startled by how close the two of them get and with no escape Enid backs herself as close to the corner of the window as possible which Y/n finds incredibly amusing and pushes herself closer.

Enid now trapped and gay panicking is a blushing mess, everywhere from the tips of her ears down to her neck is flushed a pretty shade of pinkish-red.

"I didn't ask about Wednesday, I asked what you liked to watch cucciolo" Enid shrinks further away from Y/n causing the girl to give her a sweet smile and stand from her chair. She pushes it back to her desk and approaches Enid with a playful smile on her face.

"I'll let you watch whatever movies or shows that you want, just help distract me a little?" Enid takes on a look of confusion but ultimately agrees with a hesitant nod of her head. Y/n flashes a bright smile and grabs her laptop, placing it on the floor in front of her window seat and sitting down, leaning against the wall. She crosses her legs and looks up at Enid with a gentle look, "Come sit, pick a movie"

Enid is quick to jump down and sit in front of the laptop, browsing through movies before picking one. A romantic tragedy with themes of mystery and thriller, not a bad choice.

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