Chpt. 11 :"Le conseguenze"

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A/n: What's up guys, sorry for the inconsistent uploads. I've been trying to figure my life out, getting a new job, and going through a breakup with my girlfriend of three years was hard for me the past few months but I found someone that treats me way better and we're going steady thank goodness. But just know that my goal is to finish this book and do it properly because you all deserve it.

Ps. I love that everyone was GAGGED over the cotton and pink line in chapter 4, y'all are hilarious 😭

Third Person P.O.V

Wednesday shoots up from her spot on the bed, pushing her body against the headboard and using the plush, silk comforter to cover her bare body. "Amour?" Y/n's puzzled and hurt puppy expression causes a pang of guilt in Wednesday before she remembers why she moved from her position. 

"What about Enid, Y/n?" Y/n tilts her head in confusion at Wednesday before rubbing the back of her neck. "What about her? Why are you talking about other people while we're in bed together? Am I not satisfying you enough?" Y/n glances around the room dejectedly and then looks down to the bed with a frown, beginning to pick at her nails. 

"What? What does you satisfying my sexual urges have anything to do with what I just asked you? What about Enid Y/n, have you thought of her feelings about this situation, have you spoken to her about any of this?" Y/n raises a brow in confusion.

"Amour, I am going to need you to be more obvious with me, you know I'm not the brightest when it comes to your little attitudes" Wednesday furrows her brows at the amber-eyed girl. "Enid, the girl that you were in this room with fifty minutes before I came here." 

"Amour, what are you talking about? I've been here with you this entire time" The two sit in silence for a few seconds before Wednesday's eyes widen in realization. "Y/n what is your last name?" Y/n flashes the goth another look of confusion, "It's Russo of course, although it'll Russo-Addams soon when we finally plan our wedding which we should do soon since you know how our parents can be".

Wednesday covers her face with her hands in frustration. The fucking curse. The Russo curse was officially taking effect, and it probably happened in the middle of whatever the two had going on. 

"Y/n I need you to call your mother for me." Y/n looks at Wednesday with a flash of hurt. "Right now? Did I do something you didn't like, are you calling off the wedding?! Please don't, I'll change I promise, whatever you want amour I'll do it! Do you need someone dead?! O-or maybe a blood sacrifice?! What ever it is I'll get it for you, just don't leave me please!" 

The very obvious fear in y/n's voice and actions surprised Wednesday. The older girl now sat on her knees besides the bed, hands gripping the sheets close to Wednesday's legs. Tears brimming her eyes at the thought of Wednesday being mad at her again. Y/n truly looked like a puppy at that moment, fluffy ears had sprouted on the girl's head as well as a tail on her lower back. The ears lay flat against her hair and tail tightly wrapped around her waist, trying to make herself seem smaller.

"Just call your mother for me Y/n, I need to discuss something with her" 

Just as Y/n was standing to grab her phone, three soft knocks are heard from the door.

"Come back in an hour"

Wednesday facepalms as she remembers Y/n's words, why the girl had told Enid to come back in an hour she wasn't sure, but it definitely wasn't the right time if Y/n didn't remember who Enid was.

Wednesday quickly puts her clothes back on and stands to her feet, opening the door for Enid to come in.

Enid examines Wednesday, a pale pink tent to her cheeks from Wednesday's very out of character appearance.

"C-can I come in?" Enid stampers out the question, obviously flustered. Wednesday raises a brow, "I opened the door for a reason, Enid."

The werewolf nods jerkily and steps into the room, taking a big gasp of are and turning around to face the door immediately.

Y/n sat on the bed in a man spread while typing away on her phone, an obvious look of frustration on her face from whatever she was seeing on her screen. 

Enid stood awkwardly in the middle of the room with her hands locked behind her back, staring at the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the room. Her eyes would occasionally dart to Y/n's partially exposed figure before quickly darting back to the floor with a bright flush to her cheeks. 

"Enid, sit." Wednesday directs after a while of the flustered werewolf rocking on her feet. At the sound of her name being called, her head shoots up to look at the shorter girl before immediately shooting back down as the girl shuffles to Y/n's desk chair off to the side of the room.

She shuffles on the chair for a bit before finally finding a comfortable sitting position and sitting still beside the bouncing of her leg. 

"Sit still." The command from Wednesday causes a ruffle of butterflies to fill Enid's stomach, and the girl quickly stops bouncing her leg, placing her hands over her stomach and looking down at the floor with a bright blush.

Y/n walks up to Wednesday holding her phone out to her with a small pout. Wednesday takes the phone without a word and walks away, getting as far from the two girls as possible.

"Hello Mrs. Russo."

"Oh, Wednesday! What a pleasant surprise, how is Nevermore treating you, dear?"

"Terribly. What does your family book say about the Russo curse?"

"Has the curse finally taken affect over Y/n? We've been trying to find out why it's attached to her in the first place, but the Russo curse is as deadly as any poison. The first signs of the curse are the head over heels actions, trying to woo their partner by any means necessary, even if it means hurting themselves in the process."

"How does one know the progression of the curse or how far along it is?"

"You'll be able to tell by how the person acts. I'm pretty sure Y/n's curse hasn't gotten that far, so you shou—"

"The curse has developed quite quickly with Y/n, parts of her memory have been altered and a lot of it is missing all together."

"Altered? Missing?! No, that's not right. The curse can't alter or rid anyone of any memory, sure the curse is powerful, but that is a whole other level of witchcraft that the Russo family does not possess".

Y/n's mother, Gabriella, let's out a hum while thinking.

"Wednesday, dear, I am going to have to ask you a big favor and watch over her. The rest of the family will get to the school as soon as we possibly can, I'll also inform your family of the situation and see if they can help somehow. Please bear with me, dear, we'll figure out what's happening."

Gabriella hangs up the phone right after, and Wednesday is left to look down at the device in frustration. She looks over her shoulder and sees Y/n sitting patiently on the bed while staring at her, not even acknowledging Enid's presence.

With a sigh, Wednesday shakes her head.

It's always a curse.

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