S Chpt.3 : Possessive

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A/n: We haven't seen Pugsley in a while, wonder how he's doing...

Third Person P.O.V(Following Pugsley)

The first week back at school has been going surprisingly well for Pugsley, he had become close friends with the swim team and every other person feared him the same way they feared his sister.

The power trip felt amazing, but the only problem is Gabriel. The named male has been avoiding Pugsley, ignoring him in group conversations and turning the other way when they see each other. It was causing Pugsley to grow annoyed, he did not like to be so obviously ignored and so he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the swim team would practice, fortunately for Pugsley today was a Friday.

The school day had finally ended and Pugsley was currently walking to Dalton's locker; the older boy had his arm swung over Pugsley's shoulder, practically dragging him along.

"I mean yeah I get it, our grades are ass, but that's no reason for the teachers to try and flunk us without telling us you know? Like that's just bullshit, you can't flunk the captain of the swim team dude, that's just not cool, honestly".

Dalton rambles on, and Pugsley simply stands there with his arms crossed, looking unamused at Dalton's complaining. That is, until Pugsley sees Gabriel walk past.

The gothic boy's attention immediately snaps to Gabriel, staring him down as he walks down the hall. Pugsley lets his eyes trail up and down Gabriel's body.

"Gabriel~" Pugsley calls out in a teasing tone, smirking when the called boy goes rigged and glances back over his shoulder at Pugsley. The Addams boys gives Gabriel a pointed look, one that said, 'Come here. Now.'

With a bit of hesitation, Gabriel begins walking towards Pugsley and Dalton, glancing at his swim team captain for a moment before looking at Pugsley. At this point, Dalton had stopped talking, nosily watching the interaction as if it were a movie.

"Would you be so kind as to give us some privacy, Dalton?" Pugsley asks, still staring Gabriel down while asking the question. Dalton looks from Pugsley to Gabriel, as if asking him silently if he really wanted him to leave. Gabriel gives a nervous nod in response. "Yeah sure Pigsley, the guys and I will be at the table when you're done with whatever this is" Dalton says with a grunt as he quickly turns and leaves.

Pugsley continues to stare Gabriel down, his eyes unreadable, which made Gabriel all the more nervous.

"You know why I called you over here, don't you?" Pugsley asks rhetorically, not giving Gabriel the chance to answer. "You've been avoiding me, Gabriel." He says bluntly, Pugsley's once playfully lit eyes darkening into something Gabriel couldn't quite read.

The nervous boy takes a small step back from Pugsley, "N-not purposely..." Gabriel mutters, looking to Pugsley for his reaction.

The goth boy raises a brow in question, not responding verbally, but obviously giving Gabriel a chance to explain himself before Pugsley snaps.

"I've just been busy with classes and work and the swim team and stuff..." Gabriel rambles, looking anywhere but at Pugsley.

Pugsley continues to stare at Gabriel with a blank expression, before he breaks out into a small dark chuckle. "You poor thing..." He mutters lowly to himself. In a flash, Gabriel is cornered against the wall behind the rows of lockers, blocking the view of them for curious eyes.

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