S Chpt. 1: The Pugsley Affect

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↑what he wore to the party (besides the belt)

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↑what he wore to the party (besides the belt)

A/n: The aesthetic I'm giving to Pugsley may not be what you want from him and I can completely understand but this is the way I feel he would be when at this age.

Fyi: The chapters marked "S Chpt" are about Pugsley and his journey, these chapters will include bxb writing as well as smut. I've never written bxb before so bare with me please I'm still learning

Fyi pt.2: All characters are 16+, Pugsley as well as his love interest are 17(Pugsley) and 18(Gabriel).

Third Person P.O.V

It had been a year since Wednesday left for Nevermore Academy. At first there was peace for Pugsley and Pubert but then the two began to miss their sadistic older sister.

The Addams Manor didn't have the same air about it with Wednesday gone, it was too quiet as the screams of her victims and the chaotic music of a cello no longer wafted through the house.

Instead the distant sounds of ballroom music could be heard playing from the dinning room of the manor. At the centre of the music are the matriarchs of the Adams family, calmly dancing with one another while looking deeply into each other's eyes.

Knowing the two Adams they might have been dancing for hours on end, too entranced with the other to care for the time.

Pugsley trudges down the stairs of the Adams family manner and into the dinning room with a roll of his eyes. The boy had grown a lot over the year that Wednesday was gone.

He'd gotten much taller than his father, almost reaching his mother in height and while he did slim down a bit he still kept some of his weight that gave him a soft look for such a tall person. His once round and soft face had a bit more of a chiseled look to it without being overbearing.

"Father, mother." Pugsley then trys to walk away from the two only to be stopped by his father.

"Not so fast young man, where are you off to dressed in such attire?" Gomez looks his son up and down with a wide smile, obviously proud of his fashion choices.

"I've decided it's time for a change, without Wednesday here I have way more free time to do what I want" Gomez hums in understanding with a firm nod of his head.

"That doesn't answer my question son, where are you off to? You know we don't keep secrets in this family" Pugsley rolls his eyes in annoyance, although Pugsley loves his family very much he does want his privacy.

"It's nothing important father, just getting things for school; it does start tomorrow" Morticia hums in agreement while placing a hand on her husband's shoulder.

"Let the boy be tesoro, we were once secretive teenagers don't you remember" Gomez looks up at his wife in adoration, the memories of their many ventures together flashing through his mind as he gives a playful smirk to his wife.

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