Chpt.12: ''Solo il tuo amore''

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A/n: The next few chapters will be a bit hard for all the people rooting for Enid and Y/n to get together, since the chapters will be more Wednesday focused because of the curse.

Third Person P.O.V

Y/n looks at Wednesday with a sense of longing, she sits impatiently waiting for Wednesday to come back to her, so they can continue what they had started.

"Amour?" Y/n calls out cautiously and looks at Wednesday with puppy eyes, hoping they tempt her into coming back to bed. Wednesday simply rolls her eyes in annoyance and glances towards Enid. 

"Enid." The mentioned girl nearly jumps out of her seat at hearing her name and looks up to address Wednesday, "You are more than likely very confused on the situation and want some answers as to why you are here. I am going to give you that relief and give you the answers you seek."

Enid looks between Y/n and Wednesday is obvious confusion. "Y/n has a generational curse that causes her to fall in love with only one person, the curse worsens as the years go on, and it seems that Y/n's curse has evolved in a way that is not normally seen in the Russo family." Wednesday says bluntly, looking directly at Enid.

Enid looks at Wednesday with a blank stare, as if the information went in one ear and out the other. "So you're telling me, Y/n is in love with someone against her will and the curse is doing something it shouldn't be?" Enid asks in confusion, looking at Wednesday with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms. 

Wednesday takes a seat on Y/n's bed, crossing her legs and folding her hands over her lap. Y/n gazes at her longingly as Wednesday continues to talk to Enid. 

"She is not in love against her will, it is very voluntary, actually. She has been in love with me since we were children, it is why she will belong to me eternally, the curse makes it possible that even in death she will love me. It's quite sadistic, isn't it?" Wednesday asks Enid with a smug smirk on her face. Enid looks at the goth with a face of mortification, "That sounds like hell, especially with the way you treat her Wednesday!" Enid exclaims.

The two girls stare at each other for a moment, complete silence in the room, before the sound of a pained grunt comes from the other end of the bed. Both girls look over to Y/n in concern. The animal shifter can be seen hunched over in obvious pain, clutching her stomach with her arms.

"Y/n?!" Enid rushes to the girl in obvious concern, she crouches, so she can see Y/n's face and immedetly flinches back in surprise when she sees her face. "Y/n?" she asks in question, as if asking if it is truly her. 

Y/n lets out a grunt and lifts her head to look at Enid. Enid lets out a surprised gasp and covers her mouth in shock when she sees Y/n's whole face. 

One side of Y/n face was covered in patches of scales, and the other looked like it had small blotches of fur growing. Y/n's eyes were also two different colors, one a bright green color and the other a muted red.

Enid reaches up a hesitant hand to cup Y/n's cheek and looks at her with saddened eyes. "Oh baby..." She mutters softly, fully taking Y/n's face into her hands. Y/n does not respond verbally and simply closes her eyes, leaning into Enid's hands for comfort.

Wednesday stands awkwardly in the background, shuffling on her feet anxiously. It seems as though she also rushed up to help Y/n, but Enid got to her first. Wednesday's nails dig into her arms as she looks at Enid and Y/n, not knowing what she could do to help the situation. She watches the two with an envious gaze, not sure if she's jealous of either girl or mad at herself for being unable to help. For the first time in her life, Wednesday felt...


Wednesday lets out a soft scoff and turns her head away from the scene, scoffing at her thoughts more than the actions in front of her. She feels... satisfied... knowing Y/n has someone that is capable of supporting her through the pain, Wednesday would not be much of a help with her naturally sadistic personality.

Enid glances at Wednesday for a second, her brows furrowed in thought, before she turns her attention back to Y/n. The named girl cracks her eyes open and frowns when she sees Enid, recoiling from her hand as if she had just been burned. She frantically looks around the room before catching Wednesday's eyes, letting out a pained groan as she looks at her.

Enid looks at Y/n with a different kind of pain in her eyes. She looks back towards Wednesday as if asking for an answer as to why Y/n reacted the way she did. "The curse. She doesn't remember you." Wednesday says in a soft voice, almost as if trying to make it sound less harsh than it really is. 

Enid looks at Wednesday as if she had just told her strawberry icing can't be put on everything, the look of a hurt puppy. 

Wednesday clears her throat awkwardly and looks away from Enid, looking around the room. "To be exact, she doesn't know who you are, somewhere deep down she knows it's you but anyone that is not me will give a negative effect even if that is not your intention."

Wednesday says softly into the chilled air of the door. Enid had gone completely quiet, the quietest she had ever been in front of Wednesday since the Hyde attacks. Enid sits on the floor in front of Y/n in a daze, "She doesn't remember me...? At all...?" She asks sadly into the quiet room, asking no one in particular, which Wednesday catches onto quickly. She lets the she-wolf have a moment of silence.

After a few minutes, Wednesday takes a seat on the bed, far from Y/n, as she gazes down at Enid. "Enid..." She calls softly, looking at the girl with soft eyes, Enid looks up from her position on the floor with watery eyes. Wednesday internally softens, her harsh stare becoming more mellow as she looks at her cotton candy colored roommate. 

Wednesday pats the stop on the bed next to her, giving Enid the option to have a seat next to her. The wolf looks at the spot and shakes her head slowly, looking down at her lap in deep thought as more tears fill her eyes.

Wednesday's hands grip Y/n's comforter in uncomfortability as she watches Enid's tears hit the fabric of her skirt. She awkwardly shuffles forward and hesitates before placing a cold hand to the top of Enid's head, not looking at her and deciding that the dark night outside was worth her time more than the reaction from her roommate. 

Enid looks up with tears on her cheeks, said tears falling harder as she pushes her head up into Wednesday's hand, happily accepting the small comfort from her anti-social roommate.

A few moments of silence pass over and Y/n watches the two quietly, her senses having come back a bit as she watches their interaction. With a small grunt of pain, Y/n leans her head to lay on Wednesday's shoulder. The goth tenses and glances at Y/n who just looks down at Enid with saddened eyes, letting her fingers play with the flyaways of Enid's hair.

Y/n lets out a soft groan before speaking, " sorry...". Enid looks up at her and gives her a sad smile, Y/n had just apologized and doesn't even know why she did, but she could tell that Enid's sadness was caused by her.

The three sat in silence for what felt like forever, they all knew how serious the situation was and felt that this moment of quiet would be one of their lasts.

A/n: Me after writing this chapter: T-T

This was honestly really sad to write knowing what's coming next for those three, welp good luck dealing with the sadness everyone :)

Ps. I was listening to Worthy(bmblb part.2) on loop the whole time I wrote this chapter so the feels are deep.

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